满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

----I’ve just heard that the lecture (讲座...

----I’ve just heard that the lecture (讲座)to be given by Ma Yun,the Alibaba CEO,has been cancelled(取消).

----Oh , no!__________ .

A. It’s wonderful.               B. It doesn’t matter.

C. I hope so.                     D.I was looking forward to that


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我听说那个由马云,阿里巴巴的CEO讲授的讲座取消了。哦,不是吧?我很期待这个讲座呢。A 太棒了;B 没关系;C 我希望如此;D 我很期待这个演讲;结合语境故选D。 考点:考查情景交际。  

----Could you tell me ________?

----Take No. 32 Bus.

A. where is Nanjing University

B. what Nanjing University is like

C. how I can get to Nanjing University

D. which bus shall I take to Nanjing University



They are talking about _______.

A. if our teacher doesn’t come, if we can go.

B. where we will go to Beijing this Sunday.

C. how to get.

D. whether that is something wrong with it.



I’m going to take him to some famous hutongs_______ he can learn more about China.

A. because             B. when

C. so that            D. as if



Can you imagine the difficulty the teachers have _____ all the students go to college.

A. make          B. making       C. made       D.  to make



Nobody except Lily and Lucy___New York for a month last year. Only they can be our guides.

A. have been in         B. has been in

C. was in     D. has been to



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