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1. 简要描述两幅图的内容;

2. 概述你对两幅图的理解;

3. 说明两幅图对你的启示。

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When Liu Lin was four,          Twenty years later,


1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;

2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;

3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

It happened in Liu Lin’s family. _______________________________________________





It happened in Liu Lin’s family. Twenty years ago, when Liu Lin was a child, his mother helped him wash his feet every day. Twenty years later, Liu Lin grew into a young man. Now he helps his mother to wash her feet every day. What do the pictures tell us? On one hand, when we were young, our parents devoted themselves to taking care of us. On the other hand, we should always remember what our parents have done for us. When they are growing older, they need our love and care as well. Therefore, it is important for us to pay our parents back after we grow up. In my family, my parents also give me great love and care every day. I love my parents from the bottom of my heart. Thus, I will learn from Liu Lin to do something for my parents from now on. 【解析】 试题分析:本题要求看图,简要描述图中内容, 概述对图的理解,说明图给人们的启示。一是要求能对图中所展现的事实讲述清楚,讲述过去的事件,主要运用一般过去时态进行表达;二是通过对两副图内容的联系,讲述了爱的传承的道理,使故事在图画的基础上升华。文章重点讲述两副图上的事实,同时也得要提示主题,点睛之笔必不可少。 写作亮点:这篇短文重点突出,详略得当:第一自然段,短短几句话,把图中的内容完整地表达出来了;第二自然段,用on the one hand…on the other hand讲述图画告诉人们的道理,最后以therefore表达作者的观点。第三自然段,联系自已的实际,说出了自己的想法,将文中的好的做法加以发扬。 考点:图画作文。  

In winter, gloves can prevent our hands from getting cold, e  1.  for people who ride bikes. Here is a new kind of gloves. They cost £1,000 a pair. People can talk into them as they make a call. The gloves are k  2.  as Talk to the Hand.

They come with a speaker into the thumb (拇指) and a microphone into the little finger that can be c  3.  to any mobile phone using Bluetooth. Mobile phone users will be able to keep their hands warm while they chat

w  4. taking their phones out of their pockets or handbags.

Designer Sean Miles combines (使结合) gloves with some p  5.  of mobile phones, which are recycled through O2. He designed two pairs of the new gloves—one in pink and the other in brown and yellow. They will a  6.  on a show and visitors will be able to win the gloves. If more people want to own them, they will then be produced in the near future.

It is said that the n  7. of unused mobile phones in the UK is about 70 million. Bill Eyres, head of O2 Recycle, asks people to recycle their phones. Mr. Miles hopes his work will make people c  8. recycling. The 41-year-old man said, “I hope that my Talk to the Hand project will get people to think again about the w  9.  created by not recycling things. If a few more people pay attention to recycling rather than send them to rubbish, I think this project will have reached i 10.  purpose.” Take action. Let’s enjoy a green life.

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Winston Churchill was born on 30 November 1874, in Blenheim Palace near Oxford. He was Britain’s prime minister for most of World War II. He was famous for his speeches. He never gave up even when things were going badly. People all over the world remember Churchill as a war leader. He loved history and in his life he made history.

Wars and adventures

In order to be a soldier in the cavalry (装甲部队), Winston went to the army college at Sandhurst in 1893. 1895 was a sad year. His father died. Winston went to America and Cuba. He started writing for newspapers about his adventures (冒险经历). In 1898, he went as a newspaper reporter to South Africa. He came home as a hero. In 1900, he was chosen as a member of Parliament (议会). In 1911 he became the chief leader of the Royal Navy. At this time, Britain had the world’s biggest navy.

In 1914, World War I began. But in 1915 his plan for an attack on Turkey went badly wrong. Churchill himself decided to fight in France as a soldier.

By 1917 he was back in the government. He was excited by the new tanks. Tanks helped win the war by 1918.

World War II began in 1939. In May 1940, Winston Churchill became the British prime minister. Churchill used radio to tell the world Britain was not beaten. His speeches helped keep up people’s spirits. “We shall never give up,” he once said. Churchill led his people through the fight of Britain and the Blitz. Everywhere he went he gave the “V for Victory” sign. The war in Europe was over in May 1945. People cheered Churchill. He stood with the King and Queen.

Churchill’s last years

Churchill kept busy. He wrote books and made speeches. He went back to 10 Downing Street as a prime minister. At that time he was 76.

In 1953, Churchill was given the Nobel Prize for Literature, for his history books.

Churchill passed away on 24 January 1965. Many world leaders came to his state funeral (葬礼). People lined the streets and lots of them couldn’t stop crying. Many famous British people are buried in Westminster Abbey or St Paul’s Cathedral. But Churchill’s grave (坟墓) is in a country churchyard near Oxford.

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Winston Churchill —— a great British prime minister

General introduction

One of the most famous people in Britain.

Be   1.  by people around the world as a war leader.

Wars and adventures


In 1893, he studied at an army college because he2. to be a solider in the cavalry.

In 1895, he began to write articles for 3.  after his father’s death.

In 1911, he was the leader of the world’s biggest navy.

During the World War I

His plan to attack Turkey   4. .

Later he became a solider to fight in France.

He led his country through the war because of   5.new tanks.

During the World War II

In 1940, he became a prime minister.

He made speeches to 6.  people not to give up.

The war in Europe 7. in 1945 and he was cheered by people as a hero in the country.


8. years

He still kept busy and   9.  to 10 Downing Street as a prime minister at 76.

At the age of ninety-one, he passed away and left his people great10.  .




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A: Hello, Elizabeth. Are you sure you’re all right? You look   1. worried today. Is there anything wrong?

B: Well, in fact, there is something wrong with me. Can you give me some advice?

A: Of course, if I can.

B: Last night when I 2. from the theatre, I found that I’d lost my wallet.

A: Oh, dear! What was in your wallet?

B: Well, some money, of course, my visa, my ID card and some photos.

A: Why not go to the police station and 3. it?

B: Yes, I’ve already done that, and they said they would make a search for it. But I am planning to go to Xiamen this weekend and I 4. my ID card badly.

A: What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?

A: Yes, quite sure.

B: Wait a minute! I know! My uncle lives   5. the theatre. I’ll phone him and ask him to go there.

A: Oh, that’s really kind of you. I hope he can find it.




1.He is looking forward to       (eat) in that Western restaurant.

2.Robin got up very early, but he still missed the early bus       (luck).

3.There is something wrong with one of the       (radio) on the shelf.

4.The government praised the       (fight) family for supporting his work.

5.He would rather       (go) to Beijing for further study than stay in Hangzhou.




1.It will be the       (第七) time for Xi Jinping to visit America this September.

2.A friend of       (我的) was chosen as the chairperson of the Students’ Union.

3.A couple are allowed to have a second child if       (两者之一) is an only child.

4.Our monitor is so excellent that all the teachers think very        (高度地) of him.

5.Would you mind       (讨论) the maths problems with us after school, Betty?



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