满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A talk about H7N9 in this school next we...

A talk about H7N9         in this school next week.

A. will be held      B. will held

C. has held          D. has been held


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:下个星期将在这个学校举行关于H7N9的报告。根据next week可知该用一般将来时,talk是hold这一动作的承受者,该用被动语态。所以选A。 考点:考查一般将来时被动语态。  

–Don’t laugh       him. He’s just a little forgetful.

I won’t. I also often fall asleep      the light on.

A. to, with   B. at, with

C. at , without    D. over, without



        I take photos here?

Oh, sorry. The sign says you         take photos here.

A. Must, can’t       B. May, can’t

C. Can, mustn’t      D. Can, can’t



      Jerry       his brother likes watching I am a singer. They often watch program on Saturday night.

A. Neither, nor   B. Not only, but also

C. Either, or    D. Both , any



Last night,        went to the Center Square to celebrate the New Year’s coming.

A. thousands of people  B. thousand people

C. million of people   D. million people



How big your classroom is !

Of course. Our classroom is        yours.

A. as three times long as

B. as long as three times

C. three times as long as

D. three times as longer as



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