满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- The exam is coming! --- Yes, our tea...

--- The exam is coming!

--- Yes, our teacher often tells us we can’t be           careful while taking exams.

A. too                       B. very

C. quite                     D. so


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意---测试要来了! ---是,老师经常告诉我们考试时我们不能太关注。A. too太;B. very非常;C. quite相当;D. so那么。据语境和上下文故选A。 考点:考查副词辨析。  

--- Are you afraid of travelling by plane after hearing of so many aircraft accidents?

--- No, just a little           .

A. worried      B. calm         C. angry          D. lonely



--- Bob, where will the Olympic Games of 2016           ?

--- In Brazil.

A. take up        B. take  away

C. take action   D. take place



--- When will you come to visit our city, on Saturday or Sunday?

---            day is OK. I’m free at weekends.

A. Both     B. All        C. Either                D. None



--- How can I get to the Slender West Lake Park?

--- You can drive           the Da Hongqiao Bridge and it’s on your right .

A. past     B. over       C. through  D. beyond



--- It’s dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign.

--- Oh, I           notice it. Thanks for telling me.

A. haven’t  B. won’t

C. don’t    D. didn’t



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