满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.Not only Lucy but als...


1.Not only Lucy but also her twin sister _________ (be) absent from school. They were ill in hospital.

2.The purpose of new technology is to make life we have been used to easier, _________ (not make )it

more difficult.

3.Jane’s mother said to her daughter, “Enjoy _______________ (you) at the theme park.”

4.--Do you have problems if you _______________ (offer) this job?

-- Well, I’m thinking about the working days.

5.My younger sister_______________( cut ) a watermelon with a knife when I got home from school.

6.It is important for us to protect nature _______________ (wise).

7.Li Hai tried his best and finished _______________ (three).

8.Lucy is confident enough _______________ (make) a speech in front of the class.

9.It is said that blue represents _______________ (sad).

10.It’s hot outside. I would rather ______________(stay) at home than go shopping.


1.was 2.not to make 3.yourself 4.are offered 5.was cutting 6.wisely 7.third 8.to make 9.sadness 10.stay 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意为:不但露西,而且她的孪生妹妹都旷课了。他们生病住院了。not only…but also…连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与最近的一个主语在“数”上保持一致。根据语境,这里叙述的是过去的事实,应用一般过去时。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:was。 2.句意为:新技术的目的是使我们过去的生活更容易,不是使其更艰难。根据语境可知,这里应用动词不定式作目的状语。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:not to make。 3.句意为:珍的妈妈对她的女儿说:“在主题公园玩得开心”。enjoy oneself为固定搭配,表示“玩得开心”、“过得愉快”。这里指的是她的女儿——珍,结合所给词汇提示可知应填:yourself。 4.句意为:---如果为你提供这个工作,你有困难吗?---哎,我在考虑工作日。根据语境可知,这里逻辑主语是动作的承受者,应用被动语态。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:are offered。 5.句意为:当我放学回家的时候,我的妹妹正在用刀子切西瓜。根据语境可知,这里表示的是过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作,应用过去进行时。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:was cutting。 6.句意为:理智地保护自然对我们来说很重要。根据语境可知,这里应用副词形式,修饰动词protect。结合所给词汇可知应填:wisely。 7.句意为:李海拼尽全力,最终取得第三名。结合所给词汇可知,基数词后应接名词,根据语境可知,这里应用序数词表示次序。故应填:third。 8.句意为:露西在同学面前作演讲信心十足。be enough to do sth是固定句型结构,表示“足够……做某事”。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:to make。 9.句意为:据说,蓝色代表悲伤。根据语境可知,这里应用名词形式作宾语。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:sadness。 10.。我宁愿待在家里也不愿去购物。“would rather do sth than do sth”是固定句型结构,表示“宁可……也不……”。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:stay。 考点:词汇填空。


1.It’s _______________(必要的) for us to work closely with each other when playing a team sport.

2.The Smith family have been to the island twice _______________ (除了) Jim.

3.This may help when you are having difficulty making a _______________ (决定).



Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.

Love plays a main role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel(残忍的). In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we don’t always care about it. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands others’ feelings.

Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is the cause of the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.

Failure is the way to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, pride and self-respect.

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.

Life teaches us not to regret(后悔) over yesterday, for it has passed and is out of our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark. So the only choice is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

1.We usually have to accept _______ if we want to be successful.

A. love            B. failure          C. sadness             D. hope

2.In which section can readers probably read the passage?

A. Business.            B. Travel

C. Lifestyles.           D. Education.

3. What does the word “despair” mean in Chinese?

A. 颓废          B. 遗憾           C. 悲伤               D. 绝望

4.What’s the meaning of the last sentence of the whole passage?

A.When choosing between “today” and “tomorrow”, you’d better enjoy tomorrow.

B. If you work hard today, you’ll have a better life in the future.

C. What you can only choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrow.

D. The only choice you make is that you should enjoy a better tomorrow.

5.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage people to love each other.

B. To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.

C. To give readers some information about life.

D. To remind people to keep having a beautiful dream.



There was a famous church(教堂) in London. It was 110 meters high. The center of the church was like a bell. The ceiling of the church was painted by a famous artist. A platform (平台) was built so that the artist could put up a ladder on it and paint the ceiling. The platform was about 70 meters over the ground.

One day the artist was working hard and had nearly finished one popular corner of the ceiling. Also on the platform was his assistant(助手), who was mixing paints. The artist stepped back so that he could see how his work was doing. To have a better look at his painting, he stepped back again. Suddenly, his assistant shouted, picked up a small bowl of paint and started to paint the artist's work on the top. The artist was very angry and rushed forwards to stop him.

“What do you think you are doing?” he shouted angrily. “Are you mad(疯的)?” His assistant replied, “I saw you walking backwards to have a better look at your painting. But you didn't notice that you had reached the very edge(边缘) of the platform. You were in great danger. I wanted to make you move forwards. If I had not made you run forwards, you would have fallen backwards off the edge of the platform.”

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1.The story happened in _______.

A. America     B. England    C. Germany    D. France

2.Why did the artist step back again?

A. To have a better look at his painting.

B. To see how his work was doing.

C. To paint a bowl in his painting.

D. To pour some paint on his painting.

3.What did the assistant do to stop the artist falling off the platform?

A. He ran forwards to stop him.

B. He stopped mixing the paints.

C. He painted a famous painting himself.

D. He shouted to the artist and painted his painting.

4.Which picture shows the same situation as the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2?

Note: a: artist; b: assistant; c: painting; ←: the direction of the movement

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        A.                  B.               C.               D.

5.After reading the passage, what do you think the artist would probably do?

A. He would be angry with what the assistant had done.

B. He would be thankful to the assistant for having saved his life.

C. He would punish the assistant for having destroyed (毁坏) his painting.

D. He wouldn't allow the assistant to work with him any more.



Let’s Explore (探索)The Nature!

Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?

Here comes your chance! Youth Explore has prepared you with a THREE-DAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many activities and meet with live animals, such as giraffes, pandas, tigers, and so on! More information about the program is as follows:

Age: Students aged 8~16

Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students.

Program A

Dates: 14 ~ 16 July, 2014

Days: Monday to Wednesday

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

Program B

Dates: 5 ~ 7 August, 2014

Days: Tuesday to Thursday

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

Program cost: $230 for members; $250 for non-members

How to do: Simply come to our centre to get an application form. Send your completed form on or before 11th July, 2014 (Friday).


1. No free lunches are provided because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunch-box or pay for lunch at our restaurants.

2. Both programs will start 1 day later if there is a warning of rainstorms.


1. ________can join the three-day summer program.

A. A kid of 7           B. A boy of 14

C. A girl of 17         D. A man of 26

2. If there is a rainstorm on 14th July, program A will start on _________.

A. Sunday        B. Monday    C. Tuesday        D. Wednesday

3.Two members and one non-member should pay ______ for the program.

A. $690          B. $710            C. $730           D. $750

4.Free lunches aren’t provided because ______.

A. the lunches cost too much

B. people have different tastes

C. there are many restaurants

D. they may bring lunch-boxes

5.What can we know from the passage?

A. Youth Explore is the name of the program.

B. More than 15 students are in each program.

C. We can see three kinds of animals in the program.

D. You need to hand in an application form for the program.



It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a cup of coffee. _____I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed _____. I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls(灵魂) because their souls belonged to the _____.

I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man _____in front of it . “I’m Steve ,” he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. I _____ talk with you. I’m busy.” he said. He was chatting online and at the same time, he was playing a computer game a war game. I was ____.

_____ didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried again to speak to that computer geek(电脑迷),   ____not a word came out of _____ mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was unhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor , and he started to shout, “Leave me alone!”I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me . I ____and nobody showed any interest .

_____, I realized that people they were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more interested in having a relationship with the computer, _____ Steve. I wouldn’t want to ____ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines _____ people. I was worried and sank(沉浸)_____ my thoughts. I didn’t even notice that the coffee was bad , just as Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.

1.A. Before        B. Since           C. Although       D. While

2.A. pain          B. loneliness     C. sadness        D. pleased

3.A. home          B. world          C. Net            D.Café

4.A. sleeping      B. laughing       C. sitting        D. learning

5.A. can’t        B. mustn’t        C. couldn’t      D. needn’t

6.A. surprised    B. happy         C. moved          D.worried

7.A. What          B. Why             C. How           D. Who

8.A. but          B. so             C. if            D. or

9.A. my            B. her            C. their         D. his

10.A. went out     B. shook my shoulder  C. nodded my head    D. raised my head

11.A. From then on B. At that moment C. In all         D. Above all

12.A. especially   B. usually         C. really         D. nicely

13.A. tell         B. plan           C. imagine(想像) D. design

14.A. other than  B. instead of      C. except for     D. as well as

15.A. on           B. between         C. for            D. in



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