满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Paris is a very beautiful city but l wil...

Paris is a very beautiful city but l will not call it the most romantic(最浪漫的)city at all! It is difficult to find a hotel! That is quite funny.Some policemen help us and then we find a hotel! The hotel is on the sixth floor and it is tired to climb up the stairs(爬楼)!The room is very simple(普通的)but it has a big bathroom.We go out for a walk to visit the city. The Louvre Museum is our favourite one. There are some wonderful works of art there. The Eiffel Tower looks so cool from a far place, but when we get close to it, it doesn't look so good. We also don't feel well about the expensive food. Most of the time, we enjoy Paris, but the weather is not always good. It often rains. We feel a little difficult because not many people can speak English and we can't speak French. But I'm still(仍然)glad that this is the beginning of our travel.

1.Who help the writer find a hotel?

A. Some students.  B. Some policemen.

C. Some workers.  D. Some farmers.

2.There is a big_______ in the room of the hotel.

A. bedroom     B. sitting room

C. bathroom     D. kitchen

3.How does the Eiffel Tower look from a far place?

A. Cool.       B. Short.        C. Pretty.      D. Bad.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A. The writer doesn't go to the Louvre Museum.

B. The writer can speak English and French.

C. It never rains when the writer stays in Paris.

D. The writer thinks food is not cheap in Paris.

5.The passage mainly(主要)tells us_______.

A. Paris is not a good place to travel

B. the writer is looking for a good hotel

C. the writer starts travelling from Paris

D. it is important for people to speak French


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述了作者在巴黎旅行的经历,这个感觉并不是太好,他们遇到了很多问题,例如旅馆不好找,巴黎的天气不好,食物比较贵等等。但是作者仍然很高兴,因为他们的旅行从巴黎开始了。 1.B 细节理解题。根据短文中Some policemen help us and then we find a hotel!可知,作者在巴黎旅行时,找不到旅馆,最后一些经常帮助他们找到了旅馆。故选B。 2.C 细节理解题。根据短文中The room is very simple(普通的)but it has a big bathroom可知,作者找到的旅馆里房间很普通,但是里面有一个大浴室。故应该选C。 3.A 细节理解题。根据短文中The Eiffel Tower looks so cool from a far place可知,从远处看,埃菲尔铁塔看起来很酷。故选A。 4.D 细节理解题。根据短文中We also don't feel well about the expensive food.可知,作者觉得巴黎的食物非常的贵,故选D。根据The Louvre Museum is our favourite one、we can't speak French.、but the weather is not always good. It often rains可知其他三个选项 不符合文意。 5.主旨大意题。根据短文的最后But I'm still(仍然)glad that this is the beginning of our travel可知,虽然在巴黎作者觉得很多事情都不是太好,但是作者仍然很开心,因为这是他们旅行的开始。所以短文主要讲述的就是作者从巴黎开始的旅行,故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

A man comes home from work late. His 5-year-old son is     for him.

“Daddy, can you give me $ 10?” his son asks.

The father is very     and says,” If you want to buy a toy, you can go to your     and go to bed.”

After about an hour, the man    , “Maybe he really needs to buy something. He doesn’t ask for money very     .”Then the man goes to the little boy’s room.

“I am too tired and not very happy. Here’s $10,” says the man.

The little boy      up, smiling, “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” he says.

Then , from under his pillow(枕头) he takes out some     .Then the man starts to get angry again. “Why do you want more money if you already have some?” he asks. “     I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy answers. “Daddy, I have$20 now. Can I      an hour of your time? Please     early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”

1.A. waiting       B. asking        C. looking   D. working

2.A. happy        B. tired          C. angry    D. sad

3.A. room         B. school        C. shop     D. home

4.A. says          B. asks         C. thinks      D. hopes

5.A. late           B. early        C. much       D. often

6.A. stands         B. sits          C. looks     D. puts

7.A. toys          B. books        C. food       D. money

8.A. Because       B. So           C. But       D. Or

9.A. have          B. make         C. do        D. buy

10.A. go to work    B. come home    C. go to bed   D. go shopping



Some boys are playing badminton, and____ are running

A. another boy   B. the other boy

C. others boys    D. others



-----______is it from your home to the new supermarket?

----About five minutes’ walk.

A. How long   B. How much

C. How many   D. How far



-There_______ a show next weekend. Would you like to watch it?

-Of course, I'd love to.

A. is going to have    B. has

C. will be   D. will have



-Are you going to the cinema_____ underground?

-No. I am going there______ a bus.

A. take; on       B. by; take

C. by; on         D. by, by



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