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书面表达(共1题,计20分) 假如你们学校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据...


假如你们学校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据请根据下列提示,结合自己的观点,合理发挥,写一篇题为“Let’s read more books!”的短文,向全校同学发出倡议。


get knowledge; make us clever and happy;

Reasons for not


much homework; watch TV and surfing the Internet;


1. have a “Reading Week”;

2. encourage students to borrow books;
















Let’s read more books!

Reading is very important in our daily life.______________________________________






Let’s start reading now!


My dear friends, Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open up our eyes but also make us cleverer and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more important books. Reading also helps us grow up better. However, many activities take up much of our reading time , such as listening to music, watching TV and going online. What a pity! So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books. It will be very helpful for us! Let's start reading now! 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。本文给出了一些要点,并给出了作文的开头和结尾。我们要做的就是用正确的英语把要点表达出来,并适当发挥想象说出自己的观点。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文主要是用一般现在时态来写,要注意主谓一致等问题。写作中要适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点:这篇短文多次使用连接词so、also,以及复合句如Our study can be improved if we read more important books.;So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books.等等为文章增色不少。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:话题作文。  

Since her husband died, Mrs. Jackson has lived alone in her big old house. The house was bought by her husband almost fifty years ago. Her daughter has tried hard to ask her to sell the house and buy a n___1.____ and small one in the town. B___2.___Mrs. Jackson doesn’t like the idea. She says that she has to look after her h__3.___ old house. But these days, she often hears of stories about unknown people who steal things around here.

That was a cold day before Christmas Eve. Around four o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Jackson was e_4.____ the Christmas music when someone knocked at the door. She h__5.____ the sound but didn’t move. Another knock. Who could it be? Mrs. Jackson was a bit a__6.___. She decided not to answer the door but kept waiting.

One minute another minute and yet another minute, n_7.__ happened and no more knocks. She walked q___8.___ to the door, and listened. She didn’t hear anything but the wind outside. She slowly opened the door and watched through the crack (缝隙) . She then gave a surprised cry and threw the door wide open! At the door, she saw a tall, beautiful Christmas t__9.____! Under the tree was a Christmas card w_10.___ these words:

Merry Christmas !

Your new neighbour




1. Look! The climbers are trying to pull ________ (they) up the rocks.

2. Laughing at others makes them feel______(happy). A polite student shouldn’t do that.

3.You’d better______ (read) more books of Lung Ying-tai, such as Mu Song.

4. Though he did_______ (badly) of us four this time, he didn’t lose heart.

5.--- May I speak to the headmaster?

---Sorry, he________(attend) a meeting now. Can I take a message?




1. In autumn, I like watching _______(树叶) dancing to the wind in the sky.

2.You should look both left and right before you go________(穿过) the street.

3.The map is very useful and it tells you the route_________(精确地).

4.The population of China is about one ________ (五) of that of the world.

5.My father didn't answer me. ______ (反而), he asked me another question.



When doing his math homework, Lu Lifei, 14, from Jiangsu, came across a problem. He couldn’t work it out. So he took out his cell phone, opened a special app and searched the problem. Answers soon appeared on the screen.

Nowadays, many students do homework with the help of the Internet like Lu. They search information online, use apps or discuss through social networks like QQ and WeChat.

“It’s convenient. You don’t have to wait or get a tutor(辅导,约束)on the spot,” Lu said. “You also learn by seeing how others work them out.”

It also improves students’ abilities, said Wang Shiying, 15, from Shanghai. And it’s especially true for new types of homework.

Wang’s Chinese teacher often asks students to give speeches on great writers. When it comes to Wang’s turn, she usually searches online, picks out certain stories and makes PowerPoint presentations.

“I’ve become adept(熟练的) at finding information online and using Microsoft Office.” Wang said.

However, this trend (趋势) also brings up problems. Some students just copy the answers online without thinking. They become lazy. Huang Pengxiang, a head teacher from Shanxi said that knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control.

“No matter how difficult the problem is, think about it independently (独立地) first,” Huang said. “Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers, or you won’t make progress. If you’re not confident about your self-control, ask your parents for help.”

1.How do many students do their homework nowadays? (No more than 6 words)


2.Does Wang Shiying usually search online to prepare for her speech?


3.What problems does the trend, studying on screen, bring up?


4.What is the key to use the Internet according to Huang Pengxiang?


5.What do you think of studying on screen?




Maybe there is no better time for us to think about the steps our family can take to protect the environment. In fact, in our daily life, there are many kinds of easy ways we can think of to save money and protect the environment.

Make our houses more airtight (密封的). If so, it will stop temperature loss and keep the houses warm in winter.

Buy newer fridges and air conditioners (空调), especially when the old ones are more than five years old. New ones can save twice as much energy as old ones.

Change bulbs. LED light bulbs can give brighter light with less energy and can be used for a longer time.

Clothes can be washed clean in cold water with today’s detergents (洗涤剂). Using hot water takes five times the energy and produces five times the carbon (碳).

If we all take action to save energy and reduce consumption (消耗) in our daily life, it will not only save money but also help protect the environment.


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Living tips for better____1.___

It’s__2.____ for us to think about protecting the environment.

Ways to___3.__

money and protecting

the environment

To stop temperature loss and keep the houses ____4.__ in winter, it’s better to make our houses more airtight.

As old electrical appliances(电器)_ 5.___ too much energy, it’s a good idea for us to___6.___ them for new ones after they serve us for more than five years.

LED light bulbs can give brighter light as well as save__7.___, and they have a _8.___ lifespan(寿命)。

We should wash clothes with cold water because it takes___9.___ energy and produces lower carbon.


To protect the environment, we need to take action to save energy and ___10.___ consumption.



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