满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There is an old bridge _________the rive...

There is an old bridge _________the river. Be careful when you _________ it.

A. over across       B. above cross

C. above across       D. over cross


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:河上有一座古老的桥。当你过桥时要小心。over与above(under与below) over,above都表示“在……的上面”,over表示“正上方”,而above只表示“在上方”但不一定在“正上方”。above还可表示温度、水位等“高于”,over还可表示“越过……”。over的反义词是under,above的反义词是below.cross 经过; across穿过。这里首先桥不与河接触,其次的话是在正上方,而且是越过河的,综上,应该用over。所以选D。 考点:考查介词与动词。  

______boy with ______ apple in his hand is my best friend Tom .

A. A the        B. The a       C. A an             D. The an




1.A. company    B. flat         C. manager     D. lamp

2.A. second      B. letter        C. shelf          D. design

3.A. sick       B. fix           C. mile         D. notice

4.A. over       B. college       C. local        D. notice

5.A. rubber       B. study      C. full         D. hundred

6.A.buses       B.houses         C.glasses        D.classes

7.A. double     B. enough   C. thousand   D. country

8.A. south     B. with   C. theatre   D. think

9.A. football       B. neighbourhood  C. cook         D. pool

10.A.shower       B. follow      C. tomorrow     D. below




俗话说“远亲不如近邻”, 邻居对我们的生活非常重要。请你根据下面的提示, 以“My neighbour”为题,写一篇作文,词数不少于70词。






















There is going to b   1.   a “helping hands” meeting in the hall of Sunshine Community centre this Sunday morning .

If your hair is t  2. long or want to change y  3.  hairstyle, the hairdressers at the Beautiful Hair Club will h  4. you .They cut hair very well, the C  5.  Group knows a lot about computers .Bring your b  6.   computers to them . The helpers will c 7. them for you. People can also learn m  8.  about computers from them. If you want to cook delicious food f  9.  your family ,the Delicious Kitchen w  10. help you.



Longquan Road is a busy road through the town. Every day, more than 5 thousand cars run on it and thousands of people cross it. When these people cross the zebra crossing near a bookshop, some traffic accidents (事故) may happen and sometimes the traffic goes slowly because too many people are crossing the zebra crossing.

The government of this city is going to build a footbridge to replace (代替) the zebra crossing. It will cost(花费) over 500,000 yuan. Most drivers think it is a good idea because cars can go faster than before without the zebra crossing. Many parents also like this plan because they think crossing the footbridge will be safer (更安全的) than crossing the zebra crossing for their kids. However, some old people don’t like the idea. They say it will take more time to cross the road, and climbing up the steps of the footbridge makes them tired. Shop owners near the zebra crossing also think it is a bad idea. They think there will not be so many people coming to their shops as before.

Building a footbridge

The location (位置) of the footbridge

Near a 1. ________

The 2. ________ of the footbridge

More than five hundred 3. ________ yuan




What do different people think of it?


They think it is a good plan because they can drive 5.________.

6. ________

They think it will be7. ________ for their kids to cross the foot-bridge than to cross the zebra crossing.

8.________ people

They think climbing steps will make them 9. ________.

Shop owners

They think they will make10. ________ money.



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