满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

口语运用。(每小题1分,共5分) A.I fell very well B.I ...


A.I fell very well

B.I hope you’ll get better soon.

C. Do you sleep well at night?

D. I’m not feeling well

E. And do some exercise every day.

F. You need to eat less food

G. There’s nothing serious.

A: What’s the matter, young lady?

B: 1.     .  I can’t do any work, doctor

A: Do you have a cough?

B: No, I don’t have a cough.

A: 2.    

B: Yes, I sleep very well.

A: Do you have breakfast every morning?

B: No, I don’t have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.

A: Oh, I see.  3.              you need to eat more food and have three meals a day. 4.           .

B: OK. I’ll do like that.

A: 5.    


1.D 2.C 3.G 4.E 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.D根据上下文可知选D,我感觉不太好。故选D 2.C根据答语Yes, I sleep very well.可知选C,你晚上睡得好吗?故选C 3.G联系下文可知选G,没什么严重的。故选G 4.E根据上文提出了某种建议,可知选E最符合逻辑,并且每天多一些锻炼。故选E 5.B根据答语可知上文表达了某种善意,故选B,我希望你能很快好起来。故选B 考点:情景交际

According to an official report on youth violence(暴力), “The greatest danger to the lives of children is not disease or food shortage, but violence”. Why aren’t students taught to manage conflict(冲突)the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit?

First of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school students shows that most violence between students begin with small things. For example, a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can then lead to a fight. The problem isn’t in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.

Once students realize that conflict is unavoidable, they can practice the golden rule of staying calm(平静的). Once the student feels calmer, he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words only make things worse. On the other hand, soft words can put out the fire before it is out of control.

After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key way to help: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without getting in a word. Afterwards, the listener can ask some questions to make the speaker’s position clear. Then the two people should change roles.

Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn’t mean trying to work out what’s wrong with the other person. It means understanding what both sides are trying to deal with. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the problem becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller.

There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn’t mean there needs to be violence. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution(解决)is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The lives of school children.

B. The causes of fights in schools.

C. How to explain youth violence.

D. How to deal with school conflicts.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. A small conflict can lead to violence.

B. Students seem to lose their temper easily.

C. Violence is more likely to happen at lunchtime.

D. The eating habit of a student often causes a fight.

3.Why do students need to ask themselves the questions in Paragraph 5?

A. To make clear what the real problem is.

B. To find out who should take responsibility.

C. To show more considerations for both sides.

D. To work out how to stop the shouting match.

4.What’s the writer’s purpose for writing this passage?

A. To tell the latest studies on school violence.

B. To teach students different skills for school life.

C. To describe some problems in school education.

D. To suggest teaching conflict management in schools



You eat to stay fit and keep your body working, right? Then reading is food for your mind and soul. Reading informs you of what’s happening around. Reading encourages you to think and imagine, think out of the box and imagine the impossible.

In the past, people just read books, only books. Today, we have books online, which makes reading easy. The web, our new storehouse of information is just a click away.But this in no way has stolen the magic of reading books ,the sound of their pages’ flutter(翻页) and their smell…… .You can lie in bed with a book, but with a computer you possibly can’t. No matter how you read, reading is important.

Remember those bedtime stories? We read fun facts about animals, plants and the universe. We ask “whys” and “hows”. In books, we find their answers. Children who are introduced to reading at an early age are seen to have a better understanding of phonics (语音学). They master language skills easily, have a richer vocabulary and have greater reading abilities. Children, who grow up reading good books, mostly stand out. The way they think and act is very different from those who have never been introduced to reading. Reading not only adds to their knowledge but also shapes their personalities. Reading has a great influence on one’s life. Teenagers are easily influenced by whatever they read. If inspirational stories and life experiences are read in one’s teens, they can change a person for the better. They stay with him and keep encouraging him to achieve his goals and choose the right against the wrong.

The more you read, the more creative and imaginative you will become. Reading develops vocabulary, improves language skills and sharpens your problem-solving abilities. It leads to a better understanding of self. Reading gives you knowledge, it makes you more confident. The more you read about others’ lives and experiences, a better decision-maker you will become.

Reading about the importance of reading should lead you to read more, and more, and more. So choose a book you like and don’t stop reading until you reach the end. And even after that read as much as you can.

1.Which of the following is true?

A. Children should start reading at a young age.

B. Parents should tell their children stories every day.

C. Teenagers should think and act differently from others.

D. Students should find answers to their questions in books.

2.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means ______.

A. reading books is no longer a pleasure to people

B. reading books is less interesting than reading online

C. reading online can’t take the place of reading books

D. reading online can’t be difficult for people

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. More teenagers read online now.

B. What teenagers read builds their future.

C. What children should learn first is phonics.

D. More practice makes reading easier.

4. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Why Is Reading Important?

B. What Should Teenagers Read?

C. How Is Reading Ability Improved?

D. When Should Children Start Reading?



Much has been said and written recently about heroes, mainly because many people think we have too few of them. There are many different kinds of heroes, but they all seem to have two things in common. First, heroes, by their actions, show the great possibilities of human nature. Second, heroes can also stand the test of time, and their achievements will not be easily forgotten. Because of these good points, we need to choose our heroes carefully.

