满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

动词应用(共10小题,计l0分) 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必...



1.It’s bad for your eyes _________(play)computer games too much.

2.Her father _______(go)for a walk after supper every day.

3.What about _______(take)a vacation by the sea?

4.Let’s ________(make)a birthday cake for our grandfather.

5.She _________(become)a movie star at the age of sixteen years old.

6.Mr.Smith ________(give)us a talk next Monday.

7.Listen! Someone ________(play)the piano in the next room.

8.Both his parents look happy.Maybe they ________(know)the good news.

9.一I’m glad to ______(invite)to Susan’s birthday party this evening,Mum.

一Enjoy yourself,dear! But remember to be back before l0 o’clock.

10.一You are going to buy a flat here, are you?

一Yes,but I _______(not afford)an expensive one.


1.to play 2.goes 3.taking 4.make 5.became 6.will give/is going to give 7.is playing 8.have known 9.be invited 10.can’t afford 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:玩电脑游戏对于你的眼睛有害。根据It’s+bad+for sb to do sth表示对某人来说做某事是……。根据题意故填to play 。 2.句意:他的父亲每天饭后去散步,go for a walk表示去散步;由时间状语every day可知用一般现在时。结合语境故答案是goes。 3.句意:在海边度假怎么样?根据What about+名词,代词,动名词。5故这里填simply。 4.句意:让我们为我们的爷爷制作一个大蛋糕;根据let’s+动词的原型表示征求建议的句子,让某人做某事。故答案是make 。 5.句意:在她16岁的时候,她成了一个电影明星。根据 at the age of sixteen years old表示在某人多大岁的时候,用于一般过去式;根据题意故填became。 6.句意:下周一,史密斯先生将给我们做报道。根据时间状语 next Monday可知用一般将来时。结合语境故答案是will give/is going to give。 7.句意:听,某人正在另一个房间里弹钢琴。根据语境可知用现在进行时be doing的结构,故这里填is playing 。 8.句意:他的父母两个看起来很开心,也许他们已经知道这个好消息了。根据语境和题意可知用现在完成时其结构是have done的结构。故答案是have known。 9.句意:---妈妈,今天晚上我很高兴被邀请去参加Susan的生日聚会。---玩的开心,亲爱的,但是记着10点之前回来。根据语境可知用被动语态be done的结构;故答案是be invited 。 10.儿你打算买一套房子们,是不是?---是的,但是我付不起贵的那一个。 Can’t afford+名词表示付不起……;故答案是can’t afford。 考点:单词填空。



1.There are ________(四十八)students in our class.

2.I like taking a ________ (淋浴)before I go to bed.

3.I often have ________ (粥)and two eggs for my breakfast.

4.________ (多雨的)season is from June to August in our city.

5.Most of the workers in that factory are so young that they have ________ (几乎不)any experience.

6.Is it ________ (必要的)for the parents to attend our class meeting?

7.We’11 have the meeting in the classroom ________ (而不是)in the hall.

8.He spoke English so ________ (清楚地)that I could catch every word.

9.The old man is over eighty,he is ________ (知识渊博的).

10.________ (无论什么)you do,your parents are ready to help you.



In London,there has always been a main problem.In order to solve this problem。The government has decided to have a bike revolution(革命).It has decided to provide 6,000 bikes for the people to rent.The government encourages local people to ride bikes in order to solve the traffic problem.

More than l2,000 people have agreed to the idea.Some of them ask for more than one key.Although there are not enough bikes,an official(官员)from the government said that they would find some ways to deal with such a shortage

Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations(停靠站).There are about 315 docking stations across the city.About l2,450 keys have already been handed out to the local people,but only 6,000 keys can be used now.

Let’s see the cost you need to pay.One key costs£3,and the cost of using the bike is£1 for an hour.The cost per hour increases as the hours increase,so it will cost£50 if you rent the bike for 24 hours.

The official from the government said they also needed to face a lot of problems,for example,some bikes may be lost.But they said they would try their best to solve all the problems to make sure the success of the program.

1.In London。the government has decided to provide bikes for local people to rent in order to solve _________.

A.the traffic problem      B.the population problem

C.the family problem       D.the health problem

2.About ______ keys have already been handed out to the local people.

A.315     B.6.000

C.12.000    D.12.450

3.In the passage, the underlined word “shortage” means “______” in Chinese.

A.挑战       B.缺点       C.短缺       D.困难

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The government provides a bike for each family.

B.Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations.

C.If you want a key,you need to pay£5.

D.Few people have agreed to the idea.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The people in London.

B.The transportation in London.

C.The traffic problem in London.

D.The bike revolution in London.



“Sometimes you just get a strict teacher.Instead of letting others know that this isn’t your favorite class.Make an effort to show your teacher you are doing your best.”

一jocelyn Howard,16

“Learn to put your activities in order of importance.School comes first,and if you just study as soon as you get home,it’s OK.You can also relax and play computers or do the other things you enjoy.But don’t settle for(沉溺于)just getting by.Try hard! And don’t be afraid to get help from teachers.”

一April Madlangbanyan,17

“If you have trouble getting along with a specific teacher,pray about it.Ask God to help you see that teacher through HIS EYES,not your own.And talk with that teacher.Good communication can strengthen any relationship-even with a hard-to-get-along-with teacher.”

