满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Henry was not good at math. Even when th...

Henry was not good at math. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still couldn’t ____ it.

“Never mind. I’ll sit next to the boy who’s the best at ____,” Henry thought, “and ____ his answers.”

The day of the exam came, and Henry sat next to Allan, who was ____ at the top of the class in math. Henry copied Allan’s answers onto his own exam paper. At the end of the exam, the teacher said, “Well, boys and girls, I’ve decided to give a red star to the student who got the highest grade. It’s ____ for me to decide who I’ll give the star to, however, ____ two students, Henry and Allan, got the ____ grade.” After a moment she went on, “But I’ve decided to give the star to ____ this time.”

Henry was ____ when he heard this. He stood up and said, “But I got the same grade as Allan, madam.”

“That’s true.” The teacher said. “However, Allan’s answer to Question 6 was ‘I don’t know.’ , but ____ was ‘Nor do I.’.

1.A. retell     B. answer   C. understand

2.A. English    B. math     C. science

3.A. check     B. copy     C. keep

4.A. never     B. almost   C. always

5.A. hard    B. easy    C. unusual

6.A. because   B. though   C. until

7.A. low       B. high     C. same

8.A. Allan     B. Henry  C. nobody

9.A. afraid   B. angry  C. pleased

10.A. his     B. mine     C. yours


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了一个关于教育的故事。亨利的数学不好,但他旁边的男孩的数学非常好。有一次考试,亨利抄了他的答案,结果,他们两个的分数一样高。老师把红星发给了allan,这让亨利很生气。老师的解释让人们知道亨利是抄袭的。 1.C考查动词及语境的理解。A. retell复述;B. answer回答; C. understand理解。根据上文可知即使老师讲两遍,亨利依然不理解,故选C。 2.B考查名词及语境的理解。 A. English英语;B. math数学;C. science科学。根据上文亨利数学不好可知该他将要挨着坐的同学最擅长数学。故选B。 3.B考查动词及语境的理解。A. check检查; B. copy复制;C. keep保持。根据后文可知亨利想的是抄袭他的答案。故选B。 4.C考查副词及语境的理解。A. never从不;B. almost 几乎;C. always总是。根据上下文可知艾利数学总是名列前茅。故选C。 5.A考查形容词及语境的理解。A. hard困难的;B. easy容易的;C. unusual不一般的。根据后文亨利和艾利得的分数相同,可知老师难以决定把红星给谁,故选A。 6.A考查连词及语境的理解。 A. because因为;B. though虽然;C. until直到。老师难以决定把红星给谁,是因为艾利和亨利得分相同。根据句意可知表原因,故选A。 7.C考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. low低;B. high 高;C. same相同的。因为艾利和亨利得分相同。根据后文可知他们得分相同,故选C 。 8.A考查名词及语境的理解。A. Allan艾利;B. Henry亨利;C. nobody没有人;根据后文可知老师把红星给了艾利,故选A。 9.B考查形容词及语境的理解。A. afraid恐怕,害怕;B. angry生气的;C. pleased满意的。根据后文亨利的表现可知他非常的生气,故选B。 10.考查代词及语境的理解。A. his他的;B. mine我的;C. yours你的。艾利第六问的答案是我不知道,而你的答案是我也不知道。根据句意,故选C。 考点:故事类短文。

补全对话。 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Susan Hi, Mike. Haven’t seen you for weeks! How are you doing ?

Mike: Can’t complain. I’m busy with my experiments in the lab, but after work I often play some sports.

Susan   1.

Mike : Like tennis, running and golf.

Susan Golf? That’s also my favorite game.

Mike : Oh, really?

Susan   2.

Mike : I usually play about once a month. What about you, Susan?

Susan I play every Sunday.

Mike :  Even when it rains?

Susan Yes, even when it rains. I never miss a game on Sunday.

Mike :     3.

Susan The Country Club. Do you know it?

Mike :    4.

Susan That’s great! So you know the place.

Mike : Yes, of course. You’re going to play next Sunday, I suppose .

Susan Let me see…

Mike :    5.

Susan Oh, I’d love to. What time shall we meet?

Mike : Let’s meet at the clubhouse at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Susan Good. See you then.

A. For example?

B. How often do you play?

C. Who do you play for ?

D. Like what?

E. We can play together.

F. Where do you go ?

G. Yes, I was there once.



—Middle school students dont know much about shopping online,______they?

—__________ . Its very popular with teenagers .

A. do,No,they dont

B. do,Yes,they do

C. dont,No,they dont



A Wechat(微信)is an invention ________can help people talk to friends,share photos,ideas and feelings freely .

A、which         B、who      C、/



—Could you tell me_________?

—I lost my MP3 player .

A、whats the matter with you

B、what the matter is with you

C、what was the matter with you



When people want to relax themselves,they prefer________TV or listen to music rather than __________newspapers .


B、to watch,read

C、to watch,reading



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