满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–It’s so late. Why not write the report ...

–It’s so late. Why not write the report tomorrow?

--But I don’t know______ I can do it for you.

A. when   B. where   C. why   D. how


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意: 这么晚了,为什么不明天写报告呢?但是我不知道什么时候能帮你完成。句中缺宾语从句的连接词,A .什么时候;B. 哪里;C. 为什么;D. 如何,结合一天故选A。 考点:考查连接副词。  

–How did you go to school this morning, Susan?

--I ______ the school bus. Luckily, Ted’s father gave me a ride.

A. saw   B. took   C. caught   D. missed



The potato chips have been in the paper bag for half an hour. They are not _____ any more.

A. crispy   B. sweet   C. salty   D. sour



–Excuse me, sir! Does this bus go to the beach?

--Oh, no. You ______ the wrong way. You want the Number 11.

A. go   B. would go   C. are going   D. were going



–I will do the washing-up. Mark, would you please do the floors?

--Why_______? Cindy is sitting there doing nothing.

A. I   B. me    C. she     D. her



–Shall we go shopping now?

--Sorry. It is not the right _______. I am too tired.

A. way   B. place   C. weather   D. moment



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