满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

作文(6分) 根据提示,以“爱护动植物”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的短文。 注意...






1. 植物和动物对我们很重要。


2.  他们是自然界的重要组成部分。


1. 植物为我们提供新鲜空气。


2. 动物带给我们许多快乐。






Take Good Care of Animals and Plants! Plants and animals are very important to us. They are an important part of nature. Plants provide us with fresh air and different kinds of food and fruits. They can also make our environment more beautiful. Animals bring us a lot of pleasure. They can also give us meat. Without them, what will our life be like? We can’t imazine it. We should stop people from cutting down trees and hunting animals for money. We should try our best to protect them. 【解析】 试题分析:本次作文为话题类作文,要求以“爱护动植物”为题,写一篇短文。写作要点要求明确,故要完成写作任务,务必把各要点表达清楚。 写作亮点:本篇范文成功地完成了写作任务,要点全面,结构连贯。本文应用了很多短语使得文章很生动,例如:Plants provide us with fresh air and different kinds of food and fruits. They can also make our environment more beautiful. 问句的应用更增强了说服力,如Without them, what will our life be like?总之,该文表达准确且全面。 考点:话题类作文  


1.我不确信我叔叔是否帮我买了两本字典。(not sure whether)

2.当他醒来时,我正在学烹饪。(wake up)


4.众所周知,闽江是福州最长的河。(the longest)



Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1.  (十月) , 1955. At school, he was interested in science and math. He began to work on computers when he was 13. Now he was one of the w 2.  richest Americans.

He happened to get a very old computer one day. It worked so slowly 3.  he tried to invent it with his friends. At last, they set out a software program(软件程序) f 4. the old machine. Bill   5. (卖)it for $4200. He was a  6.  [səkˈsesfl]man. He was only 17 years old that year. Bill went to Harvard University(大学) the next year. But he only spent three years s  7.  in the Harvard University, and then   8. (离开) Harvard. In 1975, Bill built his company named Microsoft. He invented a kind of software to help people. People use computers to do many things easily. Soon later the computer came into most offices and homes. People will think of Bill Gates as soon 9. they talk about computers 10.   [ˈnauədeiz].




A:What were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon?

B:We were   1.  kites.

A:Where did you fly the kites?

B:By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there.

A:Was it   2.  yesterday?

B:Yes, but the wind wasn’t strong. The weather was good for flying a kite.

A:Who did you fly kites   3.  ?

B:Li Lei and Chen Yang. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.

A:Did you enjoy  4.  ?

B:Yes, we played there 5.  three hours.




A:Hi, Li Lei, where are you going to spend your winter holiday this year?

B:  1.

A:How are you going to get there?

B:We are going there by plane.

A: 2.

B:Next Monday.

A:  3.

B:Thanks. What about you?

A: 4.  I’d like to go back to see those villagers. I miss them very much.

B:  5.  I think you must have a good time in your hometown.

A. That’s wonderful.

B. Have you decided to go home for the holiday?

C. You know I’m from the countryside.

D. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves in Lhasa.

E. I’m going to travel in Lhasa with my family.

F. When are you going to start?

G. Please call me if you need some help.






I will be able to ________ myself from the ___________.


Wang Fei is ______  __________ of the three.


We were ________ _________ the violin at this time yesterday.


They ___________ us __________ some useful information.

5. 刚才我发现我新自行车丢了。

I ________ my new watch__________ just now.

6.The kids spoke _________ a _______(低声的)voice .So I couldn’t hear what they said.

7.They are _________ ______________(考虑) going to New York to spend holidays.

8.Let me help him __________ _____________(查明)Green’s telephone number.

9.I think _________  ___________is the most important thing now.(保持冷静)

10._________ _____________food it is!(味道多么鲜美)



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