满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

You and your friends have been spending ...

You and your friends have been spending three years together at junior high school. You must be sad when you say goodbye to each other. Most of you may choose to send gifts to your friends. You can buy something from the stores, or you can try to make presents by yourself, or you can invite your friends to make presents with you that both of you like. However, do you think of choosing a special gift for a friend? Here are some ideas of the best gifts.

A PHOTO FRAME and an old photo of the two of you are special.

Make a gift basket for your friend, putting his or her favorite chocolates, candies and cookies in it.

Print your friend’s picture on a T-shirt, with the words “ My Best Friend”.

It’s cool to send your friend something like sunglasses, a watch, or a hat.

For a friend who loves reading books, sending him or her a book of his or her favorite author is a very good idea.

If your friend love sports, a good choice will be the tickets for the coming sports games.

1.Six ideas are mentioned in the passage.

2.The students are often happy to say goodbye to each other when they graduate from junior high school.

3.According to the passage, sending books to friends isn’t a good idea.

4.According to the passage, making presents by yourself is a good idea.

5.You’d better send tickets for sports games to friends who love sports.


1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了初中三年的时光很快就过去了,再和朋友们分别之际送给朋友们合适的礼物是有必要的,文中提供了很好的建议。 1.T细节理解题,通读全文可知文中在送给朋友礼物方面提供了6条建议,故答案是T。 2.F细节理解题,根据文中You must be sad when you say goodbye to each other.可知当和朋友们分别的时候非常的难过,故答案是错误的F. 3.F细节理解题,根据文中第5条建议For a friend who loves reading books, sending him or her a book of his or her favorite author is a very good idea.可知是错误的,故答案是F 4.T细节理解题,根据文中You can buy something from the stores, or you can try to make presents by yourself理解可知。自己为朋友制作礼物是一个好主意,故答案是正确的T。 5.细节理解题,根据文中最后一条建议If your friend love sports, a good choice will be the tickets for the coming sports games可知,故答案是T。 考点:人生百味类的阅读

Do you know that you can use the Internet to buy things? For several       , Americans have enjoyed online shopping. Now online shopping is starting in the world. In many countries, people can       their computers and shop for clothes, food, toys and many other things.

Online shopping is in fashion in England. For example, the ABC Company is one of the biggest       in 15 European countries. It sells different kinds of things over the Internet, and in one year it made $100 million. In France, until last year online shopping was only possible           one web page. Then the government allowed more online shopping. The Frenchmen spend much money a year      things through these web pages. French businesses are hoping this new online shopping will help them sell more things in the future.

Some people like online shopping because it allows them to do      shopping without leaving their homes. And they don’t have the problems of traffic in the cities. But they usually worry       the quality of the things for sale over the Internet. Good quality is       to them. So the companies will have to be more careful about the quality of the things      sell. Because people always care about both the quality      the price. Enjoy online shopping!

1.A. hours   B. days    C. weeks    D. years

2.A. turn on   B. turn up   C. turn down   D. turn off

3.A. country  B. countries   C. company   D. companies

4.A. at    B. on    C. in     D. of

5.A. buying  B. keeping   C. saving    D. doing

6.A. his   B. her    C. its    D. their

7.A. in    B. about    C. of    D. with

8.A. difficult  B. interesting   C. important   D. different

9.A. it    B. he    C. she    D. they

10.A. and   B. or    C. so    D. But



It is rude to laugh at people in trouble. The underlined part means          .

A. impolite   B. polite      C. kind      D. Friendly



Kate does well in singing. The underlined part means          .

A. is good for      B. is good at

C. is good to     D. is good with



         did you go last weekend?

I went to the zoo with my cousins.

A. Where       B. How      C. What      D. Who



. Chopsticks          every day when people eat Chinese food.

A. is used       B. was used

C. are used     D. have been used



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