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短文写作:(12分 ) 母爱情深,母爱无价;学会感恩,学会回报。某英语网站举办以...


母爱情深,母爱无价;学会感恩,学会回报。某英语网站举办以“My mother”为题的英语征文活动。请你根据下列思维导图提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍自己的母亲和你们的真情故事。




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My mother

We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. ______________________________________________________________________________







My mother We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is 41 years old. She is of medium build with long black hair. Shi is quiet. She is a history teacher in a middle school. She likes dancing. She can cook delicious food. She did a lot for me when I was a child. She bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didn’t have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend. She cooked delicious and healthy food for me. When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I’ll save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young. I’ll take her to wonderful sights around China. Most importantly, I will stay with her when I have free time. That’s what she wants most, I think. 【解析】 试题分析 :这是一篇给材料作文,短文的开头已经给出.本作文中给出的要点比较简略,动笔前先要围绕这些要点阻止材料,确定写作内容,注意将这些要点全部表达出来,不要偏离文章中心.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合文章要表达的主题,不能出现文章脱节问题.尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。 写作亮点:这篇作文结构清晰完整,表达准确流利,要点齐全。文中有一些好的表达方式如When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I’ll save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young.等等。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  


take   tree    island  but   leave    exciting   enjoy   outside   as  something


My favorite TV program is a reality show called Survivor (幸存者). It isn’t on TV at the moment 1.        it was on last year.

In the show, two teams of people are taken to a (an) 2.        . All of them have to sleep 3.           because there aren’t any houses or hotels. They usually choose 4.        really useful like a toothbrush since they can only 5.        one thing with them. The people also have to find food and they spend a lot of time fishing and collecting fruit from the 6.        . Every week one person has to  7.        . At the end, there are only two people on the island and one of them is chosen 8.        the winner.

I really like Survivor because it’s very 9.        and the people have to do things like hunting for food. I really 10.        myself when I watch it. I don’t want to be on the show, however, I like living in a house!




A : Hello, Jane. Nice to meet you on the Internet.

B: 1. ______________________.Linda. What are you going to do next Sunday?

A : We are going to have a stamp festival next Sunday.

B: Really! 2.________________________?

A :Because a girl in our school is badly ill, we want to raise money for her.

B: I’m very pleased that you’re trying to help others. Keep up the good work.

A :OK. 3._____________________?

B: I’d love to , but I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll go to see my grandparents next weekend.

A : 4.______________. I will send you some pictures about the stamp festival by e-mail.

B: Thank you

A : It’s a pleasure .Oh, it’s time for lunch. Bye.

B: Bye.





1.be weak in 

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2.tell, not

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3.fly, next month

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4.water, by

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1.Thank you very much for ________( 邀请 ) me to your party .

2.How many ________( 西红柿 )are there in the basket ?

3.In China ,winter ________( 持续 )from December to February .

4.It’s ________( 危险 )to cross the street when the traffic light is red .

5.________ ( 吸烟 ) is bad for your lungs .

6.Sorry , I can’t ________( 接受 )your present .

7.It is polite to help those who are in ________ ( 需要 ) .




Lisa’s hobby is collecting coins. She spends most of her spare time on it .She has collected more than three hundred coins from different countries . Her father often goes to other countries and brings back many coins for Lisa . His friends also help Lisa collect coins .

Last year Lisa traveled in some European countries with her parents . She got some very interesting coins of each country . They have different pictures: famous people and buildings , different flowers and different animals which are symbol of each country .

Lisa reads some books and searches information on the Internet to know more about them . She can tell you a lot about the country and people on the coins .

1.Lisa likes ________ coins and she has many coins from ________ countries .

2.Lisa’s ________ and his ________ help her collect coins .

3.Lisa went to Europe with her ________ and she found coins with different ________ .

4.We can see people , ________ ,flowers and ________ on the coins .

5.Lisa learns about the country and people on the coins from ________ and the ________ .



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