满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We couldn’t help after the sad news. A. ...

We couldn’t help       after        the sad news.

A. crying, hear      B. to cry , heard

C. crying, hearing  D. cried, hearing


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:听了消息后我们忍不住哭了。Can’t help doing sth忍不住做某事;介词后面的动词该用动名词。所以选C。 考点:考查非谓语动词。  

She is the girl whose painting won the first in school competition.

A. who             B. whom           C. whose            D. that



–We’ll go to the supermarket if it       .

Really? The thing is, who knows when it          ?

A. doesn’t rain, will stop raining

B. is rain, stops raining

C. don’t rainy, won’t rain

D. won’t rain, stops to rain



Would you like          camping with me?

–I’d like to, but I’m busy           my homework.

A. to go , to do      B. to go, doing

C. going, to do      D. going, doing



–You look worried! What’s the matter?

My dog was lost. I          it everywhere.

A. were looking for    B. was looking for

C. is looking for   D. am looking for



Look at the smog. (雾霾)         bad weather it is!

–It is ! Everyone should realize        important protecting the environment is and take actions.

A. How, how     B. How a, what a

C. What, how     D. What a, how an



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