Olympic sports star Jackie Joyner-Kersee, who is believed to be a hero, warns young people to be careful of making athletes heroes. She hopes that if someone tries to copy her, it will be because she has achieved her goals by working hard. Joyner-Kersee says that a hero should be someone who has an influence on another person’s life.

Poet Maya Angelou believes that a hero encourages people to treat others well and to be concerned about the greater good. A hero should show politeness, courage, patience, and strength all the time. A hero should encourage others to follow him with actions that improve the world, even if only in small ways.

Author Daniel Boorstin suggests that, Celebrities are people who make news, but heroes are people who make history.” Thus, if a person is truly worthy to be called a hero, he or she will not be soon forgotten.

We all need heroes. We need to be able to respect people who have been there, done that, and succeeded. Many times the greatest heroes are the people we deal with every day — relatives(亲戚), friends, and neighbors — who will keep going when it is easier to give up. The parent who puts her or his family ahead of herself or himself, the teacher who will make more money at another job but chooses to help others — all these people can be considered as heroes. A hero quietly and continuously sets a good example, an example that inspires others to follow.

1.Joyner-Kersee hopes that young people ______.

A. will work hard    B. will become heroes

C. will follow her   D. will achieve her goal

2. The underlined word “celebrities” in Paragraph 4 means ______.

A. volunteers               B. reporters

C. sports players       D. famous people

3.From the passage we know that ______.

A. there are fewer heroes than before

B. many common people set examples to us

C. heroes should be polite, patient and famous

D. heroes have to reach the standard required for them

4. The best title for this passage is ______.

A. What Heroes Do                            B. Who Are Heroes

C. How Heroes Live                           D. Where Heroes are



Do you have any books on your bookshelf for many years? Instead of throwing them away, here is another way for you to consider. If you have books that you do not read anymore, you can share them with others. You can take the books to Share and Read. Share and Read offers used books in different categories(类别), such as storybooks, children books, language books, cook books and computer books, etc. All the books are sold at low prices. Share and Read also aims to help poor children in China. The money raised will be donated to help build schools in rural areas.

We welcome all quality books. We do not want textbooks, magazines and dictionaries. Just make sure that your books are in good condition before giving them to us.

Address: 201 Riverside Main Street

Working hours: Thursdays to Sundays from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Hotline: 7654-4321

We look forward to seeing you at Share and Read!

1.If you have books that you do not read anymore, you can ______.

A. sell them to friends

B. throw them away

C. share them with others

D. keep them on the bookshelf

2.When can you take books to Share and Read?

A. At 3:00 pm on Thursday

B. At 7:00 pm on Sunday

C. At 11:00 am on Tuesday

D. At 8:00 am on Wednesday

3.Share and read does not want ______.

A. Storybooks

B. textbooks



When I was in the sixth grade, one day my teacher asked our class to think about the question “What does ‘doing the right thing’ mean to you?” over the weekend. We could talk to our parents or anyone else we thought might have a good answer.        Monday, we were to hand in an essay(论文) on it, and be prepared to live up to(实践) our       .

The entire weekend, I was trying to      something that would impress my teacher and be easy to live by. I talked to my parents, called my grandmother and asked my neighbor. Everyone had good answers, but I didn’t feel like I could live up to them.

On Sunday afternoon, my parents said they were going to my Aunt Cindy’s house. That usually meant that I would have to entertain my four-year-old cousin Andrea         my parents visited. I found a Disney movie for Andrea, and then I sat down and started to write my essay. It was due(到期的)the next morning and this was my last       .

Soon I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Andrea.  “What are you doing?” Andrea asked. “I have to write an essay about what ‘doing the right thing’ means to me.” I answered. Andrea laughed. Could this smart four-year-old possibly know the answer?  “That’s easy,” she said. “Doing the right thing means being nice to your family and friends. Never lie. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Take a bath when you’re         . And never put rocks in your mouth.”

I stared with great       at my little cousin. Then I jumped up and gave her the biggest hug. Not only had Andrea answered a very tough question for me, but I could easily live by        of her answers. All I had to do was to be nice, not to lie, to keep myself clean and healthy, and never put rocks in my mouth. So when I wrote my essay, I      the story about Andrea and how she had answered my question.

Two weeks later, my teacher returned everyone’s essays. I       an A+ along with a little note my teacher had written at the top: “Always do the right thing and give Andrea an A+, too!”

1.A.By              B.Over            C.About      D.For

2.A.answers         B.plans            C.advice      D.information

3.A.look through     B.keep on         C.make up of     D.come up with

4.A.since           B.because         C.while   D.before

5.A.task            B.chance          C.step    D.choice

6.A.dirty            B.tired            C.sleepy      D.unhappy

7.A.pride           B.fear             C.surprise    D.worry

8.A.any             B.all              C.some   D.none

9.A.read            B.found           C.included    D.returned

10.A.prepared        B.expected        C.introduced  D.received



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