一Lisa Shaw, 21

“Being a good student means being organized.Remember to bring all your supplies, everything-to each class every day.Make sure that you’ll never skip(逃)class.And when you’re in class,really pay attention! Don’t let yourself daydream or write notes to friends.Completing your homework on time is also important.”

一Victoria Walsh.16

“When you’re having trouble getting along with a certain teacher,stay calm! You may not agree with him or her,but you’ve got to remember the teacher is the authority(权威) figure.So make sure that you’re respectful and open-minded.Ask for a specific time the two of you can talk.Explain yourself and address(探讨)problem,not the teacher.”

——Amanda Baken,18

“Being a good student means studying often,not just cramming(填鸭式的用功)before a test.Identify(识别)your weak areas.For example,maybe you don’t have good reading skills or it’s hard for you to take notes.Once you identify what your weakness is,ask for help in these specific areas.Be willing to go in early or stay after school to get extra help.Go into the school year knowing that being a good student will require time and effort!”

一Tiffany Irving,20

1.According to Lisa Shaw,_______ if you have trouble getting along with a specific teacher.

A.you should try to understand him

B.you should avoid seeing him again

C.you should ask God for help

D.you should look on him as God

2.“Being a good student means being organized.”Victoria Walsh means _______.

A.sleeping all the time in your class

B.not finishing your homework on time

C.writing notes to your best friends in your class

D.bringing all your study things to each class,not escaping from class,listening carefully in class

3.What does the underlined expression “getting by” most probably mean?

A.Continuing one’s way of life without aim.

B.Wasting one’s time.

C.Doing opposite things.

D.Having gone.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Tiffany Irving advises studying hard before a test.

B.Victoria Walsh advises completing your homework on time.

C.Amanda Baken thinks that teachers should respect students.

D.April Madlangbanyan thinks that a good student should be the first to come to schoo1.

5.According to passage,we can infer(推断)that ________.

A.some students praised their teachers

B.some teachers said something about school

C.some students talked about something at school

D.some teachers talked about specific students



I 1ive on the twelfth floor of a building.One afternoon l was coming home from a friend’s house.It was just after four o’clock.I got quickly into the lift and pressed Button(按钮)12。

The lift started to go up,but very slowly.And then,half way up,it suddenly stopped between two floors.I couldn’t understand it.I pressed all he buttons from l to 14.I called for help very loudly.But nobody answered.

Then suddenly the lights went out.and I was alone in the dark.I started to cry and beat the walls of the lift.I cried and cried until l had no voice left.Then,.I felt hopeless,and pressed all the buttons with my open hands.And all at the same time,there was a bell far away.It rang and rang.It was the fire alarm(火灾警报).I thought the whole building was on fire.I said to the God quietly。“Just get me out of here.I’11 never be bad again.”

Just then,I realized the lift was moving very slowly.On the ground floor it stopped,and the door opened.A man was standing there.“How long have you been in there? It is good that you pressed the alarm bell.But haven’t you learned to read at your school?” He pointed at a small piece of paper on the wall beside the lift.

It said:“Attention:This lift will be stopped for repairs between 4 P.m.and 5 p.m.on Thursday March l3.”

1.What happened to the lift?

A.It had a fire accident.

B.It stopped half way.

C.It was turned off by the writer.

D.It moved fast up to the top floor.

2.As the situation went on。the writer became  _______.

A.more and more scared     B.calmer and calmer

C.more and more bored      D.clearer and clearer

3.Why did a bell ring from far away?

A.The lift was to start again.

B.The repair worker rang the fire alarm.

C.The building was on fire.

D.The writer pressed the fire alarm bell.

4.Who most probably made the lift move again and go down to the ground floor?

A.The writer.    B.The writer’s friend.

C.The man.       D.The writer’s father.

5.After reading the paper the writer realized that he(she)had ________.

A.escaped a fire accident

B.made a silly mistake

C.visited a dishonest friend

D.pressed a wrong button



What will you do when you are l 97 Study in high school? So will Britney Spears.But she is also a super star in the world of pop music sweet and lovely,Britney quickly captured(赢得)many people’s hearts! Here is something about her.

Britney Facts


December l2,1981

Birth place


Color of eyes


Favorite animal


Favorite movie


Favorite sport


Favorite actor

Brad Pitt





Britney Spears’ life has changed greatly over the course of the past two years.Since the appearance of her Jive(摇摆舞)record “Baby One More Time”,Britney Spears has gone from a star in the making to a super star and the Queen of Teen.In l999 alone she was named for two Grammies(格莱美唱片),won the l999 MTV Europe Awards,brought her stormy live(现场直播)show around the world and appeared on every major televised award show both in America and in Europe.

1.In the past two years her _______ has changed greatly.

A.1ife       B.boyfriend

C.study    D.family

2._______ made her become an outstanding person.

A.The hot dance

B.The sweetest face

C.The most attractive body

D.The appearance of her Jive record “Baby One More Time”

3.Now she has been __________.

A.a queen

B.lived everyday well

C.a famous athlete

D.a super star and the Queen of Teen

4.Her favorite movie is __________.

A.Mother      B.Bridge

C.Titanic    D.Brad Pitt

5.Which of the following isn’t her favorite?

A.Pepsi.      B.Red roses.

C.Baby blue.  D.Basketball.



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