满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词形变换(10分) 1.There are ten knives and nin...


1.There are ten  knives and nine _________ (tomato) on the table.

2.What about         __ some delicious food with us in the restaurant? (eat)

3.It takes me two hours         (do) my homework every day.

4.He knocks on ___________ (neighbour) windows to play jokes.

5.----Whose bedroom is it? ---- It’s ____________. (they)

6.Thank you for_______ (make) the kite for me.

7.Are you good at_______ (run)?

8.The children have fun __________(chat) in the park on Saturday.

9.His grandfather feeds a lot of          (sheep) .

10.—Listen! Who         (sing)in the next room?  —It’s Miss Brown,


1.tomatoes 2.eating 3.to do 4.neighbour’s 5.theirs 6.making 7.running 8.chatting 9.sheep 10.is singing 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:桌子上有10把小刀和9个西红柿。tomato名词,西红柿。根据句意可知,桌子上有9个西红柿,应该用复数形式,在词后加-es,故填tomatoes。 2.句意:和我们一起去餐馆吃点美味的食物好吗?eat吃,是一个动词。这句话中使用的句型是what about…? ……怎么样,表示提建议,后跟名词或动名词形式,故填eating。 3.句意:每天花费我两个小时的时间做作业。do one’s homework做作业,是固定的短语。这句话中使用的句型是It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.,由此可知填to do。 4.句意:他敲邻居的窗户开玩笑。neighbour邻居,是一个名词。根据句意可知,这里是说敲邻居的窗户,应该用名词的所有格形式,故填neighbour’s。 5.句意:-这是谁的卧室?-是他们的。they 他们,是人称代词主格形式。根据句意可知,这间卧室是他们的,这里应该用名词性的物主代词,故填theirs,代指their bedroom。 6.句意:谢谢你给我做了一个风筝。make制作,是一个动词。这句话中使用了短语Thank you for…,因为…而感谢某人,后面应该跟名词或动名词形式,故填making。 7.句意:你擅长跑步吗?run跑步,是一个动词。这句话中使用了短语be good at,擅长做某事,后跟名词或动名词形式,故填running,注意双写n后加ing。 8.句意:孩子们星期六的时候在公园里聊天聊得非常开心。chat聊天,是一个动词。这句话中的短语have fun的意思是玩得开心,它的句型是have fun doing sth.做某事很开心,故这里应该用动名词形式,填chatting。 9.句意:他的爷爷喂养了很多羊。sheep 绵羊,是一个名词。根据句意和空前的a lot of可知,饲养了很多羊,应该用复数形式。sheep的复数形式还是sheep。 10. 考点:单词拼写。



I don’t have __________  _________ to buy a CD  for him .


We often have  a  ________  ________  ________ October 31st.


She needs a lot of ________   ________ dance every day.


A  healthy  ________ is ________  for your  healthy.


Tom often          after class in the afternoon.



Tom is five years old . He has no brothers or sisters . He is a lovely boy . He doesn’t go to school because he is too young . He likes to play with other children in the small park every day .

The park is near his building . In the park there are interesting things to see and play with .

Tom’s parents love him very much . They often buy him nice things . This time , his mother buys some new clothes for him . The clothes are expensive and nice . Tom is very happy to wear them .

“Mum , can I go out and play with my friends ? I want them to see my new clothes ,” asks Tom . “All right , but please keep your clothes clean ,” says Mum. “I am going to do some cooking . We will have supper after your father comes back .” At about six , his father comes back from work . And Tom goes home for supper.

“Why do you have much earth (泥土) on your clothes ?” asks his mother .

“Because I have some falls(摔跤), answers Tom . “You should not make the nice clothes dirty Mother says .

“ I’m sorry , Mum ” says Tom , “But I have no time to take off my clothes when I fall .”

1. Tom _________________.

A. is six years old  B. is a student

C. is five years old D. has a brother and a sister

2.How do you know Tom’s parents love  him very much ?

A. They let him play with other small children .

B. They let watch TV all day

C. They often buys some nice things for him .

D. Tom doesn’t go to school .

3.How does Tom make his clothes dirty ?

A. Hi friends make his clothes dirty

B. He has some falls .

B. He doesn’t like the new clothes

D. He takes off his new clothes and puts them on the dirty earth .

4. The word “lovely ” means __________.

A. 淘气的 B. 可爱的 C. 好看的 D. 喜爱的

5.Which is not right ?

A. Tom doesn’t go to school

B. There is a small park near his home .

C. Before Tom falls , he takes off his clothes .

D. Tom often goes out to play with his friends .



Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old woman’s bag is open. There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isn’t there now! Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷). He decides(决定)to take back the money from the old woman’s bag. So he carefully puts his hand into the old woman’s bag,takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly(突然地)the old woman shouts,“Where is my money? I can’t find it. There is a thief in the bus.” Little Tom feels strange(奇怪的). Then he sees his own ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now,“Am I a thief ?”

1.         is sitting beside little Tom.

A. A young woman                 B. An old woman

C.A young man                    D. An old man

2. Little Tom sees         in the old woman’s bag.

A. a wallet     B. a packet

C. ten yuan     D. ten dollars

3. Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a         .

A. thief            B. teacher

C. rich woman        D. poor woman

4. Little Tom sees         ten yuan under his seat.

A. his own        B. the old woman’ s

C. the thief’ s     D. the driver’ s

5.Which of the following is right?

A. Little Tom is a bad boy.

B. Little Tom often steals(偷)things.

C. Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan.

D. Little Tom makes a mistake(错误).



Shopping on Taobao

Where do you often go shopping ?

“Who needs a shopping mall ____ we have Taobao?” ____  Wang Lin. she is 28 ____ old . She is a writer in Beijing. Taobao is China’s largest online shopping website . shopping on Taobao is an important part of Wang Lin’s life . She spends lots of money _____ Taobao every day .

Now ____ people like Wang Lin find the joy of shopping online .Among(在。。之中)them , women are much more than  ___, because they can seldom say beautiful clothes .

“Taobao means look for treasure ”in ____. People can find ____ they need on Taobao , _____ candies to DVD players.

Wang Lin says , “It is very cheap ”. If you don’t like the goods (商品),  you can get your ____ back . I like shopping on Taobao.

1.A. When    B. why       C. where    D. what

2.A.speaks    B. talks     C. says      D. tells

3.A. months  B. years     C. weeks     D. days

4.A. on      B. at        C. with      D. beside

5.A. lot of  B. a lot of C. a lot    D. much

6.A. men     B. boys   C. children D. workers

7.A. French B. English C. German D. Japanese

8.A. something B. anything C. nothing  D. everything

9.A. from      B.as       C. like      D. unlike

10.A. things  B. ticket   C. money   D. change



Let’ s have oranges. _______.

A. That’s sound good    B. That sound good

C. That’s sounds good   D. That sounds good



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