满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I don’t like this pair of glasses. Coul...

—I don’t like this pair of glasses. Could you show me      ?

—OK. Here you are.

A. the other one       B. other pair

C. another one       D. another pair


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——我不喜欢这副眼镜。你能给我看看另一副吗?——好的,给你。the other表示两者中的另一个;other其他的一些,修饰复数名词;another另一个,修饰单数名词。结合句意,此处表示另一副眼镜,故用another修饰,one代指前面出现的可数名词pair。故选C。 考点:考查不定代词的用法。  

How was his homework?

—He did not write _________, though he had ___________.

A. careful enough; enough time

B. enough carefully; time enough

C. enough careful; enough time

D. carefully enough; enough time



It’s time to go home, let’s go.

—Please _________ the light when you leave the classroom.

A. turn on B. turn off

C. turn down D. turn up



______ do you use the Internet?

Almost every day.

A. How many B. How much

C. How long D. How often



—What did you do last weekend?

I _____ to the countryside with my family.

A. go B. will go C. am going D. went



—There _________ a football match _________ January 10th. Shall we go to watch it?

Sure .let’s go.

A. will have, on       B. will be, on

C. is going to have, on D. is going to be ,in



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