满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— I think sixteen-year –olds should not ...

I think sixteen-year –olds should not be allowed to drive.

___________. They aren’t serious enough at the age.

A. I agree .            B. What a pity.

C. I don’t think so.   D. I’m not sure.


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:―― 我认为不应该允许16岁的人开车。――我同意,在那个年龄,他们不够严肃。A. I agree我同意;B. What a pity真遗憾;C. I don’t think so我不那样认为;D. I’m not sure.我不肯定。从后句的表达“在那个年龄他们不够严肃”,可以推测出其观点是反对16岁开车。故其同意前者的观点。选A。 考点:考查交际用语。  

—I heard that Tina got an “A” in the last English test?

—Wow, If she _____ here, she______ very happy .

A. was, would be    B. is ,would be

C. were , could be  D. were, will be



—I like dogs best of all. What about you, Amy?

—Not at all. I am ____ them.

A. good at     B. afraid of

C. friendly to D. interested in



Whose T-shirt is this ?

—It might be ______ . They are both on the school football team.

A. Mike’s or Jack’s        B. Mike’s and Jack’s

C. Mike and Jack’s          D. Mike or Jack’s



—David has made great progress this term .

—So he has and            .

A. so you have    B. so have you

C. so are you      D. so you are



—Listen! Someone is playing the piano in the room. It _______ be Kate.

—No, it _______ be Kate . She has gone to London.  .

A. must,  mustn’t  B. must , needn’t

C. can, can’t      D. must, can’t



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