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Ian Scott Wilson, 13, studies at a middl...

  Ian Scott Wilson, 13, studies at a middle school in the US. He thinks kids don’t ___ enough respect from the grown-up world.

“Kids are usually ignored by adults”, he said.” They say ‘That’s a _     _ idea. You can’t do that.’”

That’s why he took part in a national __     _ for student made documentaries. He wanted to be heard. A documentary is a film or TV show that_     _a serious issue. Ian had never made one and wanted to try.

Ian made a __     _film about problems at Walter Reed, a hospital in Washington. He won first __     _ in the competition for middle school students.

Walter Reed is taking care of many injured _     _ of the Iraq war. Earlier this year, reports said that the hospital had problems. For example, some said the rooms were _     _.

Ian paid much attention_     _ the issue because his 23-year-old brother is a soldier in Iraq.

“I thought about how terrible it would be _     _ these things happened to my brother,” Ian said.

“It was that feeling that helped make Ian’s film _     _ out”, said Joanne Wheeler. Wheeler helped run the competition. “Ian was very passionate, but he was _     _ a good listener.”

Ian interviewed 100 people for the _     _. He reported on what was wrong. But he also _     _ on efforts to fix the problems. Ian got a prize of $1,000. He decided to give the money to an __     _soldier staying in the hospital.

1.A. get  B. take   C. make   D. release

2.A. good  B. silly   C. surprising   D. exciting

3.A. meeting B. competition  C. lecture   D. interview

4.A. talks  B. tells   C. says   D. speaks

5.A. 10-minute B. 10-minutes  C. 10-minute’s     D. 10-minutes’

6.A. room  B. place   C. area   D. price

7.A. doctors B. nurses   C. soldiers  D. engineers

8.A. clean  B. unclean  C. polite   D. impolite

9.A. on  B. in    C. to    D. at

10.A. if  B. so   C. when   D. while

11.A. take  B. put   C. work   D. stand

12.A. also  B. either   C. both   D. all

13.A. contest B. hospital  C. agreement  D. film

14.A. reported B. wrote   C. put   D. held

15.A. ill  B. injured   C. amazing  D. interesting


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述了Ian,一个十三岁的孩子为了赢得大人的重视参加了一个全国的纪录片大赛。他记录的关于一家收养伊拉克战争受伤士兵医院的记录片获得了一等奖。在纪录片中,他不但报道了问题,也提出了解决办法。最后他将自己的奖金捐给了一个受伤的士兵。 1.A考查动词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文,此句为:他认为孩子没有从大人的世界里得到足够的尊重。A 得到;B 带走;C 制造;D 释放。故此题选A。 2.B考查形容词辨析与语境理解。前文讲到大人总是忽略孩子,此句为:他们说,这是个愚蠢的主意,你们不能做。A 好的,B 愚蠢的;C 吃惊的;D 令人兴奋的。结合语境故选B。 3.B考查名词辨析与语境理解。从后文in the competition for middle school students.在中学生的比赛中,得知此句为:这就是为什么他参加了一个学生记录片的全国比赛。A 会议;B 比赛;C 讲座;D 采访。结合语境故选B。 4.B考查动词辨析与语境理解。That引导了一个定语从句,此句为:纪录片是个讲述严肃问题的电影或者电视节目。A 谈话;B 讲述;C 说;D 说(某种语言)。结合语境故选B。 5.A考查名词辨析与语境理解。结合选项,此句为:Ian录制了一个10分钟的电影,关于华盛顿的一家医院Walter Reed的问题。10-minute十分钟的,用作定语,minute用单数形式,故选A。 6.B考查名词辨析与语境理解。这里讲的是他获奖的情况,此句为:他获得了中学生比赛的第一名。First place第一名,故此题选B。 7.C考查名词辨析与语境理解。根据后文the Iraq war伊拉克战争,此句为: Walter Reed医院照顾了很多伊拉克战争中受伤的士兵。A 医生;B 护士;C 战士;D 工程师。结合语境故选C。 8.B考查形容词辨析与语境理解。前面讲到这家医院有问题,此句为:例如,有人说这里的房间不干净。A 干净的;B 不干净的;C 礼貌的;D 不礼貌的。结合语境故选B。 9.C考查介词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文,此句为:Ian极大了关注了这个事件,因为他23岁的哥哥也是伊拉克战争中的一名士兵。短语pay attention to关注于,介词用to,故选C。 10.A考查连词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文,此句为:我想如果这些事情发生在我哥哥身上,那该有多糟糕啊。A 如果;B 所以;C 当……时候;D 当……时候。结合语境故选A。 11.D考查动词辨析与语境理解。从前文得知Ian的作品获得了第一名,此句为:就是这种感情使他的电影能够凸显出来。Take out取出;put out扑灭;work out解决;stand out引人注目。结合语境故选D。 12.A考查副词辨析与语境理解。前面讲到Ian was very passionate. Ian 很有热情,此句为:他也是个好的聆听着。A 也;B 要么;C 两者都;D 全部。结合语境故选A。 13.D考查名词辨析与语境理解。这里讲的是他为这个电影所做的事情,此句为:为了这部电影,Ian采访了100个人。A 竞赛;B 医院;C 协议;D 电影。结合语境故选D。 14.C考查动词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文,此句为:他同样也为解决这些问题付出努力。短语put on efforts付出努力,故选C。 15.考查形容词辨析与语境理解。这里讲到他将奖金捐献出去,此句为:他决定把钱捐给一个在医院的受伤的士兵。A 生病的;B 受伤的;C 令人惊异的;D 有趣的。结合语境故选C。 考点:故事类短文。

I found ______ difficult to learn English

A. it’s        B. it           C.  that      D. this



The young man is ______ carry the heavy bag

A. strong enough to  B.enough strong to

C.not enough to   D.strong enough



Although Jim loves KFC, he tries _____ it too often

A. to eat      B. not eat

C. to not eat     D.not to eat



When the teacher came in, the students ______ about the film

A. are talking  B. were talking

C.talked       D.talks



____ a new building _____ in your school last year

A. Is; built    B.was; built

C.Does; build   D.did; build



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