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When William Thomas decided to rob(抢劫) a...

When William Thomas decided to rob(抢劫) a jewellery’s shop, he made carefully plan. He watched the shop for some days, he found a good place to leave his car, he found a really heavy brick, and he even made plans for the jewellery immediately so that he wouldn’t be caught.

On the day of the planned robbery, he parked his car on a nearby road and walked around the corner to the jewellery’s shop, carrying the brick under his coat.

He looked up and down the road and then, when nobody was watching him, he took the brick from under is coat and threw it at the window.

Unluckily, William had not checked how strong the glass in the shop window was. The brick hit the window and bounced back off the glass. It hit William on the head and knocked him unconscious(失去知觉).

1.Where did the robbery happen, outside or inside the jewellery’s shop?

2.How many things did William do in preparation for his robbery?

3.From which part did William plan to go into the shop?

4.What did he take with on the day of the planned robbery?

5.Did William rob anything?


1.outside the jewellery’s shop 2.Four. 3.The window 4.a heavy brick 5.No 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了William计划去抢一家珠宝店,他为此做了很多计划。到了抢劫的那天,他拿了块砖头去砸店子的玻璃,但窗户玻璃很厚,将砖头反弹回来把William砸晕了。 1.判断推理题。根据文章内容得知,William计划去抢一家珠宝店,他拿了块砖头去砸店子的玻璃,但窗户玻璃很厚,将砖头反弹回来把William砸晕了,从而判断这个抢劫发生在珠宝店外,故回答outside the jewellery’s shop。 2.判断推理题。根据文章内容得知,William为了这次抢劫做了一些准备,观察了几天这个店子,找了个好的停车位,选了一块很重的砖头,为珠宝也做了计划,故回答Four. 3.判断推理题。根据文章内容得知,William拿起砖头去砸窗户的玻璃,从而判断他想从窗户进去,故回答The window。 4.细节理解题。根据文章内容he took the brick from under is coat他拿了块砖头放在衣服下,故回答a heavy brick。 5.判断推理题。根据文章内容得知,窗户玻璃很厚,将砖头反弹回来把William砸晕了,从而判断他没抢到任何东西,故回答No。 考点:任务型阅读。


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What do you do to get pocket money (零花钱) from your parents? In Western1.     . many children do chores to get pocket money. They usually start to do2.     . at 10 years old.

School students have to do homework and 3.     . for tests. They don’t have a lot of free time in the week. They often do chores at the 4.     .

Yong kids only do easy chores. So they don’t5.     . much money. But that is all right. Many of them only want to6.     . candy. And candy is cheap! They help wash up after7.     . and feed the family cat or dog.

When they get 8.     . kids want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive 9.     . candy. Then they have to work harder! They often wash the family car, cut the grass, walk the dog 10.     . cook dinner.

Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn to use a lawn mower (割草机) or how to cook. Or course, their parents help them at first.



We are in a society full of competition. In fact, everyone is born equal(平等的). You can do what others do. 1.Although your classmates may be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. So everyone has his or her own advantages. Don’t view(考虑) things from a single point of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better than others in those ways.

2.Competition is not so terrible. Don’t be afraid of it. And don’t be afraid of those classmates who are better than you. Remember that self-confidence(自信) is the first step to success. 3.Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day!




1. 使他惊讶的是, 这个害羞的女孩跳舞这么好

____ ______ surprise, the shy girl danced so well


He can speak English______ well ____ French


Don’t give up, if you want to ________ ___________

4. 在老师的帮助下,丹妮在英语方面取得了很大进步

Danny _____ great ____________ with the teacher’s help

5. 他离开北京半年了 ______________

6. 书能被电脑代替吗?________________




在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词) 使对话完整。


A Hi, Mary! 1.______ this weekend?

B Hi, Jack! I am going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to join us?

A Yeah, 2._____. Which beach are you going to?

B We are thinking about driving from north to Radcilff Beach in Queensland. I like driving. And I also like watching fish in the sea.

A That sounds great. 3.____?

B Well, we plan to leave at about 6 a. m. on Saturday.

A Great. 4.______?

B Shall we meet in front of my garden?

A5.______. I’ll see you there. Bye.




Peter Let’s have a look in the South Seas Shopping Centre.

Judy All right, but mind the steps as you go in.

Peter Thanks. 1.______

Judy Ok, but watch out. The floor’s wet. You might slip.

Peter2.______ Let’s go in.

Judy Right, but take care. 3._______.

Peter Oh, I like this vase. I’ll just pick it up and oops!

Judy Look out! 4.______

Peter Gosh, the label says it’s 900 years old. But it only costs 64 yuan. I’m going to buy it.

Judy Be careful. 5._______

A. Here’s an antique shop.

B. You almost dropped it.

C. This is a book store.

D. Are you sure it’s real?

E. What can I do for you?

F. Don’t break anything

G. Let’s go along this way.




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