满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mike gets up at half past seven. He has ...

Mike gets up at half past seven. He has an egg and some milk for breakfast. Then he goes to school. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, “ I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on Monday. I tell him my bike doesn’t work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say today? Mike thinks it over, but he doesn’t have a good idea.

“May I come in?” says Mike at the door.

“Oh, my boy,” says Mr. Brown. “Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?” “It’s eight ten,” says Mike. Mr. Brown is not happy and says, “You are late for class three times this week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think.” “ You are wrong, Mr. Brown,” says Mike. “If I don’t have the clock how do I know I am late for school?”

1.What does Mike do?

A. A student    B. A teacher

C. A worker      D. A cook

2.What day is it today?

A. Monday     B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday     D. Thursday

3.What time does Mike get to his classroom today?

A. At 7:30      B. At 8:10

C. At 8:20        D. At 8:30

4.The Chinese meaning of the word “use” is “__________”.

A. 生命        B. 价格         C. 傻瓜         D.用途

5.How many times is Mike late for class this week?

A .Once        B. Twice

C. Three times        D. Four times


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是关于学生Mike的事。Mike这一周总是迟到,每次迟到他都会编一个理由。他第三次迟到的时候,老师批评他,但是Mike却不以为然。 1.A 细节理解题。根据短文中Then he goes to school可知,Mike吃完早饭后,就去上学了,由此可知,他是一个学生,故选A。 2.C 推理判断题。根据短文中he is thinking, I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on Monday. I tell him my bike doesn’t work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say today?可知,Mike想为自己的迟到想个理由,星期一和星期二他都编了理由,因此今天是星期三,故选C。 3.B细节理解题。根据短文中Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now? It’s eight ten.可知,Mike到学校的时候已经8点10分了。故选B。 4.D词义猜测题。根据文意和划线单词所在的句子If all the students are like you, the clock is no use可知,老师对Mike说,如果所有的学生都像他那样每天迟到,要闹钟就没有用了。use 用处,用途。故选D。 5.细节理解题。根据短文中You are late for class three times this week可知,这一周Mike已经迟到三次了。故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Why ________ at home and watch TV?

A. don’t stay  B. not staying

C. don’t you stay   D. not to stay



Water park is a good place         .

A. to have fun    B. have fun

C.having fun      D. to have a fun



I’m looking forward _________ a trip tomorrow!

_________ then!

A. to having; Have a good time

B. to having; Good idea

C. to have; Be careful

D. having; Enjoy your day



We planted _________ trees last year. Two _________ of them are in the park.

A. thousands of; hundred

B. thousand of; hundred

C. thousands of; hundreds

D. thousand of; hundreds



Kate, _________ most of the girls, _________ fashion clothes.

A. likes; likes     B. likes; like

C. like; likes       D. like; like



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