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Experts know that a disaster is coming b...

Experts know that a disaster is coming but they do not know when it will happen. They do know that it could cause a lot of damage. They think it will be worse than a hurricane. The disaster they are worried about is an earthquake.

There is a break in the earth’s crust (外壳). It is called the San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault is in California. Many earthquakes happen along the San Andreas Fault. In 1989 there was a big earthquake on the fault. The earthquake was called the “Loma Prieta Earthquake”. Many people were hurt or died. Many buildings were ruined. Lots of people lost their homes. Roads and bridges were also damaged.

A large earthquake could happen in Southern California. Many small earthquakes have happened in the last year. Earthquake experts think that a large earthquake will happen there soon. They think a big earthquake will happen in the next few years.

The San Andreas Fault has many power lines stretched across it. There are water channels close to the earthquake fault. A large earthquake in Southern California would destroy energy and water supplies (供应). Lots of people would be without power or water for weeks. Buildings that have not been built strong enough would be destroyed. Not all hospitals would be able to help people who were injured. Many people would die or be homeless.

People need to be prepared. They need to know what to do if an earthquake happens. Everyone in California should have a survival kit at home. The emergency kit (应急箱) would include food and water. There should be medication and first aid supplies in the kit. A good survival kit will also have a portable radio, flashlights and spare batteries. All of the supplies in the kit should last at least 3 days.

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1.We can probably find this passage in       .

A. a science book            B. a sports newspaper

C. a travelling magazine     D. a detective storybook

2.Which of the following isn’t mentioned as a result of the “Loma Prieta Earthquake”?

A. Many buildings were ruined.

B. Roads and bridges were damaged.

C. Many people were hurt or died.

D. Lots of animals lost their living areas.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All of the supplies in the emergency kit will last at most 3 days.

B. A large earthquake in Southern California would destroy food supplies.

C. A break in the earth’s crust in California is called the San Andreas Fault.

D. Lots of people would be without power or water for days after the earthquake.

4.The purpose of this passage is to tell people that       .

A. there will be a terrible earthquake in weeks

B. the earthquake may cause such serious results

C. the coming earthquake will destroy a lot of supplies

D. the earthquake is so terrible that we need to be prepared


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:专家们知道一个大的灾难就要来临但是他们不知道会在什么时候发生。他们真的知道这可能造成很大的损坏。他们担心的是一次地震。本文介绍的是加利福尼亚的圣安地列斯断层及其引发的地震。 1.A 判断理解题。题意:我可能在哪儿找到这篇文章?A. a science book,科学书;B. a sports newspaper体育报纸;C. a travelling magazine旅游杂志;D. a detective storybook 侦探故事书。本文讲的是有关地震的知识,在科学类书籍上可以找到。故选A。 2.D 细节理解题。题意:下面哪一个不是洛马普列塔地震的结果?A. Many buildings were ruined.许多楼房被摧毁;B. Roads and bridges were damaged.公路桥梁被损坏;C. Many people were hurt or died.许多人受伤死亡;D. Lots of animals lost their living areas.许多动物失去了生存的领地。文中没有提到动物失去生存的领地,故选D。 3.C 理解判断题。题意:根据短文内容下面哪一个是对的?A. All of the supplies in the emergency kit will last at most 3 days.在紧急情况发生时所有的供给将会维持三天。文中提醒人们要对突发事件做三天的供给准备。错;B. A large earthquake in Southern California would destroy food supplies.加利福尼亚南的大地震将会摧毁食物供应,短文说将会摧毁电力及水的供应,错; C. A break in the earth’s crust in California is called the San Andreas Fault.加利福尼亚的地壳中的一个断裂称为圣安地列斯断层,对; D. Lots of people would be without power or water for days after the earthquake.地震后许多人几天将没有电力和水。文中说几星期无能量和水。错。故选C。 4. 考点:科普类短文阅读。

I was twenty years old, and my parents were looking forward to the day when I would be earning my own living. Unfortunately, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted my future occupation to be. The only thing I did know was that I did not want to spend the next 45 years teaching, being a nurse or sitting in an office. But that was before the postman delivered a catalogue (目录) of courses that were being offered at the local college. As I looked through it, I was attracted by a page that talked about the difficulties faced by deaf people in their everyday lives and how students could help by learning sign language. It went on to say that graduates of the course usually find work in different organizations, such as law companies, the Stock Exchange, insurance companies and banks. Then I saw something that really caught my eye: “Singer” are also needed for sporting events, concerts, theatrical performances and, believe it or not, circuses! By the time I got to the bottom of the page, I knew I had found the perfect occupation.

I enrolled (注册) on the course, which to my parents’ great delight was free of charge. The course was brilliant. My favourite part was the final lesson, when our teacher asked us to sign our favourite song. It was really difficult because not only did we have to sign the words, but we also had to find a way of showing whether the song was happy or sad and whether the beat was slow or fast. It was the hardest thing I have ever done—but also the most rewarding.

1. The only thing the writer knew that she       .

A. was too old to find a job as a teacher

B. wanted to work as a nurse in a hospital

C. had never liked being in a teacher’s office

D. would not get a job until she was at least 45

2. According to the catalogue the writer read, when students finish a sign language course, they       .

A. do not have to work with deaf people

B. can work in many types of different places

C. may not always find a job in their chosen field

D. almost always start their career in a law company

3. The part of the course the writer enjoyed the most was when       .

A. she should sing a song with a fast beat

B. she should sign a song for the last lesson

C. her teacher sang a very sad song to the class

D. she realized that her parents didn’t have to pay

4. Which of the following best describes the writer?

A. A young woman who has found her ideal career.

B. A young deaf woman who wants to help the deaf.

C. A young woman who wants to be a businesswoman.

D. A young woman who wants to write songs for the deaf.



Ken and Anthony were childhood friends. They went to elementary and high school together. They went to college in different states, and then they lost touch. That was twenty years ago.

One morning Ken was reading the newspaper with his morning coffee. Inside he saw an announcement for a poetry reading at a nearby bookstore. He was surprised to find that the featured poet was none other than his friend Anthony. Ken decided to see what his old pal was up to.

Ken sat in the last row of the area set up inside the bookstore. When Anthony was introduced and came up the podium, Ken hardly recognized him. Anthony was almost completely bald and had a little potbelly (大肚子). When Anthony was in high school, he was very handsome. What Anthony had lost in looks was made up for in talent. Anthony’s poetry was quite good.

Anthony recognized Ken sitting in the back row. When the reading was over, Ken stood in line with the others waiting for Anthony to sign a copy of his book. When it was Ken’s turn, Anthony stood up and hugged his long lost friend. Anthony invited Ken to stay until he had finished signing books. Ken did, and the two men grabbed a cup of coffee at a nearby café.

Even though so many years had passed since the two had seen each other, both men had a lot in common. Both graduated from college with degrees in comparative literature (比较文学). Both went to graduate school. Anthony got his Master’s of Fine Art in writing. Ken went to law school. Both men married Mexican women. Both men also had sons that were only a year apart. Ken and Anthony decided not to lose touch again. They planned to meet once a month for breakfast on Saturdays.

1.Ken found his long lost friend from the       .

A. radio            B. TV              C. magazine       D. newspaper

2.How did Ken probably feel while seeing Anthony at the bookstore?

A. Worried.         B. Amazed.

C. Frightened.      D. Relaxed.

3.What Anthony had lost in looks was made up for in talent. What is the meaning of the sentence in Paragraph 3?

A. Although Anthony was out of shape, he became wise and talented.

B. Anthony had changed a lot, for writing poetry needed lots of energy.

C. Although Anthony was bald and a little fat, he was still very handsome.

D. Anthony looked wise because he was completely bald and had a little potbelly.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Childhood friends                  B. Childhood memories

C. Changes of friends                 D. Ways to get friends back



The Quest Centre

Set in the wild Welsh countryside, the Quest Centre offers a wide range of activities for teenagers, from archery to rope climbing. Want to try something new? Why not take part in one of our special adventure activities?


25th March—8th April, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.

Want to put your mountain bike to the test? Join our guide for a ride on the wild side. Cost: £15 per ride.


1st—30th April, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.

Try out your mountain-climbing skills in the local countryside. Don’t worry! We won’t be doing anything dangerous: just short, safe climbs. Cost: £130 per person.


Daily, all year round, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

Equip yourself with basic survival skills by taking part in this special 1-day course absolutely free of charge. Learn survival techniques like how to light a fire, build a shelter, find food and water, and cook over a campfire.


27th August, 10:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

If you’ve been dying to learn about abseiling and rope climbing, now is your chance! Ken Wallace, our professional coach, will teach you everything you need to know on this special 1-day course. Cost: £150 per person.

Please note:

Phone the number at the bottom of the page for an application form.

All activities are suitable for beginners.

20% DISCOUNT (折扣) for groups of 6 or more.

The Quest Centre: St Davids, Wales  Telephone: (0800)34655

1.Kate and her family want to choose an activity during the May Day holiday, they can choose       .

A. climbing

B. survival techniques

C. mountain biking

D. abseiling and rope climbing

2. If a group of 20 students go to the centre, ten of them want to take part in abseiling and rope climbing and the rest choose survival techniques, they have to pay       .

A. £3000          B. £1500        C. £2400        D. £1200

3.“If you’ve been dying to learn about ….” Here “dying” perhaps means “      ”.

A. 冒险    B. 避免     C. 渴望     D. 同意



Online shopping is becoming more and more common all over the world, including in China.

For many people, the main concern (顾虑) with online shopping is security (安全).

There are several things that customers should     before they buy online. You shouldn’t trust a company just because it has a beautifully designed     . Customers should look for other information, such as the company’s full address and details of the different types of payment it accepts. Also before you buy anything, carefully     the information about the goods or services for sale.

It’s also very important for customers to ask for written confirmation. They should ask the company to send them an email to confirm their     and payment. Written confirmation gives the buyer further protection against     companies.

You should be able to send it back or change it. You may change your mind or not be       something you have bought online. So before you buy anything online, make sure that the shop offers a “cooling-off period”. This is a period of time when you can return an item and get your     back. All reputable (声誉好的) online shops offer this service.

When customers pay by credit card (信用卡), they have extra protection. This is a very safe way of buying goods and services online.     , if you don’t receive the goods you have paid for, you can make a claim against your credit card issuer. But of course, you need to make sure that your payment details are secure     you pay online by credit card.

Customers should be able to check that their payment details are secure. Many companies allow their customers to send their credit card details     a special secure page. You should only buy goods from companies that have this secure page facility.

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1.A. work out    B. turn out    C. complain about     D. think about

2.A. product     B. website   C. programme         D. system

3.A. check      B. describe   C. provide           D. store

4.A. message    B. introductionC. order              D. promise

5.A. organized   B. private    C. unknown           D. dishonest

6.A. satisfied with   B. confident about   C. interested in D. nervous of

7.A. service     B. money       C. information       D. application

8.A. In fact   B. As a result C. By the way         D. For example

9.A. after      B. till        C. before             D. as soon as

10.A. over      B. past        C. below              D. through



—Oh, dear! I forgot my best friend’s birthday.

      Better keep it in mind next year.

A. You did?    B. Why not?

C. Never mind.   D. No problem.



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