满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One day in the class everyone is busy dr...

One day in the      class everyone is busy drawing pictures, but Xiao Ming is doing     .When the bell rings for break(课间休息), Xiao Ming gives his      to the teacher.

The teacher looks at it and gets      . “Why did you give me a piece of paper with nothing on it, Xiao Ming?”      the teacher.

“I’m sorry, sir,” says Xiao Ming. “I      a dog and some      on the paper.”

“Where’s the dog and where’s the bread?” asks the teacher.

“I draw the bread      . When I finish drawing the dog,  he      the bread. When I give it to you, he      away,” Xiao Ming answers.

1.A. computer    B. writing      C. drawing       D. music

2.A. nothing      B. anything    C. something      D. everything

3.A. bread       B. picture      C. dog           D. paper

4.A. glad        B. happy       C. angry(生气)   D. excited

5.A. asks        B. answers     C. says           D. speaks

6.A. write       B. draw        C. put            D. take

7.A. pictures     B. bread       C. cakes          D. food

8.A. first        B. last         C. once           D. now

9.A. eats        B. sees         C. drinks         D. brings

10.A. carries      B. washes      C. runs          D. comes


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在绘画课上,小明交了一张白纸,但是他狡辩说,她画了一只狗和面包,但是狗把面包吃了,狗又跑了。所以是一张白纸。 1.C名词及语境的理解。根据everyone is busy drawing pictures可知是绘画课,故选A。 2.A不定代词词及语境的理解。但是小明正在做某事,Some,any no和 thing,body one等词构成复合不定代词,用作单数,表示“某人(事),任何人(事),没有人(事)”,形容词,副词或动词不定式修饰这类合成词时应放放在这类合成词之后。Some开头的用于肯定句或表示请求和委婉的疑问句中;any开头的用于疑问句否定句或条件状语从句中,该句是肯定句,故选C。 3.D名词及语境的理解。下课后小明把他的纸给了老师。A面包B图片C狗D试卷,纸。故选D。根据后文可知小明给了老师一张纸。 4.C形容词及语境的理解。老师看着这张纸,变得生气了。根据后文可知老师生气,故选C。 5.A动词及语境的理解。根据上句,老师说的话,可知是老师的问话,故选A。 6.B动词及语境的理解。根据老师的问话“Where’s the dog and where’s the bread?可知小明说我画了一只狗和面包。故选B。 7.B名词及语境的理解。根据“Where’s the dog and where’s the bread? 可知小明说我画了一只狗和面包,故选B。 8.A序数词及语境的理解。A. first 第一;B. last 最后;C. once 一旦;D. now现在。根据上下文可知,我先画的面包。故选A。 9.A动词及语境的理解。A. eats吃;B. sees 看;C. drinks 喝;D. brings带来。当我画完狗的时候,它把面包吃了。根据上下文及句意,故选A。 10. 考点:幽默故事类短文。

Simon is looking forward to _________ the football match between China and Brazil on TV this evening.

A. watch    B. watching

C. will watch    D. watches



I share my room ______ a friend of _________.

A. to, me    B. with, mine

C. with, me    D. from, mine



My sister works in a hospital________ his home, so he has to go to work by train..

A . from away    B. next to

C. far away    D. far away from



There      a football match this afternoon. Shall we watch it?

A. will have    B. will be

C. is going to have    D. are going to have



Would you like to help me _____ my English?

A. on    B. with    C. for    D. to



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