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Hi, class! I am Linda. I’m on duty(值日)to...

  Hi, class! I am Linda. I’m on duty(值日)today. It is my English show time today. Please take a look at the picture. Haha, this is a picture of “Running Man” . It came back again(再次回来) to us on TV on April 17, 2015. Do you know something about “Running Man”?

Running Man is a popular(受欢迎的) TV show in Korea(韩国)for about four years. Many people like to watch it on TV. And the TV show came to China in 2014. There are seven members(成员) in the show. They are all Chinese Deng Cao, Angelababy, Li Chen, Chen He, Wang Zulan,Zheng Kai and Bao Beier. Wang Baoqiang isn’t in the second season(第二季) now, but Fan Binbin and Han Gen are wanted as VIPs this time. I like all of them, but Angelababy is my favorite, because she is the only girl in Running Man. In the TV show, they play many kinds of games, and the games are always very exciting(刺激的)and interesting. Every Friday night, I like watching them on TV. That makes me very happy. What do you think of this TV show?  Who do you like best? OK, thanks very much for listening.

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1. How many main members(主要成员) are there in Running Man?

A.  Four.           B.  Five.          C.  Six.            D.  Seven.

2.Where does this TV show come from?

A.  Japan           B.  Korea

C.  Africa         D.  America

3.Who does Linda like best?

A.  Deng Cao        B.  Wang Baoqiang

C.  Angelababy    D. Chen He

4. When does Linda like watching Running Man?

A.  Every Friday night            B.  Every day

C.  On Sunday night                D.  On Saturday morning


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了流行的电视节目《奔跑吧,兄弟》,它来自韩国,有七个成员,作者最喜欢Angelababy。在每周五晚上都会观看。 1.D细节理解题。根据文章内容There are seven members(成员) in the show.这个电视节目有七个成员,故此题选D。 2.B细节理解题。根据文章内容Running Man is a popular(受欢迎的) TV show in Korea(韩国)for about four years.《奔跑吧,兄弟》是韩国一个受欢迎的电视节目,有四年了,故此题选B。 3.C细节理解题。根据文章内容but Angelababy is my favorite,但是Angelababy是我最喜欢的,故选C。 4.A 细节理解题。根据文章内容Every Friday night, I like watching them on TV.每个星期五晚上,我都会在电视上看他们,故此题选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。



Do you like to be busy? Do you like to work hard? Do you like to work with money? If you  like, then we have a job for you to be a bank clerk(银行职员). Call Xingye Bank at 555-3470.


Do you like to meet different people and talk with them? Do you want to work for a newspaper? Then come and work for us as a reporter(记者). Please call Jenny at 555-2559.


Do you like to sing and dance? Can you play the guitar or the piano? Do you want to join the school band? Do you like to work evenings and weekends? We need a musician! Please call Sam at 555-8823.


Do you love children? Are you good with children? Do you like to teach children English,math,history or science? Please call Green Children’s School at 555-3937.

1. If(如果) you want to be a reporter, you can call _______.

A.  555-3937    B.  555-2559

C.  555-8823     D.  555-3470

2. You can call _______ , if you want a job as a musician.

A.  Green Children’s School    B.  Sam

C.  Jenny    D.  Xingye Bank

3.Which(哪一个) job is NOT mentioned(被提及到) in the four ads?

A.  Musician.      B.  Reporter

C.  Nurse      D.  Teacher



  Kroc’s family is very poor(穷),so he works in a restaurant(餐馆) to make some money after school. The boss(老板) asks          to clean the tables every day. Kroc is very         .

One day Kroc        home late. After dinner, Kroc says to his father, “I don’t want to go to the restaurant tomorrow. I want          a boss. I don’t want to clean the tables every day.” His father         anything. He asks Kroc to clean the table. Kroc cleans the table quickly. Then his father wipes(擦) the table with a white cloth(布)and the cloth becomes(变得) very dirty. His father says to his son, Ray Kroc, “It is easy for you to clean a table,        you can’t clean it very well.       can you be the boss?” Ray Kroc’s face gets red.

He       forgets his father’s words(话).         that, he uses five cloths each time to clean the tables. He         hard all the time. The boss likes him a lot and makes him new boss of the restaurant. Ten years later, Ray Kroc opens his first restaurant company(公司)——McDonald’s.

1.A. he             B. him            C. his           D. he’s

2.A. happy          B. interesting      C. unhappy        D. fun

3.A. arrives at        B. arrives         C. gets to       D. arrives in

4.A. to be           B. am            C. be             D. make

5.A. says            B. speaks         C. doesn’t talk    D. doesn’t say

6.A. and            B. then            C. but           D. because

7.A. How           B. Where          C. Who          D. What

8.A. doesn’t         B. never           C. not           D. no

9.A. Before         B. At             C. In            D. After

10.A. work          B. eat             C. works         D. eats



Boys and girls, please don’t forget _______ your homework here this evening.

A. taking        B. to take

C. bringing        D. to bring



—Don’t run in the hallways, boys. It’s too dangerous.


A. Yes, we do.   B. No, we can’t.

C. Sorry, Miss Green.   D. That’s easy.



One of the ________ in our class ________ from America.

A. student; is     B. students; are

C. student; are    D. students; is



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