满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

单词辨音 10分 1.A. France B. flat C. lamp D. ...

单词辨音 10分

1.A. France      B. flat           C. lamp          D. Canada

2.A. centre      B. bedroom        C. helpful        D. below

3.A. fridge   B. mile             C. fix           D. skill

4.A. nothing     B. college        C. office         D. job

5.A. community  B. underground   C. menu         D. popular

6.A. fork        B. visitor        C. pork          D. order

7.A. sound      B. group         C. around        D. count

8.A. waiter      B. person        C. over          D. worker

9.A. artist       B. supermarket    C. forward        D. postcard

10.A. theatre    B. area          C. wheat         D. idea


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1.A本题考查字母a在单词中的发音。在单词flat, lamp和Canada中,a字母的发音是/æ/,而在单词France 中,它的发音是/a:/,故应该选A。 2.D本题考查字母e在单词中的发音。在单词center, bedroom和helpful中,字母e的发音是/e/,而在单词below中,它的发音是/i/,故应该选D。 3.B本题考查字母i在单词中的发音。在单词fridge, fix 和skill中,字母i的发音是/i/,而在单词mile中,它的发音是/ai/,故应该选B。 4.A本题考查字母o在单词中的发音。在单词college, office和job中,o的发音是/ɔ /,而在单词nothing中,它的发音是/ ʌ/,故应该选A。 5.B本题考查字母u在单词中的发音。在单词community, menu和popular中,字母u的发音是/ju:/,而在单词underground中,它的发音是/ ʌ/,故应该选B。 6.B本题考查字母组合or在单词中的发音。在单词fork, pork和order中,字母组合or的发音是/ɔ:/,而在单词visitor中,它的发音是/ə/,故应该选B。 7.B本题考查字母组合ou在单词中的发音。在单词sound,around和count中,字母组合ou的发音是/aʊ/,而在单词group中,它的发音是/u:/,故应该选B。 8.B本题考查字母组合er在单词中的发音。在单词waiter, over和worker中,它的发音是/ə/,而在单词person中,它的发音是/ ɜ:/,故应该选B。 9.C本题考查字母组合ar在单词中的发音。在单词artist, supermarket和postcard中,ar组合的发音是/a:/,而在单词forward中,它的发音是/ə/,故应该选C。 10.本题考查字母组合ea在单词中的发音。在单词theatre, area和idea中,ea组合的发音是/ɪə/,而在单词wheat中,它的发音是/i:/,故应该选C。 考点:单词辨音。

I get two presents for my birthday. ______ big one is from my father, and ______ small one is from my mother.

A. A, the  B. A, a   C. The, the  D. The, a




1.There are about 6 ______ (百) students in our school.

2.Looking after ______ (生病的) people is a nurse’s job.

3.There are many beautiful pictures of different countries’ ______ (首都).

4.______ (树叶) fall off the trees in autumn.

5.Of these two little boys, I know Tom ______ (good).

6.We wish our team the best ______ (lucky) in the coming football match.

7.Millie is the ______ (four) tallest girl in our class.

8.One of the ______ (postman) name is the same as mine.



单词辨音:在A B C D 四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(5分)

1.A. palace B. Japan     C. flat     D. lamp

2.A. zero B. remember C. below     D. design

3.A. invite B. fire     C. tin     D. drive

4.A. hero B. volunteer  C. postman D. notice

5.A. Russia B. future     C. undergroundD. funny

6.A. beach B. wheat  C. east     D. treasure

7.A. shower B. waiter     C. hers     D. manager

8.A. theirs B. something C. theatre     D. throne

9.A. pool B. bamboo C. soon     D. wool

10.A.king B. painting C. ring     D. English



书面表达  (本大题共5分)

假设你是李华,从小喜爱动物,在网上看到了Wildlife Protection Club (野生动物保护俱乐部) 招募志愿者的广告。请你用英语写一封信给俱乐部主席Mr. Brown,申请加入该俱乐部。信的内容要点如下:

1. 个人信息: 学校 Sunshine Secondary School     年级:八年级

2. 勤奋, 乐于助人, 爱好阅读, 篮球和旅游;

3. 也对学习鸟类和动物感兴趣;希望能为保护动物们做点事情;

4. 加入俱乐部想更多了解动物;

5. 联系方式: 0510—87654321,lihua@sunshinetown.com




Dear Mr. Brown,

I read your advertisement on the Internet and I would like to join the Wildlife Protection Club.




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Teenagers live very busy lives now and often forget to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is, healthy eating along with regular(有规律的) exercise is the only way to 1.   fit.

During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. Teenage

g  2.    need about 2,200 calories(卡路里)a day and boys need a little m   3.   -- doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys. 50% of your calories should come f   4.    rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking e  5.    water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.

E  6.   is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts(专家)suggest that teenagers spend at l  7.    30 minutes exercising, five times a week.

W   8.    you exercise, your body produces(产生)something that m  9.   you feel relaxed. It can even help you s   10.    better at night and let you pay more attention(注意)when you study.



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