满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Tom, do you know if Sam ________to my p...

—Tom, do you know if Sam ________to my party next week?

—I think she will come if she________ free.

A. comes; will be B. will come; is

C. comes; is D. will come; will be


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——汤姆,你知道Sam下周是否回来参加我的聚会。——我认为如果她有空,她会来的。第一空if引导的宾语从句,表示是否,根据next week,可知此处用一般将来时; 第二空if表示如果,引导的条件壮语从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时。故选B。 考点:考查动词时态。  

—Jim, who taught ________Chinese before you came to school?

—Nobody. I learned it by _______.

A. your; myself B. yourself; myself

C. you; me D. you; myself



—I don’t know how to start a talk with Betty. She can sit all day long _____a word.

—That’s too bad!

A. by B. with C. without D. on






When do you go to the club?

How do you usually go to club ?

How far is it from your home to club?

What can you do in the club ?







A: Hi, Sam. 1.                                        ?

B: I’m eating breakfast at home .

A: 2.                                        ?

B: I get to school at 7:00 . It usually takes me about half an hour by bus.

A: 3.                                         ?

B: It’s about five kilometers form my home to school.

A: 4.                                         ?

B: I can play soccer . I like it very much.

A: 5.                                        ?

B: Yes, I am in the sports club. I also make many friends in the club.



My uncle is a music teacher, He can 1.      the violin well, He2.      music at school. He gets up very early every day, then he brushes3.      and eats breakfast 4.      . Then he plays the violin. At about 7:50, he goes to school. It is far from his home to school. He usually 5.      the bus to school. It takes 6.      about ten  7.        .

It’s fine today. My uncle and I are8.        a good time. It’s a nice place. The water 9.      blue and clear.  Many people are   10.        in the sea. Some boys are playing football.



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