满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What do you think of _______ film about...

—What do you think of _______ film about Zhan Tianyou?

—It’s __________ good film.

A. the; the          B. a; the

C. the; a          D. a; a


C 【解析】 试题分析:“你认为《詹天佑》这部电影怎么样?”“我认为它是一部好电影。”根据 Zhan Tianyou可知,这部电影是双方都知道的,故用定冠词the;而第二个空只是说“是一部好电影”,应该用不定冠词a,表示“一个”。所以本题选C。 考点:考查冠词  



提示词:important, useful, improve, listen, practice







1.I’d like to be a scientist when I _________ (长大) .

2.—I’m sorry I made a mistake again.

—Don’t worry. But please be more careful __________(从现在开始).

3.The spirits of the Olympics encourage everyone _________(全世界).

4.__________(总体来说), the book is worth reading.

5.There is ______(毫无疑问) that it’s the most expensive to go by plane.




hero  sun  whatever  pronounce  different  sleep  cut  discuss  three  surprise

1.To our _______, the factory is still pouring waste water into the river.

2.Knife is used for ________ things.

3.I feel very tired and _____ because I stayed up last night.

4.What a _______ day it is today! Let’s go to the seaside to swim.

5.—Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?

—You can go to the Men’s Wear Section on the ________ floor.

6.In the class meeting, we had a _________ on how to study English.

7.The two space _____ will come to our school to give a talk tomorrow.

8.There are ______ between British English and Australian English.

9.______ happens, I will help you forever.

10.You should pay attention to your       when you learn English.



Being shy keeps many Chinese people from getting to know westerners. You may feel nervous about making language mistakes in front of a native English speaker.

But remember, westerners living in Asia know how it feels to try to communicate in a foreign language. They have made many mistakes when speaking Chinese!

So don’t worry about speaking imperfect English. The important thing is just to communicate. Start talking, and make some foreign friends!

Many westerners value(注重) their privacy(隐私). Don’t be surprised if your new friend doesn’t want to include you in everything he does. This may seem strange to Chinese who worry about that their friends will get lonely.

Chinese people often expect their good friends to give advice and take care of them in many ways. If you expect this kind of care from westerners, you may be disappointed. Why? Because most westerners value independence. They feel insulted(侮辱的) if others think they can’t take care of themselves. They will assume(假设) you feel the same way.

Of course, these tips(小提示) are just rules of thumb(经验之谈) and may not apply(适用) to all westerners. Each person you meet will have his or her own ideas about friendship. When you get confused(不明白), don’t be shy and worry to ask questions. Your new western friends may also have many questions about Chinese culture, and they may be hesitant(犹豫) to ask. So encourage them to ask questions, too.

Be honest and open to your friends. Respect each other’s differences. The friendships you make can be lifelong treasure both for you and your new friends.

1.Why do many Chinese people feel worried to speak to the foreigners?

A. Being shy.

B. Making a lot of language mistakes.

C. Nothing to say.

D. Can’t speak a foreign language.

2.What is the important thing to speak perfect English?

A. Starting talking.

B. Meeting foreigners.

C. Communicating.

D. Studying English.

3.What do you think the foreigners may not be insulted with?

A. Giving advice.

B. Taking care of themselves.

C. Getting care from good friends.

D. Getting help.

4.What does the underlined word “independence” mean?

A.独立自主 B.依靠 C.失落感 D.伤心



In the sunny night, look up at the clear night sky. You can probably see thousands of stars. The biggest thing you’ll see, of course, is the moon. For thousands of years, people have wondered about this big thing in the sky.

Earth’s moon is a satellite. A satellite is a body that orbits(环绕轨道运行)a planet. All moons are satellites, and many planets have them. Some have many moons. Earth, of course, only has one. It’s a special moon, though. It’s the fifth largest moon in the solar system!

In fact, the moon is much smaller than the sun. But it’s much closer to Earth, so it looks as big as the sun. The moon is so close that you can see its dark and light spots(斑点)without a telescope. Men flew and landed on the moon’s surface many times by spacecrafts in the 1960s and 1970s. Neil Armstrong was the first human to step on the moon. He walked on the moon on July 20th, 1969. The flights to the moon have helped us learn much about it. Astronauts even brought rocks home with them!

There’s still a lot to learn about the moon. Now people still can’t live on the moon because it does not have oxygen or water like the Earth. But I’m sure that humans can live there one day in the future.


1.What is a satellite?

A. A planet.

B. A spacecraft.

C. A body that orbits a planet.

D. A black star.

2. How many moons does the Earth have?

A. One.          B. Four.

C. Three.        D. Two.

3.Why does the moon look as big as the sun?

A. Because it’s much closer to the Earth.

B. Because it comes out at night.

C. Because it is the fifth largest moon in the solar system.

D. Because people can’t see it without a telescope.

4.Who was the first human to walk on the moon?

A. Lance Armstrong.    B. Neil Armstrong.

C. Wally Schirra.       D. Neil Diamond.



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