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任务型阅读(本题共有5小题, 每小题1分, 共计5分) 请仔细阅读第1-5题中的...

任务型阅读(本题共有5小题, 每小题1分, 共计5分)

请仔细阅读第1-5题中的情境要求, 从六首歌曲(节选)中为各情境选出符合要求的最佳选项, 其中一项为多余选项。

1.It’s December 29th, Emily plans to have a New Year’s party at home . She wants to invite all her friends to the joyous party .

2.January 30th is a special day for Paul and Jenny because three years ago they met each other and fell in love with each other on that day .

3.Max’s father is going to have his 40th birthday. Max wants to hold a small family party for him to show his love to his father .

4.Ferro is one-year-old baby . Every night when he is going to sleep, his mother will sing a gentle song to him .

5.Alice cares about the environment we live in. She wants to hold a school meeting to ask her classmates to take part in saving the earth .



Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance , another walk , another dance with him I’d play a song that would never, never end

How I’d love , love ,love to dance with

my father again.


I think I’ve found my best friend

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy

But I believe I knew I loved you before I met you

I think I dreamed you into life


And the children to think of

Baby’s asleep in the backseat

Wonder how they’ll ever make it through this living nightmare

But the mind is an amazing thing

Full of candy dreams and new toys

and another cheap hotel .


That even though it’s far

He’ll find me at Christmas Eve

I guess Santa is busy

Cause he never comes around I think of Aim

when Christmas comes to down


What about nature’s worth

It’s our planet’s womb (what about us)

What about animals (What about it )

We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (What about us)

What about elephants (What about us )


What we’ll find

What lies waiting down the line

In the end of Ninety-nine

Happy new year


1.F 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:这道题主要是提供了5个情景:新年晚会、爱情、对父亲的爱、催眠曲、环保。让学生根据情景选择合适的歌曲。 1.推理判断题。题意:12月29日,Emily计划在家里举行新年晚会。她想邀请她所有的朋友来参加这个快乐的晚会。而F这首歌中有happy new year这句歌词。和新年晚会主题相吻和。故选F。 2.推理判断题。题意:1月30日对Paul和Jenny来说是一个特殊的日子,因为三年前他们遇到了彼此,并且相爱。D歌词中有一句I knew I loved you before I met youI think I dreamed you into life意思是我知道在我没有遇见你之前就已经爱上了你。我想我在梦里就遇见了你。与一见钟情相符。故选B。 3.推理判断题。题意:Max的爸爸要40岁了。Max想为他举行一个小型的家庭晚会,表示他对爸爸的爱。C中有一句How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again意为:我是多么想和爸爸再跳一支舞。与情境相符。故选A。 4.推理判断题。题意要求是一首温柔的催眠曲。B中有一句歌词And there are children to think of.Baby’s asleep in the backseat.意为:想起了孩子,宝宝睡在摇篮里。与情境相符。故选C。 5.推理判断题。题意要求的是一首有关环保的歌。而A中有一句歌词What about nature’s worth﹙价值﹚It’s our planet’s womb﹙What about us﹚意为:自然的价值呢?是我们星球的发源地。与情境相符。故选E。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Since her husband died , Mrs. Jackson 1.     (live)alone in her big old house . The house was bought by her husband almost fifty years ago. For the sake of safety , her daughter has tried hard to ask her to sell the house 2.       buy a new and small one in the town . But Mrs. Jackson doesn’t like the idea . She says that she has to look after her  3.     (husband) old house . But these days , she often hears of stories about unknown people 4.     steal things around here.

That was   5.     cold day before Christmas Eve . Around four o’clock in the afternoon , Mrs. Jackson was enjoying the Christmas music 6.       someone knocked at the door . She heard the sound but didn’t move . Another knock . Who could it be ? Mrs. Jackson was a bit afraid . She decided not to answer the door but kept 7.       (wait) .

One minute another minute and yet another minute , 8.     (something) happened and no more knocks . She walked quietly to the door , and listened . She heard nothing but the wind outside . She   9.     (slow) unfastened (打开) the door and watched through the crack (缝隙) . She then gave a surprised cry and threw the door wide open ! At the door , she saw a tall , beautiful Christmas! Under the tree was a Christmas card with these   10.     (word) :

Merry Christmas !

Your new neighbour



A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper to look for a boy to work in his office . From nearly  1.     (五十)people , he chose one and refused the 2.     (其他).

“I should like to know ,” said one of his 3.     (朋友), Why do you 4.     (更喜欢)that boy ? He didn’t have a letter or a recommendation .”

“You’re wrong,” said the gentleman . He had a great many . He closed the door5.     (在……后面)him . That showed that he was careful . He gave his seat at once to that old man . I found that he was kind and thoughtful . He took off his cap when he came in and answered my question at once. That showed he was   6.       (礼貌的)and friendly .”

“I threw some books on the floor by myself and some people went over them , but that boy picked them up and put them on the table . He waited quietly for his turn 7.       (代替)of pushing. When I talked to him,I found his 8.       (衣服)were tidy , his hair was   9.       (刷,梳)clearly and his finger nails were clean . I think these are more important 10.       (比)a letter and a recommendation.”

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词汇运用(本题共有15小题, 每小题1分, 共计15分)


hang  wealthy  hundred  they  hear from


1.I was very surprised when I         a stranger from a village far away.

2.—What do you think of the sweater which he is         over there ?

— It looks so smart .

3.Everyone should take care of        because health is the most important in life.

4.Last year         of people died in the air crash.

5.Knowledge makes one laugh, but         makes one dance.



Money management (管理) skill is very important for us , but many parents don’t take time to teach their children about the value of money , and unfortunately , many of those children grow up to be adults who struggles with money management skill.

What age should parents begin educating their children about money ? Financial (金融) experts agree that it’s never too early . The more children learn about money , the more they will be able to make wise financial decisions as they grow older . First , parents can begin teaching young children how to count money . It is very important for young child.

Next , you can teach the value of saving . Once they learn that saving is a good idea and that it is something they should always do , their financial future will be brighter . For example , your child wants a new bicycle . You can teach them to save part of their allowance (零用钱) for that bike , while still keeping money for ice cream, or for going to the movies with their friends. In this way they will begin to understand the value of both short-term saving and long-term saving .

It’s never too early , also , to teach your child different ways to make money . For example , they can sweep the floor, wash dishes and so on. Sit down with your children and talk with them in some ways they would like to earn money . You’ll be surprised and glad at the effort they will begin making.

Help your children chart their financial course in life, teach them basic money management skills, and their future will be brighter .

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1.When should parents teach their children how to master (掌握) some money management skills ?

A. As children grow up.

B.As children are teenagers.

C. As early as possible.

D.When they go to school.

2.When children are very young , in order to educate them about money , first , parents may start with        .

A.teaching them to count money

B.teaching them to make money

C.teaching them to save money

D.teaching them to go shopping with money

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the underlined sentences ?

A. Buying a new bike needs a long –term saving.

B. Keeping some money for ice cream shows the value of a short-term saving .

C. Keeping some money for going to the movies with friends shows the value of long-term saving.

D.It shows us how we should teach children the value of saving .

4.From the passage , we can know that        .

A.money management skills must be taught when children are teenagers

B.if we teach children basic money management skills, their future will be brighter

C.we shouldn’t ask children to learn to make money by themselves before they grow up

D. we should tell children how to spend money

5.The best title of the passage can be           .

A.Parents and Children

B. Children Should Learn to Save Money

C.We Should Save Money

D. Teaching Children About Managing Money



What is “American” food ? To many people , American food means hamburgers, hot dogs , and fried chicken . However , are those the only kinds of food in the U.S.?

Except for Thanksgiving turkey , it’s hard to find a typical “American” food . The United States is a land of immigrants(移民) . When people move to America , they bring their cooking styles with them . So Americans eat food from many different countries. That’s why you can find almost all kinds of ethnic (异国风味的) food in America, such as Italian pizza , Mexican tacos (墨西哥饼) and Chinese fried rolls. But they don’t taste quite like the real taste of the food .

As a large country-style cooking, take a trip to New England and try seafood dishes , and travel through the Midwest for baked food.

Now Americans live at a fast speed and often have some fast food. One of the most common quick American meals is sandwiches . Some Americans also choose to eat unhealthy food, but others prefer “all natural” eating habits. They refuse to eat any food with additives(添加剂).

American culture is a good example of the saying : “You are what you eat.” The different kinds of food show the different kinds of personal taste . Anyway , it’s all American.

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1.Which food is mentioned in the passage


② pan cakes

③ turkey

④ Chinese fried rolls

Italian noodles

A. ①②③          B.①③④

C. ②④⑤         D. ③④⑤

2. The saying “You are what you eat” means           .

A. 入乡随俗         B. 想吃就吃

C. 食如其人         D. 你吃你的

3.People can find almost kinds of ethnic food in America because          .

A. America has many foods from different countries

B. the United States is a land of immigrants

C. America is a large country

D. America has many foreign food factories

4.From the passage , we know that           .

A. the typical “American” food is American fast food

B. the style of food in South America is baked food

C. all the Americans like to eat natural food

D. it is hard to find a typical “American” food



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