满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tom and his cousin took a boat trip. Whe...

Tom and his cousin took a boat trip. When they got on the boat every passenger(乘客)should answer the keeper a question. If the passenger answered “yes” he or she got one gift if the passenger answered “no” he or she got two gifts. Tom and his cousin saw all about this. Now it was their turn. The keeper came up to them and asked “Are you a good sailor?” Tom wanted to get two gifts so he answered “no” loudly at the same time he said “I have never been a sailor how could I be a good sailor?” The keeper gave him two gifts. His cousin gave the same answer so he got two gifts too.

The boat started off. The passengers began to open their gifts. Tom and his cousin did the same. They found that one of the two gifts was a small bottle of drinking water the other was a seasick tablet(晕船药). Tom had a look at a “yes”-passenger’s gift. His was a nice chocolate. Tom shouted at the keeper “We are never seasick. Why do you give us seasick tablets?”

1. Tom and his cousin ________.

A. went to eat chocolates

B. went on a trip by boat

C. worked for the keeper

D. needed a bottle of drinking water

2.When did the keeper ask the passengers questions?

A. Before the trip.  B. After the trip.

C. During the trip.  D. Never.

3.Why did Tom and his cousin answer “no”?

A. Because they felt sick on the boat.

B. Because they were good sailors.

C. Because they both wanted to get two gifts.

D. Because they wanted to have chocolates.

4.The underlined(下划线)part “a good sailor” means ________.

A. 晕船        B. 不晕船

C. 好销售员     D. 好水手

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The keeper cheated(欺骗)Tom and his cousin.

B. Tom and his cousin didn’t want the seasick tablets.

C. All the other passengers answered “yes”.

D. The keeper didn’t want to give Tom and his cousin chocolates.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了汤姆和他的表弟去坐船,在上船之前要回答问题如果回答是,能得到一个礼物,如果回答不是能得到两个礼物。汤姆和他的表弟想得到两个礼物,所以他们都做了否定回答,但是到了船上发现是晕船药和水,而作肯定回答的得到的是巧克力。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中Tom and his cousin took a boat trip可知进行了乘船之旅.可知选B 2.A细节理解题。根据文中When they got on the boat, every passenger(乘客) should answer the keeper a question.可知上船之前要回答问题。可知A。 3.C细节理解题。根据Tom wanted to get two gifts, so he answered “no” loudly及 His cousin gave the same answer, so, he got two gifts too.可知他们两个想得到两个礼物。可知选C。 4.D词义猜测题。根据句意:你是一个好的水手吗?可知选D。是好水手的意思。 5. 【考点定位】故事类短文阅读。

Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often     some books from the library. He     to the radio every morning and reads     after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His     worship(崇拜)him very much. Mike Mr. Clarke’s little son is only nine. He     likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Clarke always thinks he’s too       to understand him and chooses     ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with(对……满意)it. One day Mike read    about the lights and was     it. When his father told him to do some housework he went on thinking of it. He asked him     questions and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly “Fathers always know      than sons!” The boy thought for a while and said       .” His father asked “Oh? Why?” Mike didn’t answer and asked    “Who invented the lights?”       ”answered Mr. Clarke. “Why didn’t his father invent them then? Looking at his son Mr. Clarke didn’t know   47  to answ!

1.A. finds              B. sells            C. borrows           D. buys

2.A. hears             B. listens           C. says                 D. reads

3.A. CD       B. music           C. TV               D. newspapers

4.A. teachers           B. parents          C. students          D. classmates

5.A. also              B. never            C. even               D. only

6.A. old               B. young           C. clever            D. able

7.A. more difficult      B. the most difficult  C. easily             D. the easiest

8.A. everything         B. nothing          C. something        D. anything

9.A. worried about     B. interested in       C. afraid of         D. angry with

10.A. few              B. little             C. a few                D. a little

11.A. more             B. most             C. less                 D. least

12.A. I think so B. I don’t think so    C. I agree         D. I don’t know

13.A. instead            B. carefully         C. quickly           D. brightly

14.A. Thomas Brown B. Allan Smith C. Thomas Edison D. Ron Jenkins

15.A. when             B. where         C. which           D. what



—Excuse me can you tell me       ?   —At about 8 o’clock.

A. what time the plane arrive in Beijing

B. what time the plane will arrive Beijing

C. what time the plane will reach Beijing

D. what time will the plane get to Beijing



I think the first lesson       we are learning is very easy.

A. that       B. where    C. who   D. when



—It’s too cold today. Would you mind       the window? —Certainly not. Go ahead.

A. to close  B. closing    C. close    D. closed



—Mum       shall we have lunch?   —We will have it when your dad       .

A. when returns B. where will return

C. where returns D. when will return



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