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完形填空 A Letter from Obama to His Daughter...


A Letter from Obama to His Daughters

Dear Malia and Sasha,

  You have a lot of fun these two years when I am busy with my work.You go to picnics,visit museums and…with your mum.And you_______have a new dog as a pet.All of these things make you_______.But I know sometimes you are unhappy,________I can’t stay with you,or share(分享)these beautiful things with you.I am sorry for that.Today I will tell you some of my ideas of________the US president.

  When you two come into my world,you______a lot of happiness to me.And I want you and all kids of your ages to live happily.

  I want all children to go to school.I hope they have the chance to go to college even if their parents aren’t_______.And I hope they get good jobs when they_________.We try our best to build a peaceful(和平的)world.We are fighting for(争取)______and safety.I want each child to have beautiful dreams.I________that the earth will become more and more beautiful.And I will work hard for it.

  I am so proud(骄傲的)of________of you,and I love you very much!Let’s start our new life together in the White House.


Dad Agencies

1.A.never     B.hardly     C.also        D.still

2.A.happy     B.angry      C.tired       D.worried

3.A.so        B.because    C.although    D.but

4.A.getting   B.becoming   C.catching    D.visiting

5.A.take      B.carry      C.bring       D.get

6.A.old       B.young      C.rich        D.poor

7.A.give up   B.hang out   C.grow up     D.come over

8.A.money     B.oil        C.cars        D.freedom

9.A.wish      B.hope       C.want        D.against

10.A.all      B.both       C.either      D.neither


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 【解析】 1.关键词and表示顺承关系,可知此处应填also。句意:并且你们还有一只新的小狗作为宠物。 2.由后面的but可知,此处与后面的unhappy形成对比。句意:所有的这些事情使你们开心。 3.奥巴马认为孩子们不开心是因为他没有时间陪孩子们,此处because引导原因状语从句。 4.此处指奥巴马今天写这封信告诉孩子们他成为美国总统的一些想法。become意为“成为”。 5.此处指孩子们给他“带来”了快乐。 6.此处考查对句意的理【解析】 我希望他们有机会上大学,即使他们的父母不“富裕”。 7.句意:并且我希望他们长大后,能找到好的工作。 8.根据提示We try our best to build a peaceful world.可知:我们正在争取自由和安全。 9.首先排除不符合句意的C、D两项。wish表示不能实现的愿望;hope表示可以实现的愿望。“地球越来越漂亮”能实现。所以选B。 10.这封信是奥巴马写给两个女儿的。both表示“两者”。

(2014四川广安)—May I speak to Ms Lane,please?

Sorry,she isn’t in right now.I’ll tell you as soon as she________back tomorrow.



C will come



Lisa got up very early________catch the first bus.

A.so that

B.in order

C.in order to

D.in order that



We have lived in Beijing________two years ago.







—Could you please________my pet dog while I am away?

Sure.Don’t worry.I can look after it very well.

A.take place

B.take care

C.take care of

D.take part in



—Would you mind________here?

Not at all.

A.not smoking

B.not to smoke

C.no smoking

D.don’t smoke



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