满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Are you sure you have to ? It’s been v...

Are you sure you have to ? It’s been very late.

I don’t know __________ I can do it if not now.

A. where    B. why    C. how    D. When


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你确定你必须做吗?已经很晚了。如果现在不做,我不知道什么时候我能做。不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述语序,即:从句的连接词后是主语、谓语、宾语的语序,从句的时态要与主句的时态保持一致。结合句意,故选D 考点:考查宾语从句的用法  

He turned __________ the TV a little because his father was asleep.

A. up    B. on    C. off    D. down



__________ is it from Wuxi to Sanya and how much does it __________ to fly there?

A. How long take   B. How far cost

C. How soon spend   D. How far take



  When shall we go on our school trip?


A. Not until next week   B. Till next week

C. For next week         D. Nearly a week



What can I do for you?

Can you give me __________ to read? __________ is OK.

A. something Everything      B. anything Something

C. anything Anything         D. something Anything



Mmm the meat __________well and __________ good!

Of course! You know my father is a good cook.

A. is cooked is smelled     B. cooks smells

C. is cooked smells         D. cooks is smelled



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