满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery.Her son and his wife heard the news     the radio.

“How are we going to tell your mother?” the wife asked.“The       might kill her!”

“That’s true.” the son said.

“Perhaps we’d better       to her doctor about it.He’ll know how to break the news to her       .”

Then they explained the situation to the old lady’s doctor.

“I’m       you told me,”the doctor said,“A shock,even a happy one could give her a heart attack.          it to me ,I’ll find a way of telling her.”

He           the problems for a few days.and finally decided       he would say.

He called on the old lady and sat by her bedside .He took her        in his.

“Let’s play a game,my dear ”he said. A ‘Let’s Pretend’ game.”

“Oh,yes. ”the old lady said,“I love ‘Let’s Pretend’ game..”

“Good.I’ll ask you a question       ,”said the doctor . “Then you can ask me      

He pretended to think for a few         . Then said, “Tell me,what would you do if you     a million dollars in a lottery?”

“Oh,that’s an easy one,”the old lady said,“I will give you most of it because you have been so         to me all these years . Doctor !”

But the doctor was now      on the floor .He had died of a shock。

1.A. by          B. on          C. in         D. from

2.A. shock      B. dream       C. end        D.secret

3.A. ask         B. say         C. decide      D. speak

4.A. quickly     B. easily      C. quietly     D. strongly

5.A. sad        B. bored       C. glad        D. worried

6.A. Bring       B. Pass        C. Show       D. Leave

7.A. thought out  B. thought about C. came up with D. worked out

8.A. what         B. when       C. how        D. why

9.A. head      B. hands      C. eyes        D. ears

10.A. instead     B. again       C. first      D. late

11.A. this        B. that        C. it          D. one

12.A. moments     B. hours     C. weeks       D. days

13.A. win       B. won        C. will win   D. have won

14.A. good      B. bad         C. fair       D. unfair

15.A. standing    B. walking     C. lying      D. climbing


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:一个老太太在彩票中获得大奖,由于她有心脏病,于是让她的私人医生委婉的告知。当私人医生告诉她,如果你获得大奖以后怎么办时,老妇人说赠送给他一半,私人医生听后心脏病复发而死。 1.B考查介词及语境理解。句意:她的儿子、媳妇在电台上听到了这个消息。通过“radio, TV, Internet, phone”等载体,都有介词on。故选B。 2.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:我们怎样给你妈妈说呢,这个令人震惊的消息会杀死她的。A. shock震惊;B. dream梦想;C. end结局;D. secret 秘密。彩票中了一百万是一个令人震惊的消息,故选A。 3.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:最好我们和她的医生说说这件事。A. ask问,请求;B. say说,讲; C. decide决定;D. speak说,交谈。“和某人谈谈”:speak to sb。故选D。 4.C考查副词及语境理解。句意:他知道怎样把这个消息透露给她的。A. quickly快速地;B. easily容易地;C. quietly轻轻地;D. strongly强有力地。为了不让病人受较大的刺激,医生会不动声色地告诉她,故选C。 5.C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:你告诉我我很高兴。A. sad悲伤;B. bored无聊;C. glad 高兴;D. worried担心。病人相信医生,医生感到高兴,故选C。 6.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:给我,我会找一个恰当的方式告诉她的。A. Bring带来;B. Pass 传递;C. Show给某人看,出示;D. Leave留给,遗留。把这个消息留给医生来解决。故选D。 7.B考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:他考虑了几天。A. thought out想出,仔细思考;B. thought about思考,考虑;C. came up with想出;D. worked out算出,计算出。“考虑”了几天,故选B。 8.A考查连词及语境理解。句意:最后决定了他要说什么。A. what什么;B. when何时; C. how怎样;D. why为什么。What后的动词不带其它宾语,how后的动词要带宾语。故选A。 9.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:他拜望老妇人并坐在她的床边。他握着她的手。A. head头;B. hands手;C. eyes眼睛;D. ears 耳朵。原句字面意思是“他把她的什么放在他的里”可以推测出是手。故选B。 10.C考查副词及语境理解。句意:好。我要先问你一个问题。A. instead而是,代替;B. again再一次,又一次;C. first先,首先;D. late迟,晚。找开话题,先问一个问。故选C。 11.D考查代词及语境理解。句意:然后你可以问我一个问题。A. this这个;B. that那个;C. it 它,代替前面所说的事物;D. one一个,代替前面所说的事物种类中的某一个。根据语境,我先问你一个问题,然后你也可以问我一个,都是问题,同类不同个。用one。故选D。 12.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:他假装想了一会儿。 A. moments片刻;B. hours小时;C. weeks星期;D. days日子。想了一会儿,故选A。 13.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:告诉我,如果你赢得了一百万美元,你会做什么?主句谓语用的是would do,过去将来时态,说明句子用的是虚拟语气,从句用一般过去时去之匹配。故选B。 14.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:这么多年来你对我如此的好,所以我要把大部分送给你。A. good好;B. bad坏;C. fair公平,公正;D. unfair不公平,不公正。因为医生对老人好,所以老人想要送他一大笔钱。故选A。 15. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

I think sixteen-year –olds should not be allowed to drive.

___________. They aren’t serious enough at the age.

A. I agree .            B. What a pity.

C. I don’t think so.   D. I’m not sure.



—I heard that Tina got an “A” in the last English test?

—Wow, If she _____ here, she______ very happy .

A. was, would be    B. is ,would be

C. were , could be  D. were, will be



—I like dogs best of all. What about you, Amy?

—Not at all. I am ____ them.

A. good at     B. afraid of

C. friendly to D. interested in



Whose T-shirt is this ?

—It might be ______ . They are both on the school football team.

A. Mike’s or Jack’s        B. Mike’s and Jack’s

C. Mike and Jack’s          D. Mike or Jack’s



—David has made great progress this term .

—So he has and            .

A. so you have    B. so have you

C. so are you      D. so you are



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