满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

在空白处填入适当的词、短语或句子。 A: Hi, Nice to meet yo...


A Hi, Nice to meet you !

B 1._______________________________________.

A You are early today!

B Yes, I ride my bike to school today.

A Oh. 2._____________________________________?

B I walk.

A 3.______________________________________?

B About 20 minutes.

A Walking is good for health. So4.____________________________?

B I get up at six. And then I brush my teeth and wash my face. And then I walk to school. 5._________________?

A It’s 10 kilometers. And I get to school in my father’s car.

B Oh, I see. It’s 650 now. Let’s go and do morning exercises

A OK, Let’s go!


1.Nice to meet you too! 2.How do you usually go to school? 3.How long does it take? 4.What time do you get up? 5.How far is it from your home to school? 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:-你好,见到你很高兴!-见到你也很高兴!根据对话的上句话Nice to meet you可知,这是两个人来互相问候,我们也应该用Nice to meet you too来回答。 2.句意:-你通常怎样去上学?-我走路去上学。根据对话中下面的回答I walk可知,这里两个人讨论的是怎样去上学,这里问的是怎样去上学,故用疑问词How。 3.句意:-需要花费多长时间?-大约20分钟。根据对话中下面的回答About 20 minutes可知,这里应该是问上学需要花费多长时间,故疑问词是How long,应该填How long does it take you?,take是花费的意思。 4.句意:-那么你几点起床?-我六点起床。根据下面的回答I get up at six可知,这里问的是他几点起床,疑问词是What time,故填What time do you get up? 5.-你家离学校有多远?-10公里远,我经常做爸爸的车去上学。根据下面的回答It’s 10 kilometers可知,这里问的是他从家到学校的距离,疑问词应该是How far,故填How far is it from your home to school? 考点:补全对话。


A Do you like animals?


A   Let’s go to see the animals this afternoon. There’s a new zoo in our city.

B __2.____


B Dolphins!


BBecause they are kind of smart. I like to see a dolphin show .

A Well ,I like elephants.

B Why do you like them?

A_5.___. They can do a lot of things with their noses.

A. Because they are interesting.

B. What animals do you like?

C. why do you like them?

D. That sounds good.

E. Yes, I do.

F. Why are they interesting.



For many students, it’s easy_______ school.

A. to get to        B. get to

C. to get            D. get



There is a bus stop_______ the library _______ the club.

A. either, or       B. from, to

C. between, and      D. in, and



I like to eat ice-cream. It tastes _______.

A. well  B. good    C. clean     D. funny



Tom is _______boy.

A. a eight-year old        B. an eight-years-old

C. an eight-year-old       D. a eight-year-olds



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