满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon.A gro...

It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon.A group of birds were having a great time     food and playing on the main road.All of a sudden, a big truck sped through.A     thing happened.Birds could     , too.Although this bird had already    , another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the   

Not long after that, another car passed by quickly,    the dead bird’s body to whirl(旋转) with the wind.The male bird     the movement.As if she was still alive, he     flew beside her again.He stared at her as if he was asking,       are you not getting up?”

  , she was no longer able to hear him.At the same time, he was trying to lift her up.He,     , was unable to bear the burden.Another car soon passed by.He quickly     .Once the car had gone, he came down again.

Although other birds told him that it was     , he never gave up.He was trying his best to       her up.Another car passed by, and her dead body whirled again as if she was still alive and trying to     .He had used all of his energy, but he was too weak.

1.A.packing up  B.caring for       C.searching for  D.setting down

2.A.strange  B.normal C.funny  D.sad

3.A.disagree B.feel  C.fly  D.spread

4.A.disappeared B.dropped C.died           D. escaped

5.A.story B.truth  C.gift D.past

6.A.shaking B.holding C.sending D.causing

7.A.stopped B.disturbed C.noticed  D.feared

8.A.worriedly B.quickly C.bravely D.surprisingly

9.A.Where B.When  C.How  D.Why

10.A.Unluckily B.Slowly C.Finally  D.Directly

11.A.in need B.of course C.by accident D.on purpose

12.A.sat down B.looked up C.showed up D.flew off

13.A.simple B.boring  C.useless D.important

14.A.lift B.keep  C.catch  D.put

15.A.jump B.dance  C.sing   D.Fly


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了一群鸟在路边寻找食物时,有一只鸟被车轧死,但是有另外一只雄鸟对这只被轧死的鸟一直不离不弃,并试图将它弄走,一次又一次,就是不放弃,其执着之精神令人感动。 1.C.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:一群鸟在主路上寻找食物和玩耍时玩的很开心。A打包;B照;顾C搜查;D安置,放下。鸟在路上主要是寻找食物。故选C。 2.D.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:一件不幸的事情发生了。A奇怪的;B正常的;C滑稽的;D难过的。根据后面描述说是这只鸟已经死亡可知这是一件伤心的事,故选D。 3.B.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:鸟们也都感觉到了。A不同意;B感觉;C飞翔;D扩展。来了卡车其声响使他们感觉到了。故选B。 4.C.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:尽管这只鸟已经死了,另一只鸟立刻飞向她,就像她的家庭成员一样,难以接受这个事实。A消失;B掉下;C死;D逃跑。根据下一段中的the dead bird’s body可知,这只鸟被车轧死了。故选C。 5.B.考查名词及语境的理解。A故事;B事实;C礼物;D过去。看到同伴被轧死了,所以难以接受。故选B。 6.D.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:在那不久,另一辆车迅速地经过,致使那只鸟的尸体随风旋转。A摇晃;B握住;C派遣,送;D导致。Cause意为“导致,致使”。故选D。 7.C.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:那只雄鸟注意到了这一动作。A停止;B打扰;C注意;D害怕。是在远处看到的这一场景。故选C 8.B.考查副词及语境的理解。句意:仿佛她还活着,他迅速地又一次飞到她的身边。A焦虑地;B迅速地;C勇敢地;D吃惊地。强调动作的快,故选B。 9.D.考查副词及语境的理解。句意:他盯着她再看,仿佛在问:“你为什么不起来呀?”A哪里;B何时;C如何;D为什么。此处表达原因。故选D. 10.A.考查副词及语境的理解。句意:不幸的是,她再也听不见他的声音了。A不幸的是;B缓慢地;C最后;D直接地。根据前文可知,这只鸟已经死了,自然听不到他的声音了。故选A。 11.B.考查介词及语境的理解。句意:他当然弄不动她。A有需要,有困难;B当然;C偶然;D故意。表示自然而然的原因,仅凭它一只鸟的力量是无法把这只鸟弄走的。故选B 12.D.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:它迅速地飞走。A坐下;B抬头看,查找;C出现;D飞走。前面有提示,当车来了时,它就躲开,当车开走了,它又回来了。故选D。 13.C.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:尽管其他的鸟告诉它没用了,但是他就是不放弃。A简单的;B无聊的;C无用的;D重要的。是指它把鸟弄走的事实。故选C。 14.A.考查动词及语境的理解。句意:它在尽全力把她叼走。A抬起,提起;B保持;C抓住;D放。根据上一段At the same time, he was trying to lift her up.可知,这只雄鸟想把这只被车轧死的鸟弄走。故选A。 15.;B跳舞;C唱歌;D飞,飞行。根据前面的as if she was still alive 可知,看似这只鸟还在努力飞翔;故选D。 考点:故事类阅读。

It is           to cycle around Guilin.

A.a great fun      B.very fun

C.great fun       D.a great funny



Bruce Lee was a famous film star        made Kungfu popular in the west.

A.whose            B.who     C.which           D.Whom



The dress is made of silk.It _________.

A.is felt smooth  B.is felt smoothly  C.feels smooth     D.feels smoothly



—May I use your computer, Mr. WU?   —______.

A.Yes, you may not    B.No, you may

C.Yes I may           D.No, you may not



This dress still looks pretty on you, _______ it is out of style.

A.but      B.though      C.since      D.Unless



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