满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— When did your parents __________? — Th...

When did your parents __________?

They ___________ for 20 years.

A. marry got married

B. get married have got married

C. marry have got married

D. get married have been married


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意: 你父母什么时候结婚的?他们结婚有20年了。第一句用一般过去时,get married结婚。第二句要用现在完成时,have got married是瞬间性动词不能与时间段连用,而have been married表示状态,可以与时间段连用,故选D。 考点:考查现在完成时。  

Is _______ air pollution ________ serious problem now?

A. a, a   B. /, a    C. the, the     D. the, /



书面表达。( 10分)

Eric 要写一封电子邮件给自己的网友介绍自己的家和家乡。

1. 你家离市中心大约5公里,骑车只要10分钟。那儿有个公园。你可以在公园里锻炼,也能闻到花香,听到小鸟唱歌。.

2. 你住在有20幢高楼的居民区。你的邻居们友好,乐于助人。他们帮助你们解决各种困难。

3. 你住在4楼,有一个大客厅,干净的餐厅和舒适的卧室。

4. 你认为这是一个居住的好地方。希望她能来参观。


Dear Millie,

I want to introduce my hometown to you.








Tom is ten years old,and he is a lazy(懒的)boy.He doesn’t like doing any work.He has to go to school ,of course.but he doesn’t s   1.    hard there. His father and mother are b 2.      doctors and they hope that their son will become one too when he g   3.   up.But one day Tom says to his mother,“I want to be a cleaner when I finish school.”

“A cleaner?” his mother asks.She is very surprised.” That's not a very good job.W   4.    do you want to become a cleaner?”

“Because I only have to work one day a w   5.   ,”Tom answers.

“Only one day a week?” his mother says,“What do you mean? And h  6.  do you know it?

“Well”,Tom answers,“I think the cleaners come to work on T  7.     , I o 8.      see them on that day.” His mother l  9.      and says,“They go to work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in other s 10.         .”



用所给词的适当形式填空 。

1.Will you invite the exchange students          (take) part in the activity?

2.The doctor can make Neil            (feel) better than before.

3.Our paintings are quite different from              (they).

4.Read more, and you            (be) better at English.

5.Look ! Simon            (fix) the broken bike for his classmate.



请根据句意或括号中的中文提示 ,写出句中所缺单词。

1.There are about four           ( 百) teachers in our school and they’re all kind.

2.Some of the            (工程师) are busy checking the computers for us.

3.Go across the bridge ,turn right and walk           (径直地) on.

4.All my classmates will prepare          (大量) of delicious food for the party.

5.There are some           (西方的) restaurants along the road.



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