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Chen Min, a kung fu star in Latin Americ...

Chen Min, a kung fu star in Latin America, is trying to blend more Chinese kung fu and culture into Disney XD's coming TV show "Jungle Nest."

Chen has practiced kung fu for 25 years. She t  1.   the martial art (武术) in Argentina at present. She has become a w   2.   kung fu star all over the world because of her appearances in many TV shows. Some fans even c  3.  her the "female Bruce Lee."

Born in China's eastern Zhejiang province, she started her career a  4.   a professional martial arts athlete when she decided to learn kung fu at 5. T   5.   her parents wanted her to take up Ping-Pong or swimming, she didn’t give in.

With hard w   6.   and gift, Chen soon proved her excellence and joined the national team. She won many awards, i  7.   a gold medal at the East Asian Games.

In 2007, Chen retired and went to South America to realize her d   8.   of spreading Chinese kung fu and culture. She opened a kung fu school in Buenos Aires in February 2008 and only one student showed up on the opening of the school. H   9.   , she did not give up. Now the school has more than 900 students.

"In some ways, Chinese kung fu represents Chinese t   10.  culture behind it," said Chen.

She believes kung fu is more of a Chinese spirit and way of life.


1.teaches 2.well-known/world-famous/wonderful 3.call/consider 4.as 5.Though 6.work 7.including 8.dream(s) 9.However 10.traditional 【解析】 试题分析:本文文章介绍了陈敏的个人简历情况。 1.句意:目前她在阿根廷教武术。故填teaches。 2.句意:她已成为一名遍及全世界的著名的功夫明星全因为她在许多电视节目露面。故填well-known/world-famous/wonderful。 3.句意:有些粉丝甚至称她为“女李小龙”。故填call。 4.句意:她出生在中国东部的浙江省,开始她作为一个专业的武术运动员的生涯。她是在五岁开始决定学的武术。故应该填as。 5.句意:虽然她父母希望她能参加乒乓球、游泳,但是她不放弃了。根据句意,故填Though。 6.句意:伴随着努力工作和礼品,陈敏很快就证明了自己的卓越并且加入了国家队。故填work。 7.句意:她赢得了许多奖项,包括在东亚运动会金牌。故填including。 8.句意:2007年,陈敏退休到了南美国,目的是为了实现她传播中国功夫文化的梦想。故填dream(s)。 9.句意:然而,她没有放弃。故应该填However。 10.句意:在某些方面,中国功夫在它的背后代表着中国传统文化。故填traditional。 考点:考查任务型阅读。

Do you understand “OMG” when you receive a piece of text message like this? Its meaning is “oh my god”. Have you seen Brb (be right back), gr8 (great), cya (see you)–it’s a lot easier to use abbreviations (缩写) when we text, isn’t it? But while we might think nothing of it, there’s an ongoing discussion that text messaging can have a bad influence on people’s grammar. Many believe the abbreviations are giving students bad habits when it comes to spelling and punctuation (标点).

Some teachers say that texting and social networking cause students to be lazy when writing. A study showed that young adults who often use text messaging find it rather difficult to turn back to correct grammar when needed.

But another view is that text messaging has no influence at all. Many people consider it to be a language of its own. We could compare it to a foreign language which students learn. This doesn’t have any influence on their native language.

Whether it’s bad or not, it seems that text language is becoming very popular. According to another study, 64 percent of teens said they used informal (非正式的) “text language” in their writing.

But it’s not just a matter of language. Students who text a lot during class may have difficulty paying attention. In another study, students were asked to complete a questionnaire on how many text messages they sent and received during class. On average, students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes. The study showed that students who often text during classes can’t easily keep their attention on the lesson, which will surely harm their learning.

Topic: Use abbreviation  1. texting


Students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes.

A study showed   2. percent of teenagers used text language in their writing.


Text messaging can have a bad influence on people.

Abbreviations are bad for students’   4.  and punctuation use.

Students become  5.   because of texting and social networking. Young adults find it hard to return to correct grammar once they have got  6.  to abbreviating.

It is 7. for those who text a lot to pay attention in class.

Text messaging can hardly influence people.

It is considered as a language.

It could be 8. to a foreign language which students learn.


Using abbreviations can make it   9. to send text messages.

No matter it’s good or bad, “text language” is becoming more and more   10.  .























1.His poor eyesight made him       (able) to see the words on the blackboard clearly.

2.The overseas Chinese in Yemen got       (excite) when they saw Chinese soldiers come to their help.

3.It’s not proper       (push) in while others are all waiting for their turn.

4.Without       (work) hard, no one can achieve great success in his life.

5.My mother is already in her      ( forty), but she is still dreaming to go to university.



As Keira climbed into bed, she thought about tomorrow’s field trip. Her class was going to a presentation by a West African traditional storyteller. Keira was excited because she was of West African descent. Her great-grandmother had come to the United States from Senegal, a country in West Africa. Until now, Keira hadn’t thought much about her roots(根源).

Early the next morning, Keira looked everywhere for something to show her West African roots. She dug through every drawer, but she couldn’t find anything that really stood out. Finally, she put on a white shirt and jeans. Although she wore ordinary clothes, she hoped that her interest in her West African roots would not go unnoticed.

At the community center, Keira was lucky enough to get a front-row seat. The first speaker talked about African writers and how they often use traditional stories with traditional characters, such as the Tortoise and the Spider. The speaker mentioned writers her mother and grandmother liked! Also, Tortoise was a favorite character in Keira’s bedtime stories. Finally, the speaker mentioned Doudou N’Diaye Rose. He was Keira’s favorite drummer. He was from Senegal. She began to realise just how much her West African roots influenced her American life.

Finally, the storyteller came up. He told a story that explained how the chameleon, a small lizard(蜥蜴), changed its colors. Then he introduced the Spider and Tortoise. It was known that they appeared to be generous but in fact they wanted to keep everything for themselves. Some of the stories made these characters seem poor as they fought for every last piece. However, they were simply naughty(调皮的). They certainly did learn their lessons!

Keira couldn’t keep her mind from thinking about all the different stories her mother had told. Her memory was pouring out again! She knew about everything the storyteller said.

After the presentation, the class talked to the storyteller. Keira told about how her great-grandmother had moved to the United States from Senegal. Her great-grandmother left her village because of a famine, a time of hunger. She had explained to Keira’s grandmother that the villagers spent days begging for food. Her great-grandmother finally came to the United States. Keira told the storyteller about those of her bedtime stories.

When Keira was finished, the storyteller pointed out that she had just done his job. She had described her family and the stories they told. Keira could hardly wait to tell her mother and grandmother the news!

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1. Keria was ________ about the presentation on the evening of the day before.

A. nervous         B. excited

C. surprised           D. unhappy

2.Keria wore ordinary clothes that day because ________.

A. the clothes made her stand out

B. they were her favourite clothes

C. she didn’t find anything with West African roots

D. she didn’t want to show others her West African roots

3. ________ was a favourite character in Keria’s West African traditional stories.

A. Tortoise       B. Spider

C. Lizard         D. Chamelon

4.The underlined word “famine” in Paragraph 5 most probably means a time short of ________.

A. money        B. food    C. water       D. job

5. From the passage, we can learn ________.

A. culture can’t go without certain kinds of clothes

B. one can’t find his roots without going to his own country

C. culture not only appears in something material like clothes

D. culture will die soon after you live far away from your place



April will bring a new product – the Apple Watch – into the market. Last week, the watch was firstly introduced by Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. The price of the watch will differ from $349 to $1,099, depending on its size, strap and whether it is a sports or regular version.

Apple engineers and designers have put in a lot of thought and hard work into creating this "small screen" on your wrist(手腕). The "sensor" on the screen not only detects your finger, but knows the difference between when you are tapping, and when you are pressing harder.

The watch also has “haptic feedback(触觉反馈)”. You can send personal messages to your friend - such as drawing a star or a special sign with your fingers, or tapping the watch, say 3 times, and your friend will receive those taps on their wrist.

Besides telling the time, the watch will use 'bluetooth' to connect with your iPhone and show calls or text messages that come in.

According to Tim Cook, the watch may open up a whole new area of applications that we had never thought of. Some car factories like BMW have developed an app that allows its car owners to open their cars with the watch. A 'Hotels' app may allow you to open the door to your hotel room without worrying about losing the smart-card. And finally, even airlines are jumping in - passengers may be able to simply wave their wrist to check into their flight.

The biggest use of the watch, however, is as your personal fitness coach. The watch can measure your pulse (heartbeat) using a sensor at the bottom of the watch. It also has the same "accelerometer" as your iPhone, so it knows when you are moving, and also how much you are walking or running. It will remind you if you have been sitting for too long without much activity.

Many stores are planning to stop selling the Nike, Jawbone and FitBit devices(设备) to welcome the Apple Watch. Will Apple Watch really replace these devices and make fitness much more fun?

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1.We can learn from the passage that the Apple Watch ________.

A. is designed by Tim Cook

B. was brought into the market last week

C. sells at different prices for different colours

D. will come into the market this coming April

2. With apple watch, you can ________.

A. develop your own personal app

B. connect your iphone with your ipad

C. receive personal messages from your friends’ iphone

D. send personal messages to your friends’ apple watches

3. Many businesses help push for the uses of apple watch EXCEPT ________.

A. hospitals       B. hotels

C. airlines       D. car factories

4.Many stores are planning to stop selling FitBit devices because ________.

A. all of the devices are sold out

B. they cannot make fitness fun

C. they want to welcome the Apple Watch

D. Apple Watch can replace FitBit devices completely



The young turtle has been swimming for three months now in the same warm shallow bay, dreaming of calm water and plenty of food. But as the days begin to shorten and the night comes earlier and earlier, the water grows colder. It drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit(华氏). Swimming is harder. Its heartbeat slows—and almost stops. The young turtle is in danger of losing its life.

Ten days before Thanksgiving, Max Nolan, a ten-year-old boy, and his mother begin their patrol. The Nolans are among volunteers who walk Cape Cod’s beaches during November and December to search for turtles who are often cold and trapped and seem dead—turtles whose lives they may be able to save.

Max and his mother and the other volunteers do an important job. All sea turtles are threatened or endangered. Among them Kemp’s ridleys are the most endangered. Right now on our planet there are fewer than eight thousand Kemp’s ridley turtles left.

Max is far in front of his mother when he sees a turtle washed up by the surf. He runs up to it and shouts to his mom, “Got one!” The turtle is cold. Its eyes are open, but the turtle is not moving at all. It might be dead or still alive.

Max remembers the instructions given to all the volunteers. He picks up the turtle, which weighs about five pounds, and moves it above the high-tide mark to keep it from washing out to sea. Then he runs to find seaweed to protect it from the wind. He finds a stick to mark where it is, and next, he and his mother go to the nearest telephone and call the sea-turtle hot line for help.

1.The young turtle is in danger of losing its life because ________.

A. it has been swimming for three months

B. it dreams of calm water and plenty of food

C. the water drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit

D. the days get longer and the nights come earlier

2.The underlined word “Patrol” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. swimming in the sea

B. travelling to the seaside

C. enjoying Thanksgiving with others

D. walking along the beaches for turtles

3.In order to prevent the turtle from washing out to sea, Max ________.

A. runs to find seaweed

B. calls the sea-turtle hot line

C. finds a stick to mark where it is

D. moves it above the high-tide mark



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