满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Jim, who taught ________Chinese before ...

—Jim, who taught ________Chinese before you came to school?

—Nobody. I learned it by _______.

A. your; myself B. yourself; myself

C. you; me D. you; myself


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——吉姆,在你来学校之前谁教你汉语?——没有人。我自学的。your你的,作定语; myself我自己,作宾语或表语;yourself你自己,作宾语或表语;you你,做主语、表语或宾语;me我,作宾语或表语;第一空作为动词taught的宾语,根据before you came to school可知此处的宾语是you。第二空表示自学,learn by oneself,因为主语是I,故此处用反身代词myself。故选D。 考点:考查代词的用法。  

—I don’t know how to start a talk with Betty. She can sit all day long _____a word.

—That’s too bad!

A. by B. with C. without D. on






When do you go to the club?

How do you usually go to club ?

How far is it from your home to club?

What can you do in the club ?







A: Hi, Sam. 1.                                        ?

B: I’m eating breakfast at home .

A: 2.                                        ?

B: I get to school at 7:00 . It usually takes me about half an hour by bus.

A: 3.                                         ?

B: It’s about five kilometers form my home to school.

A: 4.                                         ?

B: I can play soccer . I like it very much.

A: 5.                                        ?

B: Yes, I am in the sports club. I also make many friends in the club.



My uncle is a music teacher, He can 1.      the violin well, He2.      music at school. He gets up very early every day, then he brushes3.      and eats breakfast 4.      . Then he plays the violin. At about 7:50, he goes to school. It is far from his home to school. He usually 5.      the bus to school. It takes 6.      about ten  7.        .

It’s fine today. My uncle and I are8.        a good time. It’s a nice place. The water 9.      blue and clear.  Many people are   10.        in the sea. Some boys are playing football.




The world is an interesting place .Different people like different things.

1.    Other people don’t .They like soft music.

Many people like sports. In some countries , cricket (板球运动)  is a very popular sport. In other countries it is not popular at all .No one plays it or watches it on TV . However , most people like soccer.     2.

Not everyone likes the same color.   3.   Some like bright color , Others prefer dark colors .

Different people like different foods.  4.  They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time . Some people don’t like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.

Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the countryside. They like fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping .    5.   What do you like ? Do you have an idea?

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