满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I like dogs best of all. What about you...

—I like dogs best of all. What about you, Amy?

—Not at all. I am ____ them.

A. good at     B. afraid of

C. friendly to D. interested in


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:――我最喜欢狗了。你呢?艾米?――一点儿也不喜欢。我怕它们。A. good at擅长,在某方面好;B. afraid of害怕;C. friendly to对……友好;D. interested in对……感兴趣。由不喜欢,可以推测出是“害怕”:be afraid of sth。故选B。 考点:考查形容词短语辨析。  

Whose T-shirt is this ?

—It might be ______ . They are both on the school football team.

A. Mike’s or Jack’s        B. Mike’s and Jack’s

C. Mike and Jack’s          D. Mike or Jack’s



—David has made great progress this term .

—So he has and            .

A. so you have    B. so have you

C. so are you      D. so you are



—Listen! Someone is playing the piano in the room. It _______ be Kate.

—No, it _______ be Kate . She has gone to London.  .

A. must,  mustn’t  B. must , needn’t

C. can, can’t      D. must, can’t



He’s already been back to Australia,________ ?

_______ .He’s on a visit to Shanghai .

A. isn’t he , No   B. hasn’t he, Yes

C. isn’t he , Yes  D. hasn’t he , No



—I’m ready to leave . Is there anything I can do for you before I go ?

I’d like to get the plants in the living room ________.

A. water        B. to water     C. watered     D. watering



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