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A crow (乌鸦) is sitting in a big tree. Sh...

A crow (乌鸦) is sitting in a big tree. She has a big piece of meat in her mouth, “My babies will have a nice breakfast,” she thinks. An old fox is looking for his breakfast. He sees the crow and the meat, “ How can I get that piece of meat? ” he thinks.

“Good morning, Mrs. Crow,” says the fox. How are you?

But the crow doesn’t say a word.

“You have very nice babies, Mrs. Crow,” says the fox. How are they? May I see them?

Still the crow doesn’t say a word.

“You are very beautiful, Mrs. Crow. And you have a beautiful voice, too,” says the fox. Would you like to sing a song for me?

Mrs. Crow thinks, “How nice Mr. Fox is! I must sing a song for him. ” So she opens her mouth, at that time, Mrs. Crow drops the meat into the fox’s mouth.

1.There’s        in the crow’s mouth.

A. a piece of bread

B. a cup of tea

C. a big piece of meat

D. a small piece of meat

2.The old fox        very much.

A. likes the crow and her babies

B. wants to eat the meat

C. wants the crow to sing for him

D. wants to eat the crow

3. The crow doesn’t say a word to the fox because        .

A. she doesn’t like the fox at all

B. her babies are not well

C. she has a beautiful voice

D. she has a big piece of meat in her mouth

4.When she opens her mouth, the fox        .

A. gets the meat

B. eats the baby crows

C. climbs the tree

D. catches a bird from the tree

5.Who has a nice breakfast?

A. The crow.          B. The fox and his friends.

C. The baby crows.    D. The old fox.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了狐狸和乌鸦的语言故事。最后乌鸦忍不住狐狸的甜言蜜语,开口唱歌,失去了自己口中的肉。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文She has a big piece of meat in her mouth,可知乌鸦嘴里有一大块肉,故选C。 2.B推理判断题。根据短文故事情节的发展可知狐狸是为了诱骗乌鸦张嘴,以吃到肉,故选B。 3.D推理判断题。根据短文故事发展,可知乌鸦不理睬狐狸是因为他的嘴里有肉,故选D。 4.A细节理解题。根据短文最后可知乌鸦一张口嘴,狐狸就接住了肉,故选A。 5. 考点:故事类短文阅读。



A: Jim, is that your best friend Eric?

B: 1._ It’s Jeff.

A: What does Eric look like?

B: 2. _ Jeff is shorter than him.

A: Do you think he is like you?

B: I don’t think so. 3. _

A: What are your differences?

B: He is4.   

B: Yes, I am. He talks more than me.

A: 5. _

B: Well, he is funny and friendly to others.

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Now more and more people get to know that exercise is important. We    need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes us      and healthier.      who often exercise are more alert (机灵的). This means they do       in exams and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.

There are many ways     . You can walk, run, swim, or play ball games. You have to like        you’re doing. Try all kinds of things       you find one, two, or even three sports that you feel right for you. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time        enough (足够的).

You can exercise at fitness centers (健身中心). They have a lot of equipment (器材). The equipment can       exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body      you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes, but it is very expensive.

1.A. both        B. all         C. every         D. some

2.A. happy      B. happier     C. happily        D. more happily

3.A. Parents      B. Teachers   C. Children         D. Friends

4.A. better       B. worse      C. well            D. badly

5.A. exercise     B. exercising   C. to exercise      D. for exercising

6.A. why        B. what       C. where          D. who

7.A. when       B. after        C. because        D. until

8.A. are         B. is          C. do             D. does

9.A. use        B. spend       C. bring         D. help

10.A. to make     B. made     C. makes         D. make



A rich man loved his little boy very much. He wanted      _him happy all the time. So he gave him everything that he could buy with          _  .But the little boy was still       .Where he went, he always wore a frown(皱眉).And he always wished for something he did not have. The rich man didn't know         _ to make his son happy.

One day, a magician came and said to him,” I can make your son happy and__      _ his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price          _ telling him the secret."

“All right," said the man, "No matter what you ask for, I         ___ you." The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There were some words on the paper, “Do one         thing for someone every day.” The boy followed the          _and became one of the happiest boys.

I think only those who are always thinking about        _ can be truly happy.

1.A. keep        B. get            C. to make      D. to do

2.A. money      B. food           C. time         D. toys.

3.A. relaxed      B. unhappy       C. angry        D. worried

4.A. why        B. how           C. what        D. who

5.A. turn        B. come          C. put          D. take

6.A. on         B. for             C. at          D. with

7.A. will give    B. give            C. gave        D. am giving

8.A. boring      B. bad            C. kind        D. hard

9.A. advice      B. medicine       C. book       D. umbrella

10.A. another     B. the other       C.other       D. others



–I’m planning       the weekend with my grandparents, Mom.

--Oh, don’t       to buy them some nice food.

A. to spend; forget                    B. to spend; remember

C. spending; forget                    D. spending; remember



–When did Sam arrive _____ Tongling?

--       the morning of November 16th .

A. at; In             B. to; On

C. in; At             D. in; On



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