满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

写作(计20分) 母亲节即将来临,你很想在那天为母亲做一些有意义的事情。请根据下...




1. 用零花钱给母亲买一件礼物(自选)

2. (选这件礼物的原因)






1. 送给母亲自制贺卡

2. 祝母亲节日快乐

3. …(想对母亲说的话; 至少两点)






My Plan on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming, I feel very excited and really want to tell her how much I love her, I have made my plan for the special day.







In the morning I will go shopping to buy a pair of gloves to protect mom’s hands when does house work. In the afternoon I decide to cook a delicious dinner for the whole family. Mom cooks every day but today is her holiday , I plan to do some green grocery shopping by myself . After dinner , it is time to show the beautiful post card , the sweet music can bring happiness and surprise to my family. I will tell mom that I am growing up day by day, let my parents not treat me as a child any more, I can try my best to do my own things well, they should take good care of themselves instead of devoting all their time to me. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文给出了写作的提纲,在写作时要构思好文章的结构,注意要点一定齐全。句子要完整,表达准确,注意时态的变化和主谓一致。文中可适当使用一些连接词来加强文章的逻辑性。 写作亮点:这篇作文结构清晰完整,表达准确流利,要点齐全。文中有一些好的表达方式如I will tell mom that I am growing up day by day, let my parents not treat me as a child any more, I can try my best to do my own things well, they should take good care of themselves instead of devoting all their time to me.等等。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  









About Fairy Tales

There are many books of fairy tales. Some are old stories and some are new. Everyone loves fairy tales. They help t  1.   children how to be good. In many fairy tales, children or weak people fight   a   2.   strong and bad people. They always w   3. in the end.

No one knows who wrote the f   4.  fairy tales . Most fairy tales are very old stories and many are s  5.  . Often a child is in t  6.. He or she finds a secret which helps to fix the troubles.

Fairy tales are o   7.  than TV or radio. They are probably older than books. Fairy Tales are stories that people told e   8.  other on long winter nights. Nowadays, we have books, radios and TV, but we still like fairy tales. Maybe it is because we like to d   9. . We dream that we can fight giants and witches(巫婆) or b   10.   a prince or princes.



Here are some simple steps on how to sleep well, from your bed to your diet, our aim is to help you sleep better at night.

Step1: Food and drink

Avoid coffee, tea, coca and cola drinks late in the evening as they all have caffeine. They may keep you awake. Don’t eat too much for your dinner, because your body will have to stay awake half the night digesting(消化) your meal, so you won’t feel rested in the morning. Milk, turkey and peanuts all have chemicals that help the brain relax. So have a turkey and peanut butter sandwich is a good choice.

Step2: Another thing that affects your sleep is the position you sleep in. we all have our preferences, but for a perfect night’s sleep you should try to keep your body in a proper position, where both your head and neck are kept straight. All you need is a comfortable bed and some well placed pillows.

Step:3 Your bedroom should be a place for sleeping only. It is not a good idea to use your bed for doing work, making phone calls etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest by throwing away anything work related before you go to bed.Keep your bedroom dark while you are sleeping. As soon as it’s time to wake up , open the curtains or turn a light on. Lights helps your body know it’s time to wake up.

Step4: Have a bedtime routine ( 常规). Having a bath before bed will help your brain relaxed and prepare you for sleep. Reading a book or listening to the same piece of music every night may help too. Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, then stop thinking about them.

How to get a good   1.   sleep

Eat and drink properly

Avoid coffee, tea, coca and cola drinks late in the evening as they all have caffeine which may keep you   2.  .

Don’t eat too much for your dinner because this will   3.   your body busy digesting, so have some food good for sleep.

Sleep   4. a proper position

we all have our preferences, but for a perfect night’s sleep you should try to keep your body in a proper position, where both your head and neck are kept straight.

you  5.  a comfortable bed and some well placed pillows.

Keep your bedroom a place for   6.  only

7. do your work, make phone calls in your bedroom. Tell your body that this is a place for rest and 8.   away anything work related before you go to bed.

Have a bedtime routine ( 常规)

Have a bath before  9.   to bed will help your brain relax and prepare you for sleep.

Read a book or listen to the same piece of music every night may help as   10.  .

Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, then stop thinking about them.





1.He feels that he was born to become a           (音乐家).

2.There is only little money         (剩下)we can’t waste a coin.

3.We were talking on the phone and then the line went dead         (突然) .

4.Li Tao is the          (骄傲)of our school, because he gave a big help to the homeless.

5.I was brought up among ( ) people who read and wrote a lot .

6.They are trying their best to find out the         trueof South Korea ferry disaster.

7.The bags on the desk are          (we) , Please don’t take any of them by mistakes.

8.I must apologize for the          (tidy) state of the room, I left home hurriedly this morning.

9.Our English teacher has devote most of his time to         ( help) us with our English.

10. He has decided to find a job in a         (south) city, because he likes the weather there.



Are you good at eating? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program? A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国) is a documentary on Chinese delicious food which has been broadcast by CCTV. Can you find any holiday celebrated without a special festival food? Food is very important in China.  Here are several traditional Chinese foods:

Eggs hold a special meaning in many cultures. Chinese believe that eggs mean producing something new. For example, after a baby is born, parents may hold a " feast party," where they pass out eggs to announce the birth. In some areas of  China the number of eggs represents the sex of the child, the number(1,3,5…) for a girl, and (2,4,6…) for a boy.

Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles in many countries. Since noodles represent long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut them off.

Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on a plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is traditional to serve the whole fish last, fish head pointed toward the valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the future.

Another very popular food during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty food is made of rice dumplings with meat, peanut or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan.

The 50-minute program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements(元素),such as eating habits and the quality of eating.

1.A bite of China is _______.

A. a book         B. a documentary

C. a guide book        D. a newspaper

2.The underlined phrase means_____ .

A. 小蜡烛        B. 点蜡烛

C. 彩色蜡烛      D. 点燃的蜡烛

3. In this part the documentary tells us about Chinese food ______ in the history.

A. cooking        B. eating

C. making        D. meaning

4. If you are asked to continue the passage which of the following can appear in it?

A. If a boy is born by one of your friend , you may get six eggs.

B. It is tradition to serve a whole fish last at a party in China.

C. Noodles are more preferred in the north than in the south.

D. There are many kinds of Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.



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