满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达。(10分) 同学们,你梦想中的学校是什么样子的呢?快告诉我们吧!请以M...


同学们,你梦想中的学校是什么样子的呢?快告诉我们吧!请以My Dream School为题写一篇短文描述你梦想中的学校。。不少于60词。

My Dream School

My dream school will be





My dream school will be big and beautiful with lots of trees and flowers.Everyone will have a computer in the classroom, so we can get information from the Internet.There will be some toys in the classroom, so we can play with them after class.The playground will be big.After school, we can play football or basketball on it.The teachers will be very kind and friendly.They will play with us.We will have less homework.We will use computers to do our homework and send them to teachers by email. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇利用给材料的话题作文。要求介绍理想的学校,主要用到将来时态。注意there be句型的将来时态的应用。 写作特点:这篇短文时态正确,内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。词汇和句型句式运用恰当,同时使用了连词,so, 及短语After school,使文章更条理。 考点:话题作文。  



what are you________ ________?


______   ______  ______, tell me your name.


Please______ _______ lessons carefully every day..


We plan to go to the Great Wall to _______ ________ this summer holiday.

5.如果你不努力, 我将会担心你。

If you don’t study hard, I will ______ _____ ______ you.




1.I will have a picnic this weekend.(同义句)

I _____ ______ ______ have a picnic this weekend.

2.Bill will see his mother tomorrow.(一般疑问句)

______ Bill ______ his mother tomorrow?

3.Let's buy him a pair of shoes.(同)

________  _______  _______ him a pair of shoes?

4.She can play the piano well.(就划线部分提问)

_______    _______  she _______?

5.She plays table tennis every afternoon.(用this afternoon改写)

She _____ _____ _____ play table tennis this afternoon.




1.I  hope _______ (see)you again.

2.They spend too much time ______ (play) with games .

3.________ (thousand)of people are doing sports.

4.Please be _______ (care)when you cross(横穿)the road.

5.Everyone in our class ______ (like) our English teacher very much.

6. I have a lot of homework______ (do).

7.They’ll be able to _______ (enjoy)themselves.

8.It’s difficult ______ (finish)it on time by myself.

9.Mary is an ______ (Australia).




1.Tom would like  to help others, so we choose him as our class m_____     .

2.We clean our room every day, so it’s very clean and t_____     .

3.My sister t_____ English at a school.

4.They usually walk along the b_____and watch the sea.

5.Dropping l______ isn’t allowed(被允许的)in most places.

6.The  Australian students are going on a summer c______ for a week.

7.We are going to have a p_____ in the park.

8.She likes to t_____ a walk with her family.

9.Will our life be different in the f_______?

10.I’m going to c_____ my email.



I’m Bill. Today is Friday and my family are making their plans for the weekend. (A)My father likes football and music. There is a concert tomorrow evening. (B)He’s going to the concert.

(C)It begins at seven. My mother doesn’t like going out at weekends. (D)She’s going to make delicious food for us tomorrow. (E)I’m going to go swimming on Saturday afternoon and play tennis on Sunday afternoon. What about our pet dog Lucy? She likes to be with my father when my father gets some exercise in the morning. But can she go to the concert with my father? I’m afraid not.








She’s going to ______  ______  _______  ________ tomorrow.





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