满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you buy ________ iphone 6 in our stor...

If you buy ________ iphone 6 in our store, you can get _____umbrella for free.

A. a; an         B. an; a

C. an; an       D. the; a


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果你在我们店里买个iphone 6, 你会免费得到一把雨伞。Ipbone和umbrella读音都是以元音开头,而且句中都是泛指哪一类事物,故用不定冠词an, 选C。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  

书面表达 本大题共10


1. 他很痴迷足球,每天放学后和同学踢一个半小时球。

2. 他说他最崇拜Beckham.

3. Jan自从加入校足球队以来就刻苦训练,队友们对他评价很高。

4. 现在他在九年级,有太多的作业要做而没有时间用于他的爱好,他为此感到很遗憾.

5. 我认为他应该…




My friend

Jan is my good friend.





完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)


In India , English_____________________________________________.

2.Thomas Edison是历史上最伟大的发明家之一。

Thomas Edison is ______________________________________________.


Many students  _______________________________________________English grammar..


Not only my parents but also my teacher ___________________________________________.


I’m not sure ___________________________________________________is still alive.


The price of this house is so_____________________________________________________.



In UK, Closed Circuit Television(CCTV)cameras are everywhere. They help the police solve crimes and keep the streets safe. But that’s not all they do. They also catch people doing very stupid or smart things.

One of the videos is of a British woman Mary Bale. She clearly doesn’t like cats. In 2010 she was caught on CCTV throwing one into dustbin. The video shows Mary walking down a quiet street. All of a sudden, she notices Lola the cat jump onto a fence. Mary stops to pick up Lola and drops her into a larger dustbin. Lola was saved fifteen hours later. And Mary was arrested for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. She was fined(罚款)£250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.

Another video shows “Britain’s drunkest man”. He’s been at a party at London’s Savoy Hotel. And he’d obviously had a few too much glasses of beer. At about 2 a, m., he was kicked out for being too drunk. So, he decided to walk home. On the way, CCTV cameras filmed him falling down stairs and crossing the roads madly… A Savoy Hotel waiter later said, “It’s amazing he didn’t hurt himself badly.”

Sometimes, they also record smart events .Once a British band didn’t have any money to make a music video. So, they came up with an unbelievable idea. They set up their instruments (乐器)  and played a song in front of eight CCTV cameras. And then, according to the English Freedom of Information Act, they asked for a copy of all the footages(视频),which they edited. The result is that a totally new music video was made ,and it didn’t cost them a penny(一分钱).

Passage outline

Supporting details

Usages of CCTV cameras

They are almost1.   and are useful in many ways.

To help the police solve crimes

A woman saw a lonely cat and2.  it into a big dustbin. She was lined $250 and was not allowed to own pets for five years.

To catch people doing stupid things

A man got very drunk and was thrown out of London’s Savoy Hotel. He went back home through a lot of troubles and dangers but was not3.    hurt.

To4.    people doing smart events.

A band had no money but still wanted to make a music record. They played in front of eight CCTV cameras and asked for the footage copy for5.

.They edited the footages and made a totally new music video.



动词填空  (本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.That kind of cars we like _________________(sell) well this year.

2.From 3p.m. To 5p.m. yesterday, that girl together with her brothers _______________(watch) a film at a cinema.

3.Look! All the birds ________________(fly) away. We can’t see one in the sky now.

4.Last week my son emailed me. He said he______________(return) to see me the next month.

5.What should we pay attention to is ________________(reduce) the pollution.

6.Tim and Tom, ______________(not be) absent from school next time.

7.Our school _________________(organize) a visit to Hangzhou unless it rains tomorrow.

8.At a fixed time every morning last month, a big cake _______________(divide) into many parts to those poor children in this shop.




1.Could you offer me more _______________(建议)? I’m sure they’ll be valuable.

2.China, an_____________(东方)country, is becoming more and more important in the world.

3.You can’t remember so many ____________(科学家) telephone numbers in such a short time.

4.I don’t know why the keyboard _______________(连接) to the computer doesn’t work.



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