满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My grandfather is a teacher. He is the h...

My grandfather is a teacher. He is the head teacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he is a kind man, because he gives me presents(礼物), and let me sit on his knees(膝盖), and tells me stories. But I believe(相信) the boys at his school are afraid of him. At school, when he walks into a room full of boys, they will be quiet at once(立刻). When he looks at a boy with a certain look in his eyes, that boy’s face goes red, and looks down at his shoes. If a boy brings careless(粗心的) work, my grandfather will pick up the boy’s book and throw(扔) it across the room, shouting(喊), “Do it all again, and bring it back the first thing in the morning!” if the boy is late, or if he forgets to bring the work, he has to do it again, and again and yet again.

1.my grandfather is ______.

A. a kind teacher

B. a teacher, and he gives presents to his students.

C. the head teacher of a boy’s school

D. a boy at a school. In that school, everyone was afraid of the head teacher.

2.I know my grandfather is kind because_________.

A. he is the head teacher of a boy’s school.

B. he gives me presents and tells me stories.

C. he tells me stories about how kind he is.

D. the boys at his school aren’t afraid of him.

3.When he looks at a boy in a certain way, that boy ________

A. goes red in the face and could not return my grandfather’s look.

B. looks back at my grandfather’s red face

C. looks at his shoes to see if they are dirty.

D. goes red in the face because his shoes are dirty.

4.My grandfather does not like to receive(收到)________

A. my poor work

B. the work that the boys can’t do

C. his students’ careless work

D. the most careful work

5.When he receives any boy’s poor work, my grandfather will____

A. shout at him and throw it across the room

B. go red in the face

C. throw his students’ books and shout in the room.

D. throw the book at the boy


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了作者的爷爷是一所男子学校的校长,男孩们都很害怕他,但是作者认为爷爷是一个和蔼的人。 1.C细节题。根据文章He is the head teacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.可知,他是一所男校的校长。故选C 2.B细节题。根据文章I know that he is a kind man, because he gives me presents, and let me sit on his knees, and tells me stories.可知,作者认为也有很和蔼,是因为爷爷给他礼物,还给他讲故事。故选B 3.A.细节题。根据文章When he looks at a boy with a certain look in his eyes, that boy’s face goes red, and looks down at his shoes.当他的眼睛直盯着一个男孩时,那个男孩的脸就会变红,然后低下头不敢直视他。故选A 4.C细节题。根据文章If a boy brings careless work, my grandfather will pick up the boy’s book and throw(扔) it across the room。可知,作者的爷爷不喜欢收到做的很粗心的作业。故选C 5. 考点:人物传记类记叙文

Mrs Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr Hunt about a nice dress. “I see it in the shop every day”, she says , “and …”

“And you want to buy it ?” says Mr hunt . “How much is it ?”

“Two hundred and sixty yuan.”

“Two hundred and sixty yuan for a dress ?That’s too much !”

But every evening when she comes back , Mrs Hunt speaks only about the dress, so at last he says , “Oh ,buy the dress ! here’s the money !” She is every happy . But the next evening, when Mr Hunt wants to have a look at the nice dress, Mrs Hunt says ,”I don’t want to buy it .””Why not ?” he asks.

“Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. So I think no one wants this dress . And I don’t want it ,either.”

1.Mr Hunt sees a nice dress ___.

A. at a bus stop     B. in her factory

C. in a shop window  D. at her friend’s home

2.Mrs Hunt tells Mr Hunt about the dress and she wants him to ___

A .have a look       B. buy it for her

C. make one like that D. borrow it from the shop

3.Mr Hunt thinks the dress in the shop is ___

A. very small  B. too long

C. very cheap   D. too dear

4.Which of the following is right ?

A many other people see the dress in the shop.

B. Mr hunt doesn’t let his wife buy the dress.

C. Mrs hunt doesn’t see one dress in the shop, but two .

D. Mr and Mrs hunt come back work together(一起) every day

5.Mr hunt doesn’t want to buy the dress at last because ___

A. it is much too dear  B. it is not very new

C. it is not very new  D. She doesn’t think it is good



My brother and like sports very much. We like running, playing basketball, swimming and so on. Of all the sports we like swimming best. Swimming is really interesting. If you swim in the pool, you look like a lovely fish. Very cool! You will be happy is you can swim. If you often swim, you will be healthy. Swimming can bring you a lot of fun. Come and enjoy swimming with us in the following two clubs.

Star Club

Swimming            Mon. –Sun.          8:00pm–9:00pm

Basketball            Mon. –Sun.          8:00pm–5:00pm

Volleyball            Sat. –Sun.          10:00pm–6:00pm


Health Club

Swimming            Mon. –Fri.          3:00pm–8:00pm

Basketball            Fri. –Sun.           8:30pm–6:00pm

Volleyball            Sat. –Sun.           10:00pm–6:00pm

1.The writer and his brother like        best of all.

A. sports           B. basketball

C. football           D. swimming

2.The writer thinks it’s        to swim often.

A. very boring       B. like a cool fish

C. excited           D. good for health

3.The writer wants to swim on Sunday. Where can he go?

A. Star Club.        B. Health Club

C. A and B.         D. He can’t swim on Sunday.

4.If you want to join them in swimming in the afternoon, where can you find them?

A. Star Club.        B. Health Club.

C. A and B.        D. You can’t find them..

5.Which club can you send e-mails to?

A. Star Club.        B. Health Club.

C. A and B.         D. No club has.



Welcome to Center Street. Center Street is a great place to enjoy       ,  There are       stores and shops on it. It is a very     street. If you want to       , you can go to the zoo. It is         the big supermarket. There is also a new     near the supermarket. It is       and quiet. You can       your lunch in it. If you want to see       , you can go to the movie house. It is       the supermarket and the park. Our Center Street is very nice.

1.A. yourself          B. himself           C. herself          D. myself

2.A. any                B. a little        C. a lot of          D. much

3.A. quiet             B. dirty             C. busy              D. small

4.A. have lunch        B. play games        C. buy clothes       D. see animals

5.A. across from       B. next              C. between           D. in

6.A. library           B. restaurant      C. bank             D. school

7.A. clean              B. funny             C. fine             D. happy

8.A. enjoy              B. sell             C. make             D. take

9.A. books              B. games           C. movies           D. plays

10.A. down            B. between          C. through         D. next



Miss Guo is our art teacher. She     some pictures. Every class, she shows those pictures to us. She wants us         something from them. In       of her pictures, we see a boy. He’s cleaning the room. In     picture, a girl is singing. She’s singing an English some. In other pictures, we see others doing different things. One is running, another is       a cake. And a girl is doing       homework. We look at our teacher and her pictures. We talk     English and our teacher     us. We learn English         our teacher and her pictures. Our teacher likes       . We likes her class, too.

1.A. is               B. are             C. has              D. have

2.A. learn            B. learns          C. learning        D. to learn

3.A. a                B. one              C. an               D. the

4.A. others           B. the other        C. another         D. the others

5.A. make              B. making           C. do               D. doing

6.A. my                B. your             C. her              D. his

7.A. in               B. on               C. of               D. out

8.A. listens to       B. talks about      C. listen to        D. talk about

9.A. to               B. from             C. with             D. for

10.A. we               B. us               C. I                D. me



Hurry up! There is _____ time left(剩下).

A. a little  B. little  C. a few  D. few



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