满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What good news! Our school band (乐队)will...

What    good news! Our school band (乐队)will play at Harbin Summer Concert in August.

A. a        B. the          C. /


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:多么好的消息!我们学校的乐队将在八月哈尔滨之夏音乐会上演奏。冠词作为一种虚词,只能和名词一起使用。英语中的冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词有两个,a 和 an。a用在辅音开头的单词前面;an用于以元音开头的单词前。不定冠词用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。定冠词和名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。news消息,是一个不可数名词,所以选C。 【考点定位】考查冠词。  

Boys and girls, believe in yourselves. The    you are, the better grades you’II get.

A. more careful

B. more carefully

C. most carefully




  某英语报社举行“爱我家乡”征文大赛,请你以“I Love My Hometown—Weifang”为题,根据下列提示和要求,写一篇短文参赛。









  参考词汇:潍坊国际风筝节Weifang International Kite Festival;年画New Year paintings;绿地grassland

I Love My Hometown—Weifang








Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents.They say that their parents don’t understand them.They often think their parents are too strict with them,and they are never given a free hand.

  Parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust(信任)and they seem to forget how they themselves felt when they were young.

  For example,young people like to do things without much thinking.It’s one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can do with any difficult things.Older people worry more easily.Most of them plan(计划)things ahead and don’t like their plans to be changed.

  When you want your parents to let you do something,you will have better success(成功)if you ask before you really start doing it.

  Young people often make their parents angry by the clothes they want,the music they enjoy and something else.But they don’t mean to cause(引起)any trouble.They just feel that in this way they can be cut off from the old people’s world and they want to make a new culture(文化)of their own.And if their parents don’t like their music or clothes or their manner of speech,the young people feel very unhappy.

  Sometimes you even don’t want your parents to say“yes”to what you do.You want to stay at home alone and do what you like.

  If you plan to control(控制)your life,you’d better win your parents’trust and try to make them understand you.If your parents see that you have high sense of responsibility(责任感),they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.


1.When young people are with their parents,they don’t feel pleased.(   )

2.What young people think is different from what older people do.(   )

3.What young people do is to make their parents unhappy.(   )

4.When children grow up,they want their parents to let them do everything alone.(   )

5.If you try to make your parents understand you,you must do well in everything.(   )



Little Tommy was doing very badly in math.His parents had tried everything—tutors(家庭教师),cards,special learning centers—in short,everything they could think of.Finally they took Tommy to a catholic(天主教的)school

  After the first day,little Tommy came home with a very serious look on his face.He didn’t kiss his mother hello.Instead,he went straight to his room and started studying.Books and papers were spread(铺开)out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work.His mother was surprised.She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating,he went back to his room,without a word.In no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before.This went on for some time,day after day while the mother tried to understand wbat was happening.

  Finally,little Tommy brought home his report card.He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books.His mum looked at it and to her surprise,little Tommy got an A in math.She could no longer hold her curiosity(好奇心).She went to his room and asked,“Son,what was it?Was it the nuns(修女)?”

  Little Tommy looked at her and shook his head,“No.”

  “Well then,”she asked again.“What was it?”

  Little Tommy looked at her and said,“Well,on the first day of school,when I saw that man nailed(钉)to the plus sign(加号),I knew they weren’t joking.”

1.Why did Tommy’s parents send him to a catholic school?

A.Because he could eat well there.

B.Because he could learn more about nuns.

C.Because his parents wanted him to do better in his math.

D.Because his parents didn’t want him to learn math anymore.

2.Tommy’s mother felt surprised that his son________.

A.was still the same as usual

B.ate so much at dinner

C.kissed her hello after school

D.worked hard but said little

3.“Hit the books”means“________”in Chinese.





4.The last sentence in the passage shows that________.

A.Tommy felt sorry for the nail

B.Tommy was afraid of being nailed

C.Tommy didn’t like the plus sign

D.Tommy liked playing jokes on others

5.From the passage,we can infer(推断)that________.

A.teachers should be strict with their students

B.mistaking(误解)might do good sometimes

C.a catholic school is much better than other ones

D.nuns are good at helping children with their math



Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school?You will probably________they go to learn languages,geography,history,science and all________subjects.That is quite________,but________do they learn these things?

  We send our children to school to_______them for their future work and life.Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use________their life,but is that the_______reason they go to school?

  There is________in education than just learning facts.We go to school above all________how to learn,so that when we leave school we can go on learning.If a man really knows______,he will always be successful,because whenever he has to do______he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way.The uneducated person,on the other_____,is_____unable to do it,or does it badly,so the purpose of school is not just______languages,geography,science,etc.but to teach pupils the_____to learn.

1.A.speak         B.say           C.talk              D.tell

2.A.the           B.others        C.the other         D.other the

3.A.true          B.real          C.fact              D.wrong

4.A.how           B.where         C.why               D.what

5.A.stop          B.ask           C.ready             D.prepare

6.A.at            B.in            C.on                D.with

7.A.best          B.only          C.just              D.first

8.A.many          B.much          C.more              D.most

9.A.learn         B.to learn      C.learning          D.learned

10.A.how to learn B.why to learn  C.how does he learn D.why does he learn

11.A.anything new B.something new C.new anything      D.new something

12.A.way          B.word          C.foot              D.hand

13.A.both         B.either        C.neither           D.not

14.A.learn        B.to learn      C.teach             D.to teach

15.A.subjects     B.reasons       C.way               D.knowledge



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