满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Do you know __________? —I’m not sure....

Do you know __________?

—I’m not sure. Maybe an English teacher ?

A. what the beautiful lady with glasses is

B. what is the beautiful lady with glasses

C. who the beautiful lady with glasses is

D. who is the beautiful lady with glasses


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你知道那个漂亮戴眼镜的女士是干什么的吗?---我不能确定。或许她是老师。根据答语Maybe he is a teacher可知前面是在谈论职业,该用疑问词what。所选句子处在宾语从句的位置上,只能用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序,所影响A。 考点:考查宾语从句。  

Amy do you know if Daniel _______ to the farm with us tomorrow  if it ______?— Sorry I’ve no idea.

A. will go will rain  B. will go rains

C. goes will rain  D. goes rains



The magazine __________ be Lily’s for we can find her name on the cover.

A. can        B. might       C. could         D. Must



Are you sure you have to ? It’s been very late.

I don’t know __________ I can do it if not now.

A. where    B. why    C. how    D. When



He turned __________ the TV a little because his father was asleep.

A. up    B. on    C. off    D. down



__________ is it from Wuxi to Sanya and how much does it __________ to fly there?

A. How long take   B. How far cost

C. How soon spend   D. How far take



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