满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In most parts of the world,many students...

In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution.They join“environment clubs”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do.

●No-garbage (垃圾) lunches.How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again.Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!

●No-car day.On a no—car day, nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember:

Walk,jump,bike or run.

Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!

●Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste (浪费) twenty to forty tons of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.

We love our environment.Let’s work together to make it clean.

1.Environment clubs ask students        

A.to run to school every day

B.to take exercise every day

C.not to forget to take cars

D.not to throw away lunch bags

2.On a no-car day,          will take a car to schoo1.

A.both students and teachers            B.only students

C.neither students nor teachers         D.only teachers

3.After students mend toilets,they save        

A.a small river      B.a club

C.a lot of water      D.a toilet

4.The writer wrote the passage to ask students to        

A.clean schools     B.make less pollution

C.join clubs        D.help teachers


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:在世界大部分地区,许多学生帮助他们的学校减少污染。他们加入了“环境俱乐部”。 环境俱乐部中的人们共同努力,使我们的环境清洁。 1.D细节理解题。根据文中Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again.可知环境俱乐部要求学生们把他们的午餐带到可以再次使用的袋子里,所以该选D。 2.C细节理解题。根据文中On a no—car day, nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers!可知在无车日没有老师和学生坐车来学校,所以该选C。 3.C细节理解题。根据文中Did you know that some toilets can waste (浪费) twenty to forty tons of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.可知学生们修补那些破了的厕所可以节约大量的水,所以该选C。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一自然段In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution.They join “environment clubs”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean.可知作者写作此文旨在要求学生减少污染,所以该选B。 考点:环境保护类阅读。

The brain receives information from the outside world through the sensory (感觉的) system.This information is collected through the eyes,the nose,the ears,the mouth and the surface of the body.It is then kept in the memory.In fact,scientists do not completely understand how the memory works but they are not sure how much information that the human brain can store.Also, it appears that the information is never lost.Very old people often remember things that happened in their childhood which have not come to their minds for sixty to seventy years.If we have kept something in our memory, it is here.But can we get it out again and use it? That is the difficulty.

Some of the information we receive only goes into the Short Term Memory.We only keep this information for a minute or two,then we lose it.This temporary (暂时的) memory is very important in our thinking and understanding.It is used,for example,when you try to remember a name that someone told you a moment ago or a telephone number that you are going to dial (拨).School children in class often seem to use the Short Term Memory if they are not interested in the subject.When school teachers describe this,they say that things go“in one ear and out in the other”.But if a child is interested,he puts the information in his Long Term Memory, and he never loses it.Long Term Memory depends heavily on our understanding of the meaning of the information we receive.

1.Information is collected through the        of sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch.

A.sense           B.experience

C.practice        D.brightness

2.Very old people can remember something happened       

A.recently                         B.about seventy years ago

C.in their thirties              D.in their classroom

3.If a school child is not interested in a subject,       

A.he forgets what he learns quickly

B.he memorizes what he learns quickly

C.he forgets what he learns slowly

D.he memorizes what he learns slowly

4.The better we understand the meaning of the information,       

A.the more information we can put in our Short Term Memory

B.the more information we can put in our Long Term Memory

C.the less information.we can put in our Short Term Memory

D.the less information we can put,in our Long Term Memory



For years I wanted a flower garden.I'd spend hours    different things I could plant.I believe they would look nice together.

But then we had Mattew.And Marvin.And the twins,.Alisa and Alan.And then Helen.Five children! I was too    raising them to grow a garden.

          Money was tight (拮据),as well as time.Often when my children were little,one of them would want something expensive.And I'd have to say,“Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesn’t       on trees,you know.”

      ,all five got through high school and college (大学) and were off on their own.I started thinking again about having a garden.Then,one morning on Mother’s Day, I was working in my kitchen.Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a    tree,planted right in my garden.I thought it     be a weeping willow (垂柳),because I saw things   around on all its branches (树枝).Then I put my    on and I couldn’t believe what I saw.There was a money tree in my garden!

I went outside to have a look.It was.     ! There were dollar bills all over that tree.

There was also a note in the tree.It     ,“We all love you,Morn.”

1.A.talking about B.thinking of     C.preparing for    D.1ooking after

2.A.tired         B.careless        C.busy             D.poor

3.A.grow        B.make           C.come             D.get

4.A.Clearly       B.Naturally       C.Certainly      D.Finally

5.A.money       B.new             C.young            D.tall

6.A.should        B.can            C.must            D.need

7.A.blowing       B.turning       C.producing       D.appearing

8.A.overcoat      B.hat            C.shoes           D.glasses

9.A.strange       B.true           C.special          D.perfect

10.A.says        B.writes        C.shows           D.describes



—Will you come to our party next Friday?

       .I will be on holiday in England by then.

A.I'm afraid not B.I hope so

C.I think so      D.I hope not



Several traffic accidents have happened recently.If drivers are careful enough,most accidents      

A.can prevent          B.can be prevented

C.need prevent        D.will prevent



The tourists are very       to see so many changes      

A.surprised;are taken place

B.surprising;take place

C.surprised;take place

D.surprising;are taken place



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