满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

BEIJING—The sky is gray and air smells s...

BEIJING—The sky is gray and air smells strange. It’s another day of smog.

On Saturday, heavy haze(霾)still covered north and east China. Highways were closed and     couldn’t take off on time.

The smoggy weather     the country’s land from north to south, including Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and 6 other provinces. People could only see clearly      than 50 meters in some areas.

Cities     Shanghai and Nanjing have been covered by the gray sky for the past several days. Many walkers in the street had to wear      . In the Lukou airport in Nanjing, more than 60 flights were canceled(取消) on Saturday      the haze, which also made primary and middle schools and kindergartens stop      on Thursday and Friday in Nanjing.

The office worker of Environmental Protection said earlier this week that there were several      reasons behind the widespread haze: unpleasant weather conditions making        difficult for smog to disappear, automobile exhaust(尾气), and coal use for winter heating.

     To fight pollution, the Chinese government now plans to clean up the air by cutting coal use,      some factories, and removing 6 million old cars from the roads.

“We must face up to the facts,” said Yan Naiqiang, a professor of environmental science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “The treatment of smog will be a long fight. From now on, if we use buses or cars less and do more riding, we believe a clear sky is not a faraway dream.”

1.A. coaches   B. trains      C. flights   D. double-deckers

2.A. afforded   B. affected     C. admired   D. announced

3.A. less    B. more   C. farther   D. nearer

4.A. in    B. like   C. around   D. outside

5.A. hats    B. gloves   C. sunglasses  D. masks

6.A. besides   B. except      C. because of  D. for

7.A. classes   B. rest   C. work   D. shopping

8.A. mainly   B. mostly   C. main   D. most

9.A. that    B. this   C. one   D. it

10.A. close      B. closing  C. open    D. opening


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了日益严重的雾霾天气给许多方面造成了影响,也影响着人们的健康。政府为了对抗雾霾开始采取措施治理空气污染。当然这是一个长期的过程,需要大家的共同努力。 1.C 考查名词词及语境的理解。高速公路被关闭,航班不能准时起飞。A马车B火车C航班D巴士。根据句意,故选 C。 2.B 考查动词及语境的理解。烟雾弥漫的天气从北到南影响着中国。A买得起B影响C崇拜D宣布。根据句意,故选B,影响。 3.A考查固定词组及语境的理解。在一些地区人们仅能看清50米以内的东西。less than ,少于,不到more than多于,超过。根据句意,故选A。 4.B考查介词及语境的理解。在过去几天像上海和南京这样的城市都被灰色的天空覆盖着。根据句意,故选B,像。 5.D考查名词及语境的理解。许多街上的行人不得不戴着口罩。A帽子B手套C太阳镜D面具,口罩。根据句意,故选D,口罩,面具。 6.C考查介词及语境的理解。因为阴霾在周六,南京禄口机场的60多个航班被取消。根据句意,故选C,因为,介词短语。 7.A考查名词及语境的理解。这也使得在南京的中小学和幼儿园在周四和周五停课。A课B休息C工作D购物。根据句意,学校停止的是上课,故选A,课。 8.C考查形容词词及语境的理解。广泛阴霾背后有几个主要的原因。most 大部分,main,主要的。形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,故选C。 9.D考查代词及语境的理解。使雾难以消失的令人不快的天气情况,尾气,用于冬季取暖的煤。it代替动词不定式做形式宾语,故选D。 10. 考点:考查环境保护类短文。

---It will be my turn. I feel a bit nervous.

---________. You can make it.

A. Congratulations         B. Take it easy

C. Look out                D. Have a good time



The population of China is _________ than that of Australia.

A. far more        B. far less

C. much smaller      D. much larger



You don't know __________________________.

A. how much cost this car

B. how much is this car cost

C. how much this car is worth

D. how much is this car worth



—He hardly spent any time on his subjects, _________?

—_________, so he does badly in his lessons.

A .didn’t he; Yes   B. did he; Yes

C. didn’t he; No      D. did he; No



________ people have been to the famous ________ mountain.

A. Several millions; 2000-meter-high

B. Several millions; 2000-meters-high

C. Several million; 2000-meters-high

D. Several million; 2000-meter-high



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