满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

对话配对。(每小题1分,共5分) (A) (B) 1.Are you Kate?...


(A)                                    (B)

1.Are you Kate? A  They are sofas.

2.What’s her name? B  B-R-O-W-N.

3.Where are the rulers ? C  No I’m not I’m Mary

4.What are these ? D  Her name is Linda.

5.Spell it please. E  They’re in the drawer


1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.C句意:-你是Kate吗?-不,我不是,我是Mary。根据问句的意思可知,这是一个一般疑问句,回答的时候应该用Yes做肯定回答,或No做否定回答。根据句意故选C。 2.D句意:-她叫什么名字?-她的名字叫Linda。根据问句的意思可知,这里问的是一个女孩的名字,her她的。故应该回答Her name is…。故选D。 3.E句意:-这些尺子在哪里?-他们在抽屉里。这个问句中的疑问词Where是提问在哪里,而且这句话中the rulers是复数形式,故应该选E。 4.A句意:-这些是什么?-他们是沙发。根据句意可知,这里问的是这些是什么东西,these 表示复数的意思,故回答的时候用They are…。故选A。 5.请拼写一下。-B-R-O-W-N。根据句意可知,这里是让我们来拼写一个单词,我们要一个字母一个字母的写出来,而且要用大写的形式,故应该选B。 考点:对话配对。


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1. Bob is Martin Brown’s  ( …..的)      .

A. son       B. daughter      C. brother        D. sister

2.Mark Green is Jenny’s      .

A. father     B. mother

C. grandfather    D. daughter

3.Bob and Jenny are Tony’ s        .

A. grandparents      B. parents  

C. aunt and uncle     D. cousin

4.John is a boy. He is Joe and Tony’ s       .

A. daughter      B. son      C. cousin     D. brother

5.Joe and Tony are Bob’s       .

A. daughters   B. children(孩子们)

C. brothers      D. cousins





Lost:My watch.

It is red.

My name is Tony.

Please call  568—60347.

Lost:My baseball.

My name is Jack.

Please call 528—77923.

Found: Notebook.


Is this your notebook?

Please call Sonia.


Found: Schoolbag.

Is this yours?

Please call Jane.

Phone 396—12653.



1.Who lost a watch?

A. Sonia.    B. Jack.     C. Jane.           D. Tony

2.Is the baseball Jack’s?

A. Yes, it is.        B. No, it isn’t

C. No, it’s Jane ’s.   D. We don’t know

3.What color is Tony ’s watch?

A. black.      B. green.         C. red.           D. yellow

4.You can call         for schoolbag.

A. Tony       B.  Jack         C. Sonia          D. Jane

5.What’s Sonia’s phone number?

A. 396-12653     B.  528-77923

C. 568-60347     D. 828-66789



What’s this? It’s P. What color is it? It’s green. What’s this and what color is it? It’s E. It’s yellow. What’s this? It’s N. It’s red. What’s this? It's a pen. Spell itplease. P—E—-N. I have (有) a blue pen. This my ruler. It’s yellow. My jacket is black and my quilt is green. It’s nice.

1.What color is P?

A. Green         B. Yellow

C. Red             D. Blue

2.         is red.

A. E               B. N

C . My ruler         D. My jacket

3.My      is blue and my       is black.

A. jacket ; ruler       B. pen; ruler

C. pen; jacket         D. ruler; pen

4.My quilt is     .

A. red and green    B.yellow and nice

C . green and nice   D. blue and nice

5.My ruler and E are        .

A. green            B.  yellow

C. blue             D.  red



Good morning! I’m Mike Brown. I am an English boy. My telephone number is five-four-five-zero-six-seven-eight. This is my room (房间). The quilt is blue. In the room there are books (书) a computer (电脑) and a pencil box (文具盒).

1. Mike’s last name is       .

A. Brown    B. White    C.Green     D. Black

2.Mike is       .

A. a Chinese boy     B. an English boy

C. an English girl     D. a Chinese girl

3. What’s Mike’s telephone number?

A. 555-0687.    B. 545-0678.

C. 545-6870.    D. 545-8760.

4.What color is Mike’s quilt?

A. white.     B. green.

C. yellow.     D. blue.

5.There is a(n)i      n Mike’s room.

A. computer       B. orange

C. pencil(铅笔)    D. Telephone



Hey boys and girls!      morning. My name       Eric. I         12 years old(岁). I have     ID card. Its    is 3367753. Miss Wang is our Chinese teacher.    is very nice. We all like her very much. What’s     telephone number?  Oh    6207654. If(如果) you have some questions you can call her. She likes      very much. Her pen is blue. Her ruler is blue too. Can you tell me what      you like? Red white or green?

1.A. OK       B. good        C. Nice       D. Good

2.A. be        B. are          C. is          D. am

3.A. am       B. is            C. are         D. be

4.A. a         B. an           C. the         D. /

5.A. name      B. number      C. card        D.ID

6.A. She       B. Her         C. Miss        D. His

7.A. she        B. her         C. him         D. his

8.A. it         B. its           C. it’s         D. is

9.A. white      B. green        C. red         D. blue

10.A. color    B. ruler        C. pen         D. orange



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