满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Today is the fifth day of August. It is ...

Today is the fifth day of August. It is Judy’s birthday. When she comes back from school, she sees a card on the table. It says, “There’s a gift(礼物) for you, Judy. Look for it in your bedroom.” Judy runs into her bedroom. Her parents are looking at her and smiling. On the chair she sees a red box. She thinks her gift must be in it. She opens it, and there is a piece of paper(纸) in it. She reads it, “Dear Judy, I’m your gift. My first letter(字母)is in the word ‘bag’, but not in ‘age’. My second letter is in ‘like’, but not in ‘lake’. My third letter is in ‘know’, but not in ‘now’. And you can find my last letter in both ‘desk’ and ‘get’. What am I?” Judy thinks for a while and says, “Aha, I know. But where is it?” Her father tells(告诉) her it is in her study.

What is it? Do you know?


1.When is Judy’s birthday?

A. August 5th. B. August 6th. C. July 5th. D. June 6th.

2.What does the piece of paper in the box tell Judy?

A. The color of her gift.

B. The shape(形状) of her gift.

C. The place(地点) of her gift.

D. The name of her gift.

3.Where can Judy find her gift?

A. On the chair. B. In her study.

C. In the box. D. In the living room.

4.What is Judy’s gift?

A. A book. B. A bag. C. A bike. D. A desk.

5.What does the underlined word “open” mean?

A. 打开 B. 关闭 C. 看见 D. 阅读


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了Judy通过猜字谜知道父母送给她的礼物是什么。Judy的生日是在8月5日,这天放学回家看到桌子上有张卡片,说有礼物给她,她在卧室里找到一个红盒子,里面有一个字谜,写着礼物的名字。Judy猜出来了。她爸爸告诉她礼物在书房里。 1.A细节理解题。根据Today is the fifth day of August. It is Judy’s birthday.可知Judy的生日是在8月5日,故选A。 2.D推理判断题。根据What am I?可知这张纸上写着一个猜字谜的游戏,通过找字母,猜出礼物的名字,故选D。 3.B细节理解题。根据Her father tells(告诉) her it is in her study.可知她的礼物在书房里,故选B。 4.C推理判断题。根据My first letter(字母)is in the word ‘bag’, but not in ‘age’. 可知第一个字母是b, 根据My second letter is in ‘like’, but not in ‘lake’.可知第二个字母是i,根据 My third letter is in ‘know’, but not in ‘now’. 可知第三个字母是k,根据And you can find my last letter in both ‘desk’ and ‘get’. 可知最后一个字母是e,故这个礼物的名字是bike,故选C。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Peter: Let’s play computer games!

Barry: Sorry, I don’t like computer games, and I don’t have a computer.

Peter: Well, do you have a volleyball?

Barry: Yes.

Peter: Then let’s play volleyball.

Barry: Oh, volleyball is difficult.

Peter: OK, let’s watch TV.

Barry: That sounds boring. Hmm, let’s play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?

Peter: No, I don’t.

Barry: Oh, well, do you have a basketball?

Peter: Yes, I do. Let’s play basketball!

Barry: That sounds fun! But where can we play basketball?

Peter: In the school.

Barry: OK, let’s go.


1.Who wants to play computer games?

A. Peter. B. Barry C. Peter and Barry. D. We don’t know.

2.Does Barry have a computer?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isn’t.

3. Why don’t they watch TV?

A. Because it’s fun. B. Because it’s difficult.

C. Because it’s interesting. D. Because it’s boring.

4.Where will(将要) they play basketball?

A. In the shop. B. In the school. C. At home. D. In the park.

5.Which sentence is right? (哪句是正确的?)

A. Barry likes to watch TV.

B. They will play basketball.

C. Peter has a soccer ball.

D. Barry doesn’t have a volleyball.



Let’s go to Dongfeng Clothing Store. It’s that time of the year again! There are lots of things at a very good price in the store. Clothes are so cheap there. They have T-shirts in all colors for 30 yuan each. They have bags for both sports and school. They sell them for 15 yuan. They have black sweaters for only 20 yuan. They have long white socks for only 5 yuan. And that’s not all. You can go to the store and see for yourself.


1.At that time of the year, the clothes are very cheap in Dongfeng Clothing Store.

2.There are only sweaters, socks and hats in the store.

3.You can buy food and vegetables here, too.

4.They have sweaters in all colors in the store.

5.They have long white socks for only 5 yuan.



It’s Thursday, October 12th. I’m     busy today because I have classes all day. At 8:00 I have English. I think English is     and I like it very much. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s         but interesting. Next at 10:00 I have biology, it’s boring. But at 11:00 I have music. That’s     favorite subject! I eat     at 12:00 and after that I have a rest.    begin (开始) at 2:00 in the afternoon. I have Chinese, and my Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, is really fun. We all like    . All my classes     at 3:00. After class, my friends and I practice English at our school English club(俱乐部)    one hour. You know, now I am in the music club,     . Then I practice my guitar at 4:00 there. That’s my all day at school. What a busy but interesting day!

1.A. real B. really C. much D. right

2.A. tiring B. bored C. interesting D. relaxed

3.A. different B. fun C. difficult D. relaxing

4.A. I  B. my C. mine D. me

5.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner

6.A. School B. schools C. class D. Classes

7.A. him B. he C. her D. she

8.A. begin B. begins C. finish D. finishes

9.A. for B. in C. with D. on

10.A. also B. either C. to D. too



My friend’s birthday party is ____ the afternoon of January 12th.

A. in B. at C. to D. on



_________he’s busy, _______ he can’t come to the party.

A. Because ; so B. Because ; /

C. / ; so D. So ; because